
For Mellow Wolf Publishing and the Hearing Seven Thunders blogsite

Mellow Wolf Evernote Site
Mellow Wolf Cvnnt Key Notes
Archive of notes subject to possible frequent annotating and editing for Mellow Wolf Covenant Files.

Rediscovering The Good News
What Do Christians First Believe The Good News Is? 

When Christians were first drawn to Jesus what was it that they were first drawn to? If allowed to answer for themselves, would they all say the same thing?  When they first believed in the events of the good news what did they believe in?  What was important to them and why?  

Read the Complete Document pdf 
What-Do-Christians html 

The Good News In The Torah 
Chukat 5770 Chassidic Masters w/my notes

A Passion for Miracles
Based on Sefer Zichron Zot of the Seer of Lublin

"The Israelites moved on from the Mount Hor going by way of the Reed Sea so as to skirt the territory of Edom. The people became discouraged along the way. The people spoke out against G-d and Moses: "Why did you take us out of Egypt to die in the desert? There is no bread and water. We are getting disgusted with this insubstantial food [manna]." G-d sent poisonous snakes against the people, and when they began biting the people, a number of them died. The people came to Moses and said, " We have sinned by speaking against G-d and you, Pray to G-d and have him take away the snakes." When Moses prayed for the people, G-d said to Moses, "Make yourself the image of a venomous serpent [in Hebrew, 'saraf'] and place it on a high pole [in Hebrew, 'nes']. Everyone who is bitten shall look upon it and live." Moses made a copper snake and placed it on a high pole. Whenever a snake bit a man, he would gaze at the copper snake and live." (Num. 21:4-9)

Notes - June 13, 2010; On the mystery of the glory of the grace of God, wherein he calls the  natural desire for good which remains in us worthy, which was in the woman and in her husband, when they took the forbidden fruit, (that because of their delusion they ate), which brought them into the dominion of death. God addresses this desire for good as though it had still a value, while in itself it no longer has any value, and cultivates it with the power of his redeeming word and gives it success.

Read the Complete Document pdf

Good News and Torah for the Nations
How Israel's Messiah Brought Good News to Weak and Broken People
People just naturally take things as they see them.  Life seems to be a given - for awhile.  Then death approaches like a great mystery.  And so life itself ends up seeming to by a mystery.  It was not a given after all, as it first appeared.  What was it all about?  What made it good?  What made it work? What made it fail?
Read the Complete document 

Updates on April 15, 2024

Announcement!  I have been building a new site for this work on Google Sites, entitled,   Hearing Yehoshua's Seven Thunders I have also ...