With my own interpretive translation -
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Psalms 85-1 For the Leader. A Psalm by the children of the one that the earth swallowed alive.
Isaiah 24-1 Look! The God of Israel is emptying the earth and turning it into waste. He is turning the the world upside down, and scattering its inhabitants everywhere.
Psalms 85-1(2) God of Israel, You have been charitable unto Your land, You have turned the captivity of Jacob around.
Isaiah 24-2 The same thing that happens to the people shall happen to the priest; the same thing that happens to the worker will happen to his employer; the same thing that happens to the housekeeper will happen to the homeowner; as it happens to the buyer, it will happen to the seller; as it happens to the lender, it will happen to the borrower; as it happens to the creditor, it will happen to the debtor.
Isaiah 24-3 The earth shall be utterly emptied. It shall be completely plundered; for the God of Israel has spoken this word.
Psalms 85-2(3) You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people, You have pardoned all their sin. Selah
Isaiah 24-4 The earth faints and fades away, the world fails and fades away, the powerful people of the earth now fail.
Psalms 85-3(4) You have withdrawn all Your wrath; You have turned from the fierceness of Your anger.
Isaiah 24-5 The earth is utterly defiled by its inhabitants; because they have broken the laws of existence, violated the statute of life, broken the everlasting covenant with God.
Psalms 85-4(5) Restore us, O God of our salvation, and cause Your indignation toward us to cease.
Isaiah 24-6 Because of this a curse devoured the earth, and it is its citizens who are found guilty; for this reason the citizens of the earth waste away, and the people who are left are few.
Psalms 85-5(6) Will You be angry with us forever? Will You show Your anger to all generations?
Isaiah 24-7 The new wine fails, the vine fades; all the merry-hearted moan.
Isaiah 24-8 The happiness of musical instruments stops, the sound of those that rejoice can no longer be heard; the joy of the orchestra is no more.
Isaiah 24-9 They do not celebrate with wine or with song; even those who drink hard liquor have no stomach for it.
Psalms 85-6(7) Will You not bring us to life again, that Your people may find joy in You?
Isaiah 24-10 Broken down is the city of wastefulness; every house is shut up, that none may come in.
Psalms 85-7(8) Show us mercy, O God of Israel, and grant us Your salvation.
Isaiah 24-11 There is a crying in the streets in the middle of all the wine; all joy is turned to darkness, the laughter of the land is blown away.
Isaiah 24-12 In the city is desolation; in the country is utter ruin.
Psalms 85-8(9) I will hear what God the God of Israel will say; for He will speak shalom unto His people, and to His separate ones; those who do not turn back to foolishness.
Isaiah 24-13 For this is how it shall be on the face of the earth, among the nations; they will be like a beaten olive-tree, like scattered gapes upon the ground when the harvest is done.
Psalms 85-9(10) Surely His salvation is near them who fear Him; that grace and glory may find their home in our land.
Isaiah 24-14 Those in the distance lift up their voice, they sing for the joy of the majesty of Israel’s God, they shout from across the sea:
Isaiah 24 -15 'Therefore glorify the name of the God of Israel in the deepfields of light, even the name of Israel’s God, the God of Israel in truth, in all continents from sea to sea.'
Isaiah 24-16a From the farthest reaches of the earth we have heard songs: 'Glory to the righteous.'
Psalms 85-10(11) Mercy and truth are meeting together; righteousness and peace are kissing each other.
Isaiah 24-16b But the words come out of my mouth: I am wasting away, I am wasting away, woe is me! The pretender acts treacherously; yes, the impostor deals very treacherously.
Isaiah 24-17 Terror, and the snare, even the trap, are upon you, all you inhabitants of the earth.
Isaiah 24-18 It will happen that anyone who flees from the noise of the terror shall fall into the snare; and anyone who escapes the snare shall be taken in the trap; for the windows on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth are shaking;
Psalms 85-11(12) Truth springs out of the earth; and social justice has looked down from heaven.
Isaiah 24-19 The earth is broken, broken down, the earth is crumbled in pieces, the earth trembles and totters;
Isaiah 24-20 The earth reels to and fro like a drunk, and sways back and forth like a toppling building; its transgression lies heavy upon it, and it shall fall, and not rise again.
Psalms 85-12(13) Yes, the God of Israel will give that which is good; and our Land shall yield her produce.
Isaiah 24-21 Then, in that day, the God of Israel will punish the armies of the high heavens above, and the kings of the earth below upon the earth.
Isaiah 24-22 They shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the examination cell, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days they shall be punished.
Psalms 85-13(14) Righteousness shall go before Him, and shall make a path for His footsteps.
Isaiah 24-23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun shall be ashamed; for the God of Israel with armies will reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and displayed before His old ones shall be Glory.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
On The Destruction of The Last Idol
"I am Hashem your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other elohim before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them..."
There is only one final way for the adamic mind to be freed from idolatrous concepts - belief in the redemption of the nation of Israel by Yehoshua HaMashiach. Every attempt to imagine this redemption with the natural adamic mind fails. God alone defines this redemption and defines Himself for His Creation for all eternity through this redemption. This is the very message of Yehoshua HaMashiach - the Messiah of Israel - the very message of his person and of his work.
Thus belief, or faith, in every human idea of the divine is hereby destroyed for the sake of its salvation through its redemption by the word of God in which He addresses that idea, whatever it may be. Belief in ideas, ideas of atonement, ideas of salvation, ideas of God as a means of salvation has been rightly criticised as being "easy believism," but belief in the act of God, the act of the eternal redemption of Israel, by which God Himself alone defines corporate Israel, is impossible without the empowerment of God's own Spirit. Therefore in the realm of truth there is no easy believism.
True Biblical belief is not merely a belief in something, in the sense of an idea, but belief in someone. It is impossible to listen to someone in truth without an open heart, a spirit of believing in them and of willingness to believe them. Yet, in order to listen to someone with an open willingness to believe them one must employ one's own experiences to form understandings to listen with. If one leans more to one's own understanding, ideas and knowledge when listening to someone else then one's belief is not as much in the speaker as in one's self.
As a result idolatry finally comes down to whether one believes more in one's own experiences of life when trying to listen to God or believes more in God's Self-Revelation. If one's heart believes more in God as the Speaker, then God's words ultimately interpret all of one's life experiences in ways that make it possible to fully understand what God says. If one believes more in one's own experience and what one knows already, then what one understands while listening is not truly submitted to God as the Speaker to use in revealing Himself. And therefore He is never fully revealed to someone who does not listen to Him with a heart that is open to believe in Him more than in itself.
This is why Israel is highly commended for responding to hearing God speak the Ten Words at Mount Sinai by saying, "We will do and we will hear!" In other words, by seeking to obey and follow these words from God we will learn fully how to hear them. We will let God's word interpret our lives rather than interpret God's word by what we think we know from our lives. We will not lean to our own understanding but we will acknowledge Him in all our ways and trust Him to direct our paths. And this is why Paul said, "If you acknowledge the Lord Yehoshua and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
In the final battle in the human heart with idolatry, which is a battle over which way we are going to lean, we are not going to lean toward believing more in God as the Speaker than toward our own selves and our own understanding as the listeners unless God lays claim to our very experience of life and existence itself, just as He laid claim to the experience of Israel in Egypt. This was God's good news which He declared for all time on Mount Sinai, the good news that He had laid claim to Israel's experience of life and existence in redeeming the nation from Egypt.
And this is God's good news that He declares in the Messiah for all eternity, that He has made Israel's redemption from the nations to transcend even death. And this is the good news for us to hear and be freed from leaning to our own understanding, that God has accomplished His work of corporate judgment upon Adam and has shown Adam mercy in redeeming a branch of Adam, even Israel, in order that all nations and all creatures may be saved from sin and death.
Even now the world is beginning to hear the good news of Israel's eternal redemption through Yehoshua her Messiah and be freed from the mind of idolatry. In the day when the seventh angel's blast upon his shofar has finished ringing in our ears the final sentence of the judge of all the earth will be spoken. Adam will tremble upon the earth but all fear comes from the sin of idolatry and the final idol within us, at that time, will be smashed, and we will listen and we will hear only the Word of God and as one world we will know the Good News.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My Updated Comment On Revelation 10:5-7
5 And the angel which I saw stand on the sea and on the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
6 And swore by him who lives forever and ever... that there should be time no longer:
7 ... the mystery of God will be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets. AKJV
6 ... there would be no more delay. ESV
Time is revealed and defined
in relation to the mystery of God in the world.
The mystery of God, as revealed to his prophets,
finally being completely brought forth and unfolded in history means
"the end of time",
or the end of delay in the revelation or manifestation of God.
Yet the translation that is often given, "there shall be no more delay",
can give the wrong idea.
In the unfolding of a mystery it is not that there is unwanted delay
but that there is necessary and purposeful suspense involved
in order for hearers of a story to become prepared
to understand the conclusion and whole purpose of the story.
Likewise here, God created the world with a mystery and a suspense.
That mystery and that suspense take time, delay...
It is thus that time as we know it is created.
Why was Creation not made eternal at once in the beginning?
So that the world could come to know God as God desired to be known.
So that the world could come to rest with God,
in a true and pure knowledge of God
on an Eternal Sabbath Day.
According to The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
the beginning of the end of the story,
of the suspense, of the mystery, of time,
will happen when the Angel of the 7th Trumpet
begins to blow.
At that time all the servants of God,
of all the tribes of Israel,
and all who are grafted into those tribes,
who are sealed with the knowledge of the name of God
in their foreheads,
shall prepare the world for the final days of the mystery.
They will declare the good news that Jesus did not condemn
but forgave his nation Israel.
Therefore he shall return to Jerusalem
and they will receive him, saying,
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
(Habakkuk 2:14)
5 And the angel which I saw stand on the sea and on the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
6 And swore by him who lives forever and ever... that there should be time no longer:
7 ... the mystery of God will be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets. AKJV
6 ... there would be no more delay. ESV
Time is revealed and defined
in relation to the mystery of God in the world.
The mystery of God, as revealed to his prophets,
finally being completely brought forth and unfolded in history means
"the end of time",
or the end of delay in the revelation or manifestation of God.
Yet the translation that is often given, "there shall be no more delay",
can give the wrong idea.
In the unfolding of a mystery it is not that there is unwanted delay
but that there is necessary and purposeful suspense involved
in order for hearers of a story to become prepared
to understand the conclusion and whole purpose of the story.
Likewise here, God created the world with a mystery and a suspense.
That mystery and that suspense take time, delay...
It is thus that time as we know it is created.
Why was Creation not made eternal at once in the beginning?
So that the world could come to know God as God desired to be known.
So that the world could come to rest with God,
in a true and pure knowledge of God
on an Eternal Sabbath Day.
According to The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
the beginning of the end of the story,
of the suspense, of the mystery, of time,
will happen when the Angel of the 7th Trumpet
begins to blow.
At that time all the servants of God,
of all the tribes of Israel,
and all who are grafted into those tribes,
who are sealed with the knowledge of the name of God
in their foreheads,
shall prepare the world for the final days of the mystery.
They will declare the good news that Jesus did not condemn
but forgave his nation Israel.
Therefore he shall return to Jerusalem
and they will receive him, saying,
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
(Habakkuk 2:14)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Line That Is Drawn In The Earth
Where is the advance of human empire and technique in the earth all coming too? Is there no final meeting place with God, where it will be determined who will ultimately rule over the world, God or the human race?
The human race as a whole does not acknowledge the God of the Bible or obey Him. A large percentage of the human race has submitted itself to the idea of God that is portrayed by the Koran. An even larger percentage has committed itself to the agnosticism of modern science. Many others have come to agnosticism or spiritualism through other notions.
There is a very large percentage that gives verbal acknowledgment to the God of the Bible through Christendom, but how many of the people that make up this large percentage are prepared to be martyrs, witnesses unto death in the service of the Creator's conflict with His world?
If God would allow the world to simply go on forever as it is, overturning nature, conquering even the moon and the stars, would not the human race continue forever to say that there is no God? Would they not continue forever to obey their own evil inclination, serving above all the principles of force and power and the consolidation of wealth, and not submitting to the righteousness of the rule of love?
There is a time and a place wherein God has drawn the line, and this shall be revealed in the world at just the right time. The God of the Bible shall take a stand before His children, all the children of the earth, as the God of Israel, and they shall not pass. They shall face Him and find no way around Him.
The human race as a whole does not acknowledge the God of the Bible or obey Him. A large percentage of the human race has submitted itself to the idea of God that is portrayed by the Koran. An even larger percentage has committed itself to the agnosticism of modern science. Many others have come to agnosticism or spiritualism through other notions.
There is a very large percentage that gives verbal acknowledgment to the God of the Bible through Christendom, but how many of the people that make up this large percentage are prepared to be martyrs, witnesses unto death in the service of the Creator's conflict with His world?
If God would allow the world to simply go on forever as it is, overturning nature, conquering even the moon and the stars, would not the human race continue forever to say that there is no God? Would they not continue forever to obey their own evil inclination, serving above all the principles of force and power and the consolidation of wealth, and not submitting to the righteousness of the rule of love?
There is a time and a place wherein God has drawn the line, and this shall be revealed in the world at just the right time. The God of the Bible shall take a stand before His children, all the children of the earth, as the God of Israel, and they shall not pass. They shall face Him and find no way around Him.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
On The Mystery of God and Unity With God
It is the belief within Judaism that Torah, Israel and God are together one. This is not a belief in some form of pantheism nor any form of belief that certain special people are their own Creator. It is a belief in the possibility of unity in spirit/ ruach. God is ruach, and G-d is even more than ruach. God is beyond infinity and beyond comprehension. But through His Ruach God is capable of transcending His own transcendence and making Himself known to us on the level of our ability to know Him. When we speak of unity or unification in spirit/ruach we are speaking about love. The essence of love is life and the essential form of love is actions of righteousness. Answer this, if you say you are a Christian, do you believe in the complete unity and oneness of Yehoshua (Jesus) with God?
It is these things that I am discussing, Torah, Israel, love, life, and actions of righteousness that we should be thinking about when we talk about the unity or oneness of Yehoshua with G-d; we certainly should not be thinking about our own personal imagination of metaphysical notions of deity. Our own notions of deity are not those revealed by the Scriptures to which Yehoshua constantly referred and with which his mind was filled when he prayed for us, “that they all may be one; as You, Father, are in me, and I am in You” (John 17:21).
So how then can we think of the unity of the Father and the Son in truly Scriptural terms, in terms of Torah, Israel, love, life, and actions of righteousness? Let’s begin by asking these following questions:
Who called Abraham out of idolatry?
Who brought Israel out of Egypt?
Who taught Moses?
Who listened to and answered the prayer of Moses and preserved Israel when they sinned with the golden calf, to show that God had not brought Israel out of Egypt in vain?
Who listened to Elijah and comforted him and honored Elijah’s words?
Who chose Jerusalem? Who chose David and made him king?
Who labored with Israel through apostasy after apostasy and through exile after exile and always through the struggle to return to the land of testimony to the one true God?
Who stood all but invisibly with Daniel in the furnace, saving this tsaddik, this righteous individual, in order that he might finish his most unique service to Israel?
Now if we say that we are a Christian, a follower of Yehoshua, a witness that he is the true Messiah of Israel, and that in Torah and love and life and actions of righteousness he is transcendently one with God, do we not believe that in all the history of Israel the spirit of Yehoshua was one with the spirit of God? How then, if we are his student, could we ever say that after all of these things in which the ruach of God labored with Israel, that Yehoshua struck back at Israel and disowned Israel?
Indeed, if Yehoshua, dying upon the pole and looking down upon Jerusalem, prayed for Israel, as Moses had before him at the sin of the golden calf, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing,” is it possible that the oneness of Israel and God could ever be broken? Is not God’s anointing of Yehoshua His anointing him as the King of Israel? Is this not the very answer to Yehoshua’s prayer? If we would come to a truly Scriptural knowledge of the oneness of the Father and the Son let us begin, then, with a truly Scriptural knowledge of the eternal oneness of God and Israel in answer to the prayer of Yehoshua.
It is these things that I am discussing, Torah, Israel, love, life, and actions of righteousness that we should be thinking about when we talk about the unity or oneness of Yehoshua with G-d; we certainly should not be thinking about our own personal imagination of metaphysical notions of deity. Our own notions of deity are not those revealed by the Scriptures to which Yehoshua constantly referred and with which his mind was filled when he prayed for us, “that they all may be one; as You, Father, are in me, and I am in You” (John 17:21).
So how then can we think of the unity of the Father and the Son in truly Scriptural terms, in terms of Torah, Israel, love, life, and actions of righteousness? Let’s begin by asking these following questions:
Who called Abraham out of idolatry?
Who brought Israel out of Egypt?
Who taught Moses?
Who listened to and answered the prayer of Moses and preserved Israel when they sinned with the golden calf, to show that God had not brought Israel out of Egypt in vain?
Who listened to Elijah and comforted him and honored Elijah’s words?
Who chose Jerusalem? Who chose David and made him king?
Who labored with Israel through apostasy after apostasy and through exile after exile and always through the struggle to return to the land of testimony to the one true God?
Who stood all but invisibly with Daniel in the furnace, saving this tsaddik, this righteous individual, in order that he might finish his most unique service to Israel?
Now if we say that we are a Christian, a follower of Yehoshua, a witness that he is the true Messiah of Israel, and that in Torah and love and life and actions of righteousness he is transcendently one with God, do we not believe that in all the history of Israel the spirit of Yehoshua was one with the spirit of God? How then, if we are his student, could we ever say that after all of these things in which the ruach of God labored with Israel, that Yehoshua struck back at Israel and disowned Israel?
Indeed, if Yehoshua, dying upon the pole and looking down upon Jerusalem, prayed for Israel, as Moses had before him at the sin of the golden calf, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing,” is it possible that the oneness of Israel and God could ever be broken? Is not God’s anointing of Yehoshua His anointing him as the King of Israel? Is this not the very answer to Yehoshua’s prayer? If we would come to a truly Scriptural knowledge of the oneness of the Father and the Son let us begin, then, with a truly Scriptural knowledge of the eternal oneness of God and Israel in answer to the prayer of Yehoshua.
Monday, May 26, 2008
On "The Mystery of God"
In the seventh verse of Revelation chapter ten we read: "In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he has declared unto his servants the prophets." What does Holy Scripture mean by this term, "the mystery of God"? The very purpose of God's choice, and, by His choice, His creation, of one nation alone, was to overthrow all fallen human ideas of Him. For it is ultimately in the redemption of Israel that God reveals Himself to all Creation as He is. It is in the atonement that God made for Israel through Yehoshua (Jesus) for the purpose of saving all Israel and returning his nation to his land that the God of Israel, the true Creator of heaven and earth, is overthrowing all idolatry of thought and expression. This redemption of Humanity is occurring in all times and places but there is one time and place in which the victory of God over all ideas of sinners about Him will be finished. It was finished as to the provision of an eternal atonement for the nation in the death and resurrection of Israel's Redeemer and it will be finished in the form of the salvation of all Israel in the land when the nation of Israel's eternal redemption is openly and undeniably declared before Jerusalem for the hope of all the world.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Extracting The Midnight Oil from Prophecy
The testimony of Yehoshua (Jesus) is the spirit of prophecy. So says Holy Scripture (Rev.19:10). Some say that the prophecies of the Bible are almost all already fulfilled in the past, in the first century or long before that. Others say that the prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled now in the era of the Church. Still others say that a great many of the prophecies of the Bible remain to be fulfilled in the future. We will see how all of these are true. Yehoshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 8:13).
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Luke 20
27 ¶Then came to him certain of the Sadducees, which deny that there is any resurrection; and they asked him,
Having doctrine, testing, but still personal questing possible, as Nicodemus...
28 Saying, Master, Moses wrote unto us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
Question is about:
1. Yevamos
2. Halakah
3. Relation of Yevamos, halakah in this world and world to come
4. Rectification aspect of Halakah, specifically with regard to Yevamos
5. What the Messiah might reveal about this matter
6. What Yehoshua (Jesus) might say in relation to this
a. if he is the Messiah
b. if he is not the Messiah
7. What the truth is that they might seek, through which they might be set free.
29 There were therefore seven brothers: and the first took a wife, and died without children.
One brother would seem to be enough to ask the above questions. Why then does the question go on from here? This would almost seem to be like a rabbinical/Talmudic processes of reasoning. Does any attribute of Halakah change as we add brothers?
However, there is an appearance that the compounding of brothers is to make a point somehow that the idea of resurrection would be not only wrong but disastrous.
30 And the second took her to wife, and he died childless.
Now first of all, whose wife is she in this world, as to regard to support, etc.? Does death both cause the problem and solve it? No. So then, in one way this is the question, Whose wife will she be in the world to come, as this will tell us whose wife she is now before the Torah in this life. This will further clarify for us what the Torah lesson of yevamos really is, what it really means, what we are really to understand from it - ultimately about Messiah.
There might also be a Talmudic type of question here. Did each brother formally marry her? Or were they only 'husbands' to her through yevamos? This possible question will also be comprehended in the answer of Yehoshua (Jesus).
31 And the third took her; and in like manner the seven also: and they left no children, and died.
Even the final husband left no children. All of these are "redeemers" and yet they are all fruitless. None of the later six bring forth seed to the first husband. If one did, would he not be her actual redeemer? and then would the first husband for whom seed was brought forth not actually be her husband in the complete sense of 'natural' redemption according to the Torah? Is this not the meaning of yevamos?
32 Last of all the woman died also.
So she enters the World to Come bodily at the time of the resurrection together with the seven "husbands". Do the speakers believe this? Not apparently. The clear appearance tells us this is nothing but a trap. But if we judge by appearances we do not judge with righteous judgment. God sees the hearts.
33 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife.
If we judge with charity, the question itself seems possibly open to learning something that is not already known. To this possibility Jesus speaks. Otherwise why would he have answered at all in the manner of teaching, as he did?
34 And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:
Marriage is a defining aspect of the very infrastructure of This World.
35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
Why, "...they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world..."? Why not just, "They who enter that world..."?
As marriage is a defining aspect for the infrastructure of This World, so the process involved for obtaining That World is, (in parallel), a defining aspect of the infrastructure of That World. This World is in a fundamental way built on marriage. That World is in a fundamental way built on the process involved in obtaining worthiness of it.
In the resurrection and the World to Come all marriage has been rectified, settled and sealed. It can no longer be altered through divorce or death or yevamos. The whole family tree of Adam is rectified and every family limb and branch is forever set where it was designed by God to be, through the redemption of Adam in the Chosen Limb of Israel.
36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.
In That World death is no longer possible because sin is no longer possible. As the multitude of angels in the world to come are complete in one unified spirit before God, so the new Adam, in all its designated families, redeemed in the redemption of Israel, are then made complete in one soul. The children of the resurrection shall be one Bride of one Son of God, with one Parent who is known fully through the Son.
37 Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
This mystery could already be understood in the spark that ignited the mystery into its full blaze. For as soon as this mystery was revealed to the understanding it became the true faith of Israel. For God cannot keep his promises to the dead but only to the living. Therefore we may know with certain faith that God will bring back the dead to stand before him to inherit the land which he promised to them.
38 For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.
There is a god of the dead but the God of Israel is not he, for the god of the dead is dead, but the God of Israel is the living God! All who belong to the God of Israel must live, though they were dead; they must be healed of all corruption, though their spirits were corrupted with sin and their bodies laid decomposing in their graves. Destruction shall become the food of eternal righteousness and ashes shall become the wings of praise!
27 ¶Then came to him certain of the Sadducees, which deny that there is any resurrection; and they asked him,
Having doctrine, testing, but still personal questing possible, as Nicodemus...
28 Saying, Master, Moses wrote unto us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
Question is about:
1. Yevamos
2. Halakah
3. Relation of Yevamos, halakah in this world and world to come
4. Rectification aspect of Halakah, specifically with regard to Yevamos
5. What the Messiah might reveal about this matter
6. What Yehoshua (Jesus) might say in relation to this
a. if he is the Messiah
b. if he is not the Messiah
7. What the truth is that they might seek, through which they might be set free.
29 There were therefore seven brothers: and the first took a wife, and died without children.
One brother would seem to be enough to ask the above questions. Why then does the question go on from here? This would almost seem to be like a rabbinical/Talmudic processes of reasoning. Does any attribute of Halakah change as we add brothers?
However, there is an appearance that the compounding of brothers is to make a point somehow that the idea of resurrection would be not only wrong but disastrous.
30 And the second took her to wife, and he died childless.
Now first of all, whose wife is she in this world, as to regard to support, etc.? Does death both cause the problem and solve it? No. So then, in one way this is the question, Whose wife will she be in the world to come, as this will tell us whose wife she is now before the Torah in this life. This will further clarify for us what the Torah lesson of yevamos really is, what it really means, what we are really to understand from it - ultimately about Messiah.
There might also be a Talmudic type of question here. Did each brother formally marry her? Or were they only 'husbands' to her through yevamos? This possible question will also be comprehended in the answer of Yehoshua (Jesus).
31 And the third took her; and in like manner the seven also: and they left no children, and died.
Even the final husband left no children. All of these are "redeemers" and yet they are all fruitless. None of the later six bring forth seed to the first husband. If one did, would he not be her actual redeemer? and then would the first husband for whom seed was brought forth not actually be her husband in the complete sense of 'natural' redemption according to the Torah? Is this not the meaning of yevamos?
32 Last of all the woman died also.
So she enters the World to Come bodily at the time of the resurrection together with the seven "husbands". Do the speakers believe this? Not apparently. The clear appearance tells us this is nothing but a trap. But if we judge by appearances we do not judge with righteous judgment. God sees the hearts.
33 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife.
If we judge with charity, the question itself seems possibly open to learning something that is not already known. To this possibility Jesus speaks. Otherwise why would he have answered at all in the manner of teaching, as he did?
34 And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:
Marriage is a defining aspect of the very infrastructure of This World.
35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
Why, "...they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world..."? Why not just, "They who enter that world..."?
As marriage is a defining aspect for the infrastructure of This World, so the process involved for obtaining That World is, (in parallel), a defining aspect of the infrastructure of That World. This World is in a fundamental way built on marriage. That World is in a fundamental way built on the process involved in obtaining worthiness of it.
In the resurrection and the World to Come all marriage has been rectified, settled and sealed. It can no longer be altered through divorce or death or yevamos. The whole family tree of Adam is rectified and every family limb and branch is forever set where it was designed by God to be, through the redemption of Adam in the Chosen Limb of Israel.
36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.
In That World death is no longer possible because sin is no longer possible. As the multitude of angels in the world to come are complete in one unified spirit before God, so the new Adam, in all its designated families, redeemed in the redemption of Israel, are then made complete in one soul. The children of the resurrection shall be one Bride of one Son of God, with one Parent who is known fully through the Son.
37 Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
This mystery could already be understood in the spark that ignited the mystery into its full blaze. For as soon as this mystery was revealed to the understanding it became the true faith of Israel. For God cannot keep his promises to the dead but only to the living. Therefore we may know with certain faith that God will bring back the dead to stand before him to inherit the land which he promised to them.
38 For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.
There is a god of the dead but the God of Israel is not he, for the god of the dead is dead, but the God of Israel is the living God! All who belong to the God of Israel must live, though they were dead; they must be healed of all corruption, though their spirits were corrupted with sin and their bodies laid decomposing in their graves. Destruction shall become the food of eternal righteousness and ashes shall become the wings of praise!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Reading Revelation Chapter 10
1 I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven.
2 In his hand he held a small open book.
3 Then he cried with a great roar, like the roaring of a lion,
4 I was about to write down what I heard the seven thunders say
6 and swore by the One who lives in eternity,
8 Then the voice which I heard coming out of heaven spoke to me again and said,
Likewise here, God created the world with a mystery and a suspense.
That mystery and that suspense take time, delay...
It is thus that time as we know it is created.
Why was Creation not made eternal at once in the beginning?
So that the world could come to know God as God desired to be known.
So that the world could come to rest with God,
in a true and pure knowledge of God on an Eternal Sabbath Day.
According to The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
the beginning of the end of the story, wich is the end of the
suspense, the end of the mystery, the end of time,
will happen when the Angel of the 7th Trumpet
begins to blow.
At that time all the servants of God,
of all the tribes of Israel,
and all who are grafted into those tribes,
1 I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven.
He was clothed in cloud and there was a rainbow about his head.
His face was bright like the sun and his feet were like pillars of fire.
His face was bright like the sun and his feet were like pillars of fire.
2 In his hand he held a small open book.
He set his right foot down upon the oceans and his left foot upon the lands.
and when he roared seven thunders broke forth in voices.
4 I was about to write down what I heard the seven thunders say
when I heard a voice coming out of heaven saying,
Do not write down what you heard. Seal up what you heard.
5 Then the angel standing upon the oceans and the lands Do not write down what you heard. Seal up what you heard.
raised his hand toward heaven
who created the heavens and earth and all that is in them that time was now to come to an end.
7 For in the days when the angel who blows the seventh trumpet begins to blowthe mystery of God will be completely brought forth in the world,
even the mystery of the knowledge of God
which he has entrusted to his servants the prophets.
even the mystery of the knowledge of God
which he has entrusted to his servants the prophets.
8 Then the voice which I heard coming out of heaven spoke to me again and said,
Go take the little book which you see open in the hand of the angel who is standing upon the oceans and the lands.
9 I went unto the angel and said, Give me the little book. He replied, Take and eat it entirely. It will make your stomach sick but in your mouth it will taste like honey.
10 Then I took the little book from the angel's hand and ate it entirely. It was like honey in my mouth but made my stomach sour.
11 He then said to me, You must prophesy again to races and nations and in different languages, and to all the world rulers.
5 And the angel which I saw stand on the sea and on the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, 6 And swore by him who lives forever and ever... that there should be time no longer: 7 ... the mystery of God will be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets. AKJV
6 ... there would be no more delay. ESV
Time is revealed and defined
in relation to the mystery of God in the world.
The mystery of God, as revealed to his prophets,finally being completely brought forth and unfolded in history means
"the end of time",
or the end of delay in the revelation or manifestation of God.
Yet the translation that is often given, "there shall be no more delay",
can give the wrong idea.
In the unfolding of a mystery it is not that there is unwanted delay
but that there is necessary and purposeful suspense involved
in order for hearers of a story to become prepared
to understand the conclusion and whole purpose of the story.
5 And the angel which I saw stand on the sea and on the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, 6 And swore by him who lives forever and ever... that there should be time no longer: 7 ... the mystery of God will be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets. AKJV
6 ... there would be no more delay. ESV
Time is revealed and defined
in relation to the mystery of God in the world.
The mystery of God, as revealed to his prophets,finally being completely brought forth and unfolded in history means
"the end of time",
or the end of delay in the revelation or manifestation of God.
Yet the translation that is often given, "there shall be no more delay",
can give the wrong idea.
In the unfolding of a mystery it is not that there is unwanted delay
but that there is necessary and purposeful suspense involved
in order for hearers of a story to become prepared
to understand the conclusion and whole purpose of the story.
Likewise here, God created the world with a mystery and a suspense.
That mystery and that suspense take time, delay...
It is thus that time as we know it is created.
Why was Creation not made eternal at once in the beginning?
So that the world could come to know God as God desired to be known.
So that the world could come to rest with God,
in a true and pure knowledge of God on an Eternal Sabbath Day.
According to The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
the beginning of the end of the story, wich is the end of the
suspense, the end of the mystery, the end of time,
will happen when the Angel of the 7th Trumpet
begins to blow.
At that time all the servants of God,
of all the tribes of Israel,
and all who are grafted into those tribes,
who are sealed with the knowledge of the name of God
in their foreheads,
shall prepare the world for the final days of the mystery'
in their foreheads,
shall prepare the world for the final days of the mystery'
and for the end to the mystery.
How shall they do this?
They will declare the good news that Jesus did not condemn
but forgave his nation Israel.
Therefore, when the good news of this consolation is received,
They will declare the good news that Jesus did not condemn
but forgave his nation Israel.
Therefore, when the good news of this consolation is received,
he shall return to Jerusalem
and Jerusalem will receive him, saying,
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD,
and Jerusalem will receive him, saying,
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD,
as the waters cover the sea.
(Habakkuk 2:14)
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Announcement! I have been building a new site for this work on Google Sites, entitled, Hearing Yehoshua's Seven Thunders I have also ...
This is a continuation of posts on the relationship of the judgements in Exodus and The Book of The Revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach - ...
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