Friday, September 21, 2012

Revelation's Little Book | series post #7


8 Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me again, saying, "Go, take the scroll that is open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land" 9 So I went to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. And he said to me, "Take and k eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey" 10 And I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it. It was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it my stomach was made bitter.

The Concealing of the Concealment

<>>>> MCK notes: This eating by Yochanan of the little book is the seal of the concealment of the word of G-d in the earth. What Yochanan heard from the voice of the seven thunders came from this little book. Now he eats it. Because the revelation of the Mashiach is here concealed and the concealment is sealed by the prophetic act of the prophet eating the little book, that act results in a famine of the word of G-d in the earth at this point of judgement, a spiritual darkness.

Amos 8:11 "Behold, the days are coming," declares the Lord God,"when I will send a famine on the land -not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water,but of hearing the words of the Lord. "when I will send a famine on the land - not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. 12 They shall wander from sea to sea,and from north to east;they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it. and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it.
The voice of the seven thunders will not be heard again until it thunders out of the belly of Yochanan— that is to say, out of the belly of the body of the bride of Mashiach, redeemed corporate Israel with the first harvest of nations already within her. For this is the body of which Yochanan is here the ear.

Until the concealment of Yehoshua HaMashiach at this point is taken away in the final judgment, darkness will cover the earth with regard to the heart of the Book of the Revelation of the Messiah of Israel. For the essence of the Revelation is revelation of mercy in judgment toward the Adam, that is to say, Humanity. And the core of these judgments is the mystery that those sealed in Israel with the name of the Father of Mashiach are protected from the judgments, as the camp of Israel was protected from the judgments in Egypt. And the secret of this mystery is made known through the seven thunders. But Yochanan conceals this secret prophetically within his belly, in the same way that Ezekiel did before him. This spiritual darkness is like smoke that arises from the open abyss.

While the power and authority of each principle of the judgments reaches back from the endpoint into the ages before the endpoint, so that each of them began through the ages since the coming of Mashiach into the world to be manifested as the footsteps of Mashiach approaching, when the endpoint comes each judgment comes in full. When this endpoint comes the spiritual darkness of the demonization of the world comes in full, and nothing can stop it then except the voice of the seven thunders being heard openly through the mouth of redeemed Israel. This is promised to Yochanan in the next verses.

Exodus 10:21 Then the Lord said to Moshe, "Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness to be felt. "

The Future Glory of Israel

Isaiah 60:2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.

Reading From the Siddur (ArtScroll adapted): KAPOROS / ATONEMENT

Children of the Adam, who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, shackled in affliction and iron. He removed them from darkness and the shadow of death, and broke open their shackles. The fools — because of their sinful path and their iniquities they were afflicted. Their souls abhorred all food, and they reached the portals of death. Then they cried out to HaShem [the One G-d, whose name is made known in Israel] in their distress; from their woes He spared them. He dispatched His word and cured them, and let them escape their destruction. Let them thank HaShem for His kindness and for His wonders to Humankind. If there will be for someone but a single defending messenger [of HaShem] out of a thousand to state a person's justifying righteousness on his or her behalf, tHe will be gracious to him or her and say, 'Redeem this person from descending to the Pit; I have found atonement.'
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