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The first trumpet brings the warning called HAIL, which was the seventh judgement in Egypt. It was between the seventh and the eighth judgement in Egypt, the HAIL and the LOCUSTS judgements, that G-d made the line of separation between Israel and Egypt completely clear and fully pronounced. It is as if the seven trumpet judgements pick up and resume with the HAIL judgement from Egypt. The thunder in the little book that Yochanan heard but was not permitted to write down had to do with the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah, which will be revealed as the great line of separation between Israel and Egypt, Israel and the nations. Just as G-d made it clear at the point of the HAIL judgement in Egypt that the judgements were for the purpose of the redemption of Israel, so He will make the same thing clear concerning the revelation of Yehoshua the Messiah of Israel, which is coming, and will begin to be announced by the first trumpet blast. This is about the redemption of Israel. This is what governs when the end comes. The first warning to the nations is to repent of their false confidence that this world will go on and on as it is, their false confidence that the Creator will not judge His world, their false confidence that Mashiach will not come again. This will be heard as the essence of the content of the message of the voice of the first thunder which was heard by Yochanan but not written down by him. It will not be heard outwardly by the world. It will be heard inwardly by the spirit in the belly of the body of Mashiach and the servants of Mashiach will announce it in the hour that he puts it in their mouth for a testimony before the nations.
Having made this clear, we go back again to the first judgement from Egypt, the judgement called BLOOD. Now in the end, this judgement is unfolded into its two aspects, the water the earth needs is turned to blood and the water people need to drink is turned to blood. The water the earth needs covers the dominion of resources, trade and the connection of these to the economy of the world. This is the second trumpet warning. It applies to food. This is the specific category of the universal commandment that the Creator gave to the Adam in Genesis 2:16. In the economy of sin there are seven aspects to the universal commandment, seven aspects in which repentance is commanded. Reference is made to this in Revelation 9:20. The universal commandment to the Adam was that they should nourish themselves with what G-d provided for them (and with nothing else). All human usage of the resources of the earth without repentance and obedience to the commandment of G-d ends in the exploitation and destruction of the earth. Finally, the seas are turned to blood.
BLOOD is, then, also the category of the third trumpet warning. As water circulates in the earth and gives it health, so water circulates in the body and gives it health. As the provision of food nourishes the body, so water nourishes the body, yet the provision of food is made to involve human choice and full involvement, whereas the provision of water is provided like the "milk" of G-d to His children. Thus water represents the blessing of G-d, His grace as blessing, His Spirit as blessing, His Word as blessing. "God will destroy those who destroy the earth." He will simply withhold His blessing. The nations drank the blood of the servants of G-d. He will give them blood to drink. This will be the nature of the warning that will be given with the third trumpet.
The fourth trumpet warning is about judgement in the category called SUNLIGHT. The ninth judgement in Egypt, just before the judgement on the firstborn of Egypt, was the judgement of darkness. Sunlight was hit. The sun was hit. Today there is a temple tower of modern science and technology. This could be called the Temple of the Speed of Light. Belief in the the speed of light as the absolute of the universe is a form of dogmatic metaphysic or religion not unlike sun worship in Egypt. There is a mystery around the creation of the sun, moon and stars, because they were created after light was created, not as the source of light. Light and the measure of time are two parts of one thing. The temptation to believe in what we see and not in the unseen Creator is the temptation that puts the sun at the centre of all things. The fourth trumpet judgement will dethrone the sun. Turning the sunlight off, as did the judgement in Egypt, shows the weakness of this power. In the final judgement the power of the sunlight will be turned directly against those who worship it. If the light that is in you is darkness, how dark is the darkness of that light, the light which is itself darkness? This question was asked by Yehoshua. The hidden thunder of this fourth warning judgement will be the subject of my next post, the 9th in this series on the little book. In that post, with G-d's help, I will talk more about the relation of sunlight and starlight to the light of the first day and to the purpose of Adam.
Sunlight can be a good or an evil to life. It all depends on the Adam and whether the Adam chooses life or death, the Torah of the God of Israel or sin. When all the nations take together the role of Egypt and Pharaoh and refuse to allow Israel to go free from their captivity and serve the the God of Israel, Humanity then will have made its final choice to choose sin and not repentance, darkness and not the true light. The very sunlight that was once good to all life on the earth will then be turned to evil. Instead of the angels of the herbs of the fields being nurtured by the starlight, demons will be nurtured by the excesses of dark plasma heat. This will be the nature of the warning of the fourth thunder when its voice is made to be heard.
The fifth trumpet warning is in the category of the disease of demons, or DEMONIZATION. This category of judgement corrosponds to the category of LOCUSTS in Egypt. This judgement in Egypt represented the destruction of the later crops which had not yet sprouted when the earlier crops were destroyed by the hail. The hail is the warning that G-d will separate between Israel and Egypt, between Israel's Mashiach as the last Adam, the new head of the family, and the first Adam. The locusts plague is the warning that when G-d does this there will be nothing left to sustain Egypt or the nations. The blessing of G-d will be taken from them entirely and they will be left with nothing but demons. In Egypt it was this locust demonization first, then the darkness. In the final redemption of Israel the nations are warned first with the dark plasma judgement, then with the plague of demonization. In Egypt the human race was still young and had really learned nothing yet. In the time of the open revelation of Mashiach the world will have had the opportunity to learn the lesson many times that demonization is a result of its own dark choices. This will be the nature of the voice of the fifth thunder when it is heard throughout the world.
The sixth category of warning, the sixth trumpet category, is the category of REVOLT. War is not an art, a science, or an act of wisdom. It is an act of total, unrestrained foolishness, insanity, well ordered demonic degeneration which Humanity inflicts upon itself because of the judgement of G-d, because Humanity has revolted against G-d. That the rebellious child should be allowed in measure to see the terrible consequences of his crimes is a function of love and mercy. However, the proud and frightened heart cannot see nor understand. It is for this reason that many warnings, over an extended time, with great long-suffering and endurance by the loving Father prepares the heart to face the consequences. Just as Jacob wrestles with the angel, so the nations wrestle with Jacob, that when the end comes the heart may learn. When the final world war comes the hearts of the war heros will be the heart of demons, but the hearts of little children will be converted to faith and will learn to fear the God of Israel. These are the little children that will hear what the seven thunders said to the servants of Israel's Messiah, and, because they hear, repent and do not trust in the power of the world war.
The category of the seventh trumpet warning is the category of MIDNIGHT, when the day of sin comes to an end and time itself is run out. After this, the seven vials of Israel-redeeming plagues, as in the day of redemption from Egypt, will be poured out, and the nations will be cut off and will let Israel go to serve her G-d. The mystery Babylon will be judged and destroyed. Israel will receive her Messiah and the Torah of Messiah will be made known from Zion to all the earth.