Thoughts On Yehoshua HaMashiach In Light of Teachings of The Gaon, Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, On Mashiach ben Yosef
Preliminary Note by Mahx:
We will take an introductory look here at what the Vilna Gaon says about Mashiach ben Yosef. Before we do, I would like to make a few comments about what we should be thinking about when considering teachings about Mashiach ben Yosef in relation to Yehoshua HaMashiach. We might, indeed, look at Yehoshua in his present concealment from Israel and from the world in accordance with the way in which he was and is represented by Joseph/Yosef.Looking at Yehoshua in this light, we will need to remember that even though he is concealed from Israel and from the world at the present time at the Right Hand of God, he is nonetheless declared to Israel and to the world to be Mashiach ben David, anointed by the God and Father of Israel through the resurrection of the dead. Therefore, while we see mystery and concealment reflected in the Gaon of Vilna’s account of the promise of Mashiach in terms of his speaking about Mashiach ben Yosef, (indeed in terms of speaking about two Messiahs), there is even more mystery in the apostolic account that is given concerning the person of Yehoshua as Mashiach.
For Yehoshua is said to be concealed and revealed at the same time, for he is revealed to select disciples, in whom and through whom he is also mysteriously revealed to the world. While his disciples in all generations are said to be anointed ones themselves, anointed through being united to Yehoshua through one spirit, and while they represent the beginning of the revelation to the world of Yehoshua's resurrection from the dead, this is still within the aspect of concealment. All generations of his disciples are witnesses to his resurrection but he himself is still deliberately concealed by God!
His revelation to Israel and to the nations is something which is promised to come as the last act of history. He will be revealed when time itself is being finally prepared to meet eternity. It will be in that context that all Israel will be completely redeemed an brought back to the Land of Testimony to the One True God out of all nations.
Having these things in mind, it may be of value to us to begin to look at what the Vilna Gaon says about Mashiach ben Yosef.
According to the Gaon, Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, below are the seven major principles connected with the approach called the footsteps of the Mashiach, which is based on the sentence, “on each stone were seven eyes [apertures]” [Zach. 3:9]. First I will give a list of the seven “apertures” that the Vilna Gaon speaks about. Then I will supply a summary of the meaning of each, as the meaning is provided at length in the Introduction to Kol Hator. (You can find an Internet Archive of the complete text of Kol Hator here.)
(1) “Yosef is still alive.”
(2) Act and be successful.
(3) [Isa. 60:22] “in its time, I will hasten it.”
(4) By possession and conquest in the revealed end.
(5) Escapees [refugees] in Zion.
(6) Torah from Zion
(7) Tsofnat Paneach.
(1) “Yosef is still alive.”
The decree regarding his murder by Armulus the Wicked will be canceled — by extended exile, and by afflictions and diseases that he will bear; by his accomplishments also, as Mashiach ben Yosef will gather in the exiles; and by our prayers, also, will that decree be canceled. [Jer. 30:7] “A time of trouble it is for Jacob, ” from which he will be saved.Wherever the word “to stand up” is mentioned, it refers to the line of Mashiach ben Yosef, as in the phrase [Gen. 37:7] “my sheaf rose”.
These scriptures allude to Mashiach ben Yosef:
[Ps. 24:3] “who will ascend the mountain of the Lord, ” referring to the ingathering of exiles…
[Ps. 24:3] “who will stand up in the place of his sanctuary” referring to the building…
[Ps. 24:5] “he will receive a blessing from the Lord” refers to something that carries with it a blessing, such as planting…
[Ps. 102:14] “it is the time to favor her.” ‘To favor’ refers to planting as it states, “he will favor its dirt.”
[Jer 31:20] “return to your cities, ” “build Jerusalem...”
The might of Mashiach ben Yosef lies in the miraculous assistance he can offer in connection with the ingathering of exiles that will come about when the awakening comes from below.
(2) Act and be successful
With regard to Yosef (son of Jacob), it says,[Gen. 39:3] “whatever he did, the Lord made prosper in his hand.”As it states in the Midrash on the sentence: “a redeemer will come to Zion.” As long is Zion is not yet built, the redeemer will not come. As Our Sages of blessed memory said (Megillah 17b), “after Jerusalem is built, the son of David [Mashiach] will come.” According to the Midrash, the son of David will not come until Jerusalem is built.
(3) [Isa. 60:22] “in its time, I will hasten it.”
The sages said, If they [the People of Israel] merit it, I will hasten it [the Redemption]; if not, I will bring it in its own time (Sanhedrin 98a). The Gaon commented, even if the Redemption comes at its proper time, I will hasten it. When? “When the smallest become a thousand and the youngest a mighty nation.” The words smallest and youngest refer to Efraim, who is Mashiach ben Yosef. This is also the meaning of “and the things that are to come upon them, will make haste” (Deut. 32). — when the awakening comes from below.
(4) By possession and conquest in the revealed end
All activities must be in accord with one of two lines or paths: one is the line of Ezra and Nehemiah; the other is the line of Joshua.[Deut. 11:31] “you shall possess it and you shall settle in it…” The Vilna Gaon says, “you will dwell in it…by establishing your claim,” (by building and planting — as with Ezra and Nehemiah. By force, if necessary — as was done by Joshua. This refers to the time of the revealed end mentioned by our Sages (Sanhedrin 98a; Megillah 17b) on the sentence, [Ez. 36:8] “you, mountains of Israel, will give forth your branch, and bear your fruit for My People, Israel…
The Gaon wrote specifically that in-gathering of the exiles can be merited by fulfilling the mitzvot dependent on being in Eretz Israel – as in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah. Or again, it may be as it was with Joshua, as it says (Keddushin 26a) in accord with the sentence: [Jer. 40:10] “settle in your cities that you have taken.”
The purpose of gathering in the exiles is to wage God’s war against Amalek.
[Isa. 33:20] “visualize Zion, the city of our designated times, ”
(5) Escapees [refugees] in Zion
[Joel 3:5] “for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, ... and among the remnant, those whom the Lord will call.”...whatever befell Yosef, befell Zion.
As the number of ingathered increases, so the Sitra Achra (the Other Side) will increase its strength.
The abundance in all the upper special characteristics that will come by way of Zion and Jerusalem will be evident in life, salvation, blessings, peace, loving-kindness, mercy, goodness, etc.
Abundance of life
[Ps. 133:3] “there the Lord commanded the blessing of life forever”
[Ps. 27:133] “to look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”
Abundance of salvation
[Ps. 4:7] “for from Zion comes salvation for Israel”
Abundance of blessings
[Ps. 128:5] “may God bless you from Zion”, etc.,
[Ps. 133:3] “because there the Lord commanded the blessing” etc.
Abundance of peace
[Ps. 122:6] “peace of Jerusalem” —and Jerusalem means the city of peace.
Abundance of loving kindness
[Ps. 133:3].“like the dew of the Hermon that descends on the mountains of Zion” — The “dew of the Hermon” refers to the attribute of loving kindness.
Abundance of mercy
God builds Jerusalem with mercy, as is written: “Who, in his mercy, builds Jerusalem” [see Blessing after meal].
Abundance of goodness
[Ps. 128:5] “and see the goodness of Jerusalem”
[Ps. 128:6] “this good mountain and the Lebanon”.
All of the above are the assignment of Mashiach ben Yosef, because Zion is in line with Yosef according to the Midrash. As long as Zion is desolate, a spirit of impurity prevails and places obstacles preventing the passage of abundance from above.
Only building Jerusalem can strengthen the connection as it states:
[Ps. 122:3].“built-up Jerusalem is like a city united together”
(6) Torah from Zion
“From Zion will the Torah come forth” [Isa. 2:3]. This refers to the revelation of the secrets of the Torah, whose principal source is Zion and Jerusalem.“and the gold of the land is good” [Gen. 2:12].
(7) Tsofnat Paneach. (Hebrew: צָפְנַת פַּעְנֵחַ)
- is the name stated by the Bible (Genesis, 41:45) as given by Pharaoh to Joseph. Rashi says the name means, "He who explains hidden things.When “it is the time to favor her” [Ps. 102:14] Hints in the Torah and in the works of our Sages of blessed memory will begin to be revealed.
People will begin to understand the ways of the beginning of the Redemption and the footsteps of the Mashiach hinted at in the words, “designated deeds, times and emissaries, ” as is written: “the buds were seen on the land, the songbird’s time has arrived, and the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land” [Song 2:12]. Also, according to the command, “make straight in the desert a highway for our God” [Isa. 40:3].