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When G-d Marks The Difference Between Two Firstborn
Exodus 9:15-16 with Exodus 9:26-31 and with Exodus 10:1-2 and Exodus 10:12-15 as the background key to Revelation 10:7. The summary is in Revelation 11:14. The Redemption began in Revelation 11:13.
The point of differentiation between Israel and Egypt made by G-d in the judgements upon Egypt is the point at which Israel's redemption from Egypt starts to take actual effect. This point of differentiation is the point that marks the differentiation of the true G-d from all false gods. And this is the point that marks the differentiation of the true Messiah from all false Messiah's. It is not immediately seen in the judgements of G-d upon Egypt that it is the true Messiah, the Anointed One of Israel who is being revealed, but it will be seen.
In the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach this will be clearly seen. When the prophecy of that book comes fully to pass Israel's full and final redemption will have been accomplished and revealed in the world, and this revelation will be the salvation of the world.
The point of differentiation between Israel and Egypt made by G-d in the judgements upon Egypt is the point between the judgements of the hail and the locusts. In this judgement the early crops are completely destroyed by the hail, while the later crops are not ready "to be completely destroyed" at that time and are left for the judgement of the locusts, when they are also then fully destroyed. This has many deep elements and aspects, but laid open right upon the face of it is the stage of passing from the first judgements of warning, where repentance is still possible for Pharaoh, to the final judgements of revelation. This is the two stages of the judgements in the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach of Israel, the first stage of the measured judgements of the Trumpets and the final stage of the bowls (or vials) of judgement.
Indeed, there is a theology of replacement in the Bible but it is not that which those who would seek to replace Israel with another people have understood. It is the replacement of Adam as the firstborn, the one to inherit from G-d the Father, with the Son of Adam, the Anointed One of Israel, as the firstborn, the one to inherit from G-d the Father, for the sake of all creatures. This is the differentiation which God began to make, when He represented He began to show His will and His salvation, by announcing to Moshe before the judgement of the locusts that He would Himself harden Pharaoh's heart. Under such great hardships as were to come Pharaoh would have his own reasons for wanting to give up and let Israel go. G-d, however, had a purpose in the Exodus that ultimately extended to the end of all time. It was His purpose to show that he was making a difference between the nature of corporate Humanity as extending from the root of the first Adam and corporate Humanity as extending from the root of the last Adam, the Son of Adam. This distinction would finally be shown through the firstborn of Egypt being killed and the firstborn of Israel being saved through the blood of the Passover Lamb.
In the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach of Israel it is the Lamb who was slain, who has the authority to open the seals which unlock the hour of the judgements upon the nations of the world that will finally end with the complete redemption of Israel and the complete salvation of Humanity through this redemption. This is a revelation that has been concealed in plain sight. The redemption of Israel that is taking place is no less in plain sight than the redemption of Israel from Egypt that took place in the beginning was in plain sight for Pharaoh to see – yet he was unable to see it until it was already fully accomplished.
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