Saturday, June 29, 2019

Poem for Revelation 18 = Read This First

Revelation chapter 18 >

Note on this poetic reflection:

When I began to write my notes on Revelation 18 I took pause.  I saw that the present moment in history marks the actual opening of the door to the events described in this chapter. Therefore, I would like you to read this post first before I go on to write all that I am going to say on Revelation chapter 18.  

I would like you to read the following poetic reflection.  It is specifically a reflection on Moshe's prayer for Israel after the sin of the ten spies and the demonic uproar that subsequently took place in Israel, wherein the lives of Joshua and Caleb were even being threatened, perhaps even the lives of Moshe and Aaron, in a prophetic hint toward the time of the Two Witnesses in Jerusalem.  

It is also a poetic reflection on the current state of affairs where a second election will take place in Israel today, that is, it will take place soon after the time of this writing.  It is over the issue of mandatory service of Torah students in the IDF.  

This has the significance of challenging the testimony to the word of Hashem that the members of the tribe of Levi should not be counted in the census for those who would be registered for military service, because they were the witnesses to the power of Hashem to save and redeem Israel by the power of His word alone.  The spirit of this issue goes to the heart of the testimony of Israel, the testimony to the truth of Hashem for which G-d created Israel, calling out Avraham and setting Avraham and Sarah aside from the headship of Adam to the headship of Mashiach.

Reflections on Moshe's Wilderness Prayer

How will the nations be blessed
if Israel is replaced? 

The State of Israel is in the wilderness. 
It is time for Judah and Joseph 
to be immersed in the Jordan River 
and still cross over on dry ground. 

It is time to bomb the walls 
of the last Jericho,
not with bombs of atomic might, 
but with cries of faith filled 
with the joy of an all powerful living hope!

It is time to declare
that only in the God of Israel
is there justice and mercy!

Those who are destroying the earth
will be destroyed,
and in the Land of Israel
the Temple of Israel’s God
will stand.
Jerusalem will be built with prayer.

It is time to allow ten children 
from all the families of the earth 
to take hold of the tzitzit 
of each Baal Tshuvah 
and go to settle with humility 
in east Jerusalem.
This is the time.

Revelation chapter 18 >

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Revelation 18 Initial Interpretive Notes

< Revelation chapter 17

Read This First on Revelation 18 >

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.
After these things...
This refers to the order and place of the visions given here in these chapters where the chronological narrative has been resumed.  The visions recorded in chapter 17 involved the destruction of Mystery Babylon as it takes place on earth. 
Here in chapter 18 we seem to take a step back in order to describe and reveal the true nature of Mystery Babylon. In 18:2 we see that the fall of Mystery Babylon is declared in the realm of the spiritual heavens as being an accomplished fact.  Rather than being an actual step back in time, therefore, it seems that we can understand this to say that while this decree is being made in heavenly places the events recorded in chapter 17 concerning the destruction of Mystery Babylon are taking place on earth.

the earth was lightened with his glory...
The glorious announcement brought by this angel is from a level of the highest a greatest revelation of the glory of G-d.  It is this that is being reflected in the glory of the light of the angel. The light is not the light that comes from sun or stars but is a spiritual light, the light of the power of the grace and truth of the God of Israel.

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Babylon the great is fallen...
Here the mystery aspect of this woman of prophetic vision is not mentioned.  What might be called, Mystery Babylon, (as I have called it previously), is here simply called, "Babylon", as if we were going back to the first beast of Daniel's visions and to the prophet Jeremiah's prophecies. The meaning is that when this Mystery Babylon ends, then the whole captivity of Israel ends, from Babylon to Media-Persia , to Greece, to Rome. For this reason, because this is the time of end of the Jewish people and of all Israel, Babylon is here called "Babylon the great".

We will see how this fall of the last mystery Babylon means the fall of Babylon the great, of all the empires of the gentile captivity of Israel in the verses that follow. For it is here that the people of Hashem, Jews and other individuals and families attached to them, are called to come out of her, out of  the one who has held them captive.  It is this call to come out of captivity which brings about the downfall of Mystery Babylon, and, in doing so, the downfall of all the powers of Babylon from the beginning.

We have seen in chapter 17 verse 16 that:

...the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
 The beast is forced by Hashem into being the one who destroys its own power.  For Rome first came to power through the powers given to Babylon, Persia and Greece to hold Israel in captivity.  That is to say, Rome first came to power mysteriously through the power of this spiritual harlot in this vision.  In the end, by destroying this woman of this vision, the entity that was formed out of the empire of Rome, the fourth beast, the unnatural beast, like Pharaoh, is forced to let Israel go out of captivity.  This leaves the fourth beast, the unnatural beast, in the place of having no power to try to leverage G-d, so that it can only come out and try to make war with G-d directly in the open.  This is the war for the hearts and minds and worship of the human race.  The campaign raised by the beast is the campaign to build the kingdom of technique, of the civilization of planet earth, a final Tower of Babel reaching out into the stars, answering to no god but Adam and the dragon.

With no power of Babylon left to hide behind, this beast is then open to immediate defeat by the Word of G-d, and taken and thrown into a gravity well of darkness.

the habitation of devils...
The ten tribes having been first cut off by the northern power of Assyria, Jerusalem and the Jewish people were first taken captive into Babylon. This long captivity among the nations was due to the failure of the children of Israel to fully come out of Egypt in their hearts and to fully enter into the Land of Israel through faith in Hashem alone. Upon this final release from captivity, all Israel is prepared to become Messianic Torah Israel in heart and soul.  Babylon the great, the system of imperial power through market power, which was able to maintain power by holding the truth of Israel under its power, now no longer having the permission of G-d to do so, is left empty, to be inhabited only by its devils. And it is therefore no longer of any other use to the global technological empire of the fourth beast and its ten horns than to be consumed by them.  

For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
through the abundance of her delicacies... 

Had it been presented to the peoples of the earth immediately in the beginning of their efforts to build their civilizations that they would either worship and love Hashem or worship and become one with the beast of artificial intelligence and the evil inclination they would not have worshipped that beast. But through the seductions of Mystery Babylon,"through the abundance of her delicacies " eventually, through the course of history, they give themselves over to be ruled by their evil inclination entirely.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you do not receive of her plagues.
Come out of her my people...
Zechariah 1:15 with Isaiah 47:6 teach us that the four heavenly horsemen find the nations with their four empires, who are holding Israel captive through the centuries, to be at peace with their power, as if the power given to them over Israel was given to them for their merit, for their sakes.  And it is this attitude that leads them to hold Israel captive beyond the measure Hashem intended and to oppress Israel far beyond what Hashem wills.  They are not concerned with what Hashem judges necessary for Israel’s correction.  They are interested in the leverage holding Israel captive seems to give them to rule the world.

What is the meaning then when these four horsemen return again to bring judgment in the earth, (Revelation 6), after they have first returned with this report?  The meaning is that they come,  in the name of Hashem, the God of Israel, to disrupt the false peace of the empires who hold Israel captive.

Following the prophetic judgment upon Babylon in Isaiah 47, which points directly to the judgment upon "Babylon the great", the whole system of the spiritual whoredom of the empires which hold Israel captive during the long centuries of history, we read in Isaiah 48:20 the following: 

Go out from Babylon, flee from Chaldea,    declare this with a shout of joy, proclaim it,send it out to the end of the earth;    say, “The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob!”
And we see that this is the prophetic word given before time to the Jewish people and to all Israel.  Now we will begin to see that the mystery of Babylon and how the Babylonian captivity is finally brought to an end is unlocked through the key of the historic overthrow of Nebuchadnezzar by Persia.  The angelic prince of Persia resisted the angel Gabriel when he came in answer to Daniel's prayer for Jerusalem. Even though Cyrus was anointed by the word of prophecy to free Jerusalem from Babylon, it was not only the liberator that the Persian king, Cyrus, represented.  

The dark angelic prince of Persia also stood behind Cyrus.  For as Gabriel explained to Daniel, although Jerusalem would be freed externally after 70 years, as Jeremiah foretold, there would be a deeper, spiritual captivity of 70 prophetic weeks.  And this would turn into centuries upon centuries.  There were two streams of prophetic power that the Persian conquest of Babylon represented. One was the prophecy of the good, the final liberation of Israel from all captivity that would come in the end. The other was the prophecy of the evil, the prolonged captivity that would continue until the good became victorious in the end.

In the end, there would be an anointing for good among the nations that would be the key to Jerusalem's final liberation.  But the true nature of this anointing would remain a secret.  The force that would overthrow "Babylon the great" would only be due to evil being turned against evil, a house divided against itself, like Persia and Babylon, like Greece and Persia, like Rome and Greece. Finally, the divided house of evil would take the form of the beast divided against Mystery Babylon, the spiritual Harlot.

There would come a time when an evil Cyrus would appear, a falsely anointed one, a false defender of Jerusalem.  Indeed, there would be many false messiahs, even before that final false Cyrus. These false messiahs would appear within the system of spiritual harlotry itself, tied to the reigns held by Mystery Babylon herself.  Then at the end there would come the most evil Cyrus, a little horn, a final King of the North, whose subjected ten kings, like ten horns, would destroy Mystery Babylon. And the secret would be that it would be the voice among the nations, a voice anointed for good, proclaiming, "Hashem has redeemed His People!" that would be the instrument that Hashem would use to put it into the hearts of the ten horns of the beast to turn against Mystery Babylon, the source of the beast's own power.  For they, the north and the south, are one house, divided against itself.

For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.
God has remembered...
By Micah the prophet it had already been promised concerning the purpose of Israel's Babylonian captivity that it would be through the mystery of this captivity that Israel would come to its final redemption.
Micah 4:10 Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail; for now you shall go forth out of the city, and shall dwell in the field, and shall come even unto Babylon; there you shall be rescued; there shall Hashem redeem you from the hand of your enemies.
Although it does not at first clearly appear, Micah says that it would be in the very same spiritual place of Jerusalem's captivity, Babylon, where Jerusalem would find her ultimate redemption. This is the prophecy underlying all that follows in this vision of the Revelation of Zion's Redeemer.

The mystery of the Babylonian captivity began in the 70 years of Jerusalem's captivity in Babylon itself.  It appeared that after 70 years the Babylonian power, like Pharaoh, let Jerusalem go. But, as indicated by Pharaoh's own false release of the children of Israel, the gentile power, here also, did not completely relinquish its power over Jerusalem and Judah. Cyrus outwardly conquered Babylon but Persia was spiritually conquered by Babylon, by the spirit of its power. 

Like the power of Pharaoh, the power of the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman empires was nothing other, at its source, than the power and authority that had been originally granted to it by G-d to hold Israel in captivity. It was through the abuse of this power and authority that first Pharaoh and then the Babylonian system of Persian, Greek and Roman captivity attempted to indefinitely retain power.  

We see from the 9th chapter of Daniel that the angel of G-d explains this to Daniel in terms of the 70 years of Jerusalem's authorized Babylonian captivity being turned into 70 prophetic weeks of multiplied years. This abuse of authority and power over Jerusalem in varied forms of political and military captivity, ultimately spiritual captivity, through the mysterious system of the Babylonian captivity, is allowed by G-d in order to 
 "...finish the transgression, and to make an end of sin, and to forgive iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal vision and prophet, and to anoint the most holy place. Daniel 9:24
What then are Babylon's sins that G-d remembers when it comes time, as Micah says, for Jerusalem to be finally fully redeemed from the long mystery of her Babylonian captivity?  The sins of the whoredom of the Babylonian powers was to falsely claim authority over Jerusalem and the Jewish people after G-d had commanded them to be released.  It is this sin that He determines now to remember.  Until this time G-d chose to use the abuse of authority that He gave to the gentiles to hold Israel captive as the means he would use to accomplish the complete work of atonement for Jerusalem.  Now, at this point in the revelation of Jerusalem's anointed Beloved Redeemer, the work of the 70 weeks is accomplished and G-d will, therefore, judge Babylon.

Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
as she rewarded you...
This is to say that the judgment that God has designed for Babylon in the end of days is one of measure for measure.  And this is to be through the very consequences of the means of entrapment through which she worked to seduce and deceive she would be exposed and her house collapsed into rubble. For if her lies were designed to take souls captive, then her lies would come back upon her head with twice the impact to destroy both her and all the immoral and idolatrous form of civilization that she had created.  All of this is important to see. Yet it is most critical to see that in this measure for measure judgment of God upon the Great Spiritual Prostitute it is the very people whom souls she aimed to use as merchandise whom God has appointed to be the ones to enact this judgment upon her, to expose her for who and what she is once and for all, for all the world to see.

All forms of slavery as a business are enterprises that have Mystery Babylon as their mother. But it is she herself who sought to make the souls of Israel her own merchandise in the slave trade. Therefore it is the wisdom of God that it should be the souls of Israel who judge her on the day of the revelation of their full spiritual redemption to the world.  Their salvation shall expose her as the slave of sin and of the devil, and all her works shall be exposed as the lie of the evil inclination of idolatry.  The lie of purity and righteousness and enlightenment to which she pretended shall then be an embarrassment even to her true master, the beast upon which she rode to power.   

Then also the rulers of the nations who loved and served her shall be ashamed and shall hate her.  No civilization of the past shall be left to them and they shall turn to one that is entirely new and artificial, the invention of the spiritual dragon, whose insane intellect deceived Adam and Eve in the beginning.  For, when the Spiritual Prostitute of Babylon is judged and exposed by the truth, the conscience of all humanity will be ashamed and will know that human civilization was defiled and made impure by her, through embracing her. Even then in their shame the nations will not yet repent but will give their power to the beast.  And for this reason Israel's salvation alone will be made to be the salvation of the world. For the conviction of Mystery Babylon, the Great Spiritual Prostitute, of sin is the conviction of all the nations of the world of sin.  Her judgment is their judgment.  Therefore they shall be turned over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that their spirit might be saved in the of Jerusalem's embrace of her Mashiach.

Therefore we need to understand the judgment of the Great Spiritual Prostitute both clearly and well.

How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
I sit a queen, and am no widow...
And this was the leaven of Babylon from the beginning:  (Isaiah 47:7-9) 

7“Yet you said, ‘I will be a queen forever.’
        These things you did not consider
        Nor remember the outcome of them.

8“Now, then, hear this, you sensual one,
        Who dwells securely,
        Who says in your heart,
        ‘I am, and there is no one besides me.
        I will not sit as a widow,
        Nor know loss of children.’

9“But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day:
        Loss of children and widowhood.
        They will come on you in full measure
        In spite of your many sorceries,
        In spite of the great power of your spells.

The context of this prophecy in Isaiah is God speaking about the true reason that Babylon was given the power to take Jerusalem into captivity. It was God who made this happen. God was returning his people to the condition of exile that they were in when they were in Egypt. For the covenant he made with them was a covenant of death and resurrection, death in Adam through the death of Mashiach and resurrection in the Son of Adam, who was made their corporate head in the redeemed and new creation. It had nothing to do with any qualities of Babylon. Yet the spirit that was in Babylon believed that it was not God's power and authority that had done this but her own. She saw that she had take Israel captive, even Jerusalem, and her pride was puffed up so that it filled the whole earth. She thought herself greater than the divine people, that she was herself most divine, that nothing could touch her. This was her pride when she sat as a queen in Babylon in the beginning.  And this was her pride when she became a concubine queen in Persia, then in Greece, then in Rome.

Indeed, in Rome, this delusion went completely to her head. For there her husband, the Fourth Beast,  was spiritually eternally defeated and spiritually imprisoned and she was was left to rule entirely on her own for many generations. Also, the Good News being declared first to the Jews and also to the Greeks, was declaring that the rulers of Rome were as spiritually cut off and dead as the firstborn of Pharaoh and Egypt. Against this the satanic harlot countered that it was not so, that she was no widow.

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong [is] the Lord God who judges her.
the Lord God who judges her...
 No one knows the day nor the hour of the appearing of Israel's glorified Redeemer, Matthew 24:36. No one except the Lord God, Hashem Elohim, the Father of the Redeemer of Israel. It is the judgment upon Mystery Babylon, the Mother of all Spiritual Prostitution, that opens the way for the return of Mashiach in glory. For as the Spirit of Mashiach brings all Israel out of this Babylon, the spiritual seductress of the ancient global Roman civilization, in the end of days, Jerusalem's redemption shall be complete.  And she shall enter her bridal chamber to prepare herself to embrace her Mashiach.

This is the Day of Hashem, into which Yochanan entered by the Holy Spirit on the island of Patmos in order to receive this Revelation. And this judgment of the Roman Babylon Prostitute is the event that the whole of the Day of Hashem turns upon. It was by her seductions that the children of Israel were mislead and partially blinded and kept in exile. It was never by the propaganda of the beast itself.  For the children of Israel were sealed in their foreheads with the name of Hashem Elohim.  

The children of Israel never worshipped the beast, neither in spirit at the beginning when Mashiach walked among them, nor at the end when the whole world marvelled at the beast and worshipped him after the Ten Horns were used by God to destroy the exposed Roman Babylon Prostitute.   For the beast himself was defeated long before by Mashiach, by his prayer for Jerusalem, when Hashem raised him from the dead and anointed him as the head of his people. Therefore even when they received false Messiah's they were always saved by Yehoshua HaMashiach from them and were never left to worship them. 

Once the Roman Babylon Prostitute was exposed by the truth of the  Good News of God and destroyed by her own lovers, the beast in the in the prison of the bottomless pit was shown to be full of nothing but empty blasphemies, able to do nothing but deceive the nations who did not know Hashem.  Therefore the beast would be released from the bottomless pit for a little while, for there remained nothing but for him to be destoryed by the brightness of the coming of the Saviour and Redeemer of Israel.

And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
the smoke of her burning...
 Even when the Roman Babylon Prostitute is exposed for the imposture of a queen that she is, the rulers of the nations do not willingly abandon her.  They do not love the truth but are exposed as having themselves always loved the lie of the Great Spiritual Prostitute.  Nevertheless, they can no longer pretend to godliness and morality, and in the name of saving themselves and their civilization from an apocalypse they openly declare themselves the enemies of God and the Lamb of God.   Those who were for millennia the lovers of the Babylon Prostitute, now, in order to save themselves from the truth of the Good News of God, are forced to give their allegiance to the beast, "when they see the smoke of her burning".  

The true smoke of her burning is spiritual, the smoke of her demons, and the leaders of the nations inhale it as they watch it coming out of her in her death throes.  All souls of the nations who do not come out of Babylon together with the children of Israel will be caught up in and deceived by the carnal pathos of these leaders of the nations and will be carried away by their technique to end in the worship and service of the beast.

Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
Standing afar off ...
That is to say, the time will have come when all the rulers of the nations will have become prepared to switch their allegiance from the conservative political empire of the past millennia to the new, never seen before artificial civilization of the science of Technique, a global civilization of the little horn of the Forth Beast.  "For all their lives they were in bondage through the fear of death", Hebrews 2:14-15. And now their fear and their enslavement is brought to its highest peak. For due to their desire for the liberty of sin, even in the hour of their greatest fear of death they fear the devil more than they fear God, although it is to save them from the works of the devil that the Mashiach of God is come to save them.

Therefore, even thought they will marvel to see the mother civilization being suddenly and utterly destroyed, they will not come near to her in her death throws.  For they will all be under the dominion of the Ten Horns, the Group of Ten, who will be formally in the process of giving their allegiance to the little horn.

And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no one buys their merchandise any more:
no one buys their merchandise any more...
This is the merchandise of lies... This is the merchandise of the propaganda of money which produced the Industry of Money in the end times of human history. 

The love of money is the evil insight that it is possible to manipulate the abstract power of simple exchange, in the exchange of ownership. Through the genius lie, it is possible to possible to manipulate that power without others fully knowing what you are doing and to make money out of nothing. This is the evil genius of the love of money, which is the root of all corruption.  It is simply a matter of twisting the truth, the truth of the nature of responsibility in ownership, the truth of freewill.  This is the evil genius of the serpent in the Garden.

When the spiritual prostitution of Mystery Babylon was finally able to turn the genius of the love of money into an institution, it was then possible to build the institution of the love of money into an industry. This industry of the deepest of all spiritual corruption was then able to gain dominance and control over all trade upon the face of the earth.  All the merchants of the earth who were bought up in the evil spirit of Mystery Babylon were made corporations of human depravity. And through this industry of the love of money they became exorbitantly wealthy.  They understood very well where there wealth came from, who its mother was, who had given birth to the demon of it.  Therefore, even when they were forced to turn away from her demonically burning ruins and give their political support and service to the beast, they did so sorrowfully.  For they did not see the beast as being the source of their wealth, only as their last hope for escaping the power of God.

The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
The merchandise of gold, and silver, and...  
This is not simply gold and silver, jewels and pearls, etc., it is those commodities as sold from the stores of deceit by the merchants of deceit.  For they anointed all commodities with an aura of supposed godly righteousness. Such a spiritual aura surrounding all merchandise was kept by the manipulations of the Great Prostitutes merchants away, for the most part, from the conscious eye.  But it was always there in the spiritual peripheral vision of every consumer's deceived conscience.  For it was not so much the products of gold and silver or plastic and steel, or wood or brick, or pleasure or success that they sold. It was the products of corrupt ideology. It was the genius of lies themselves that they sold and seduced the souls of consumers to buy.  It was belief that they sold. For the industry of of the love of money is an industry of manipulating and corrupting faith.

There is no greater belief to ignite the fire of delusion for these merchants of the ideology of money than a God-given belief in the truth.  For the truth was the precious stone that the serpent mined in the Garden of Eden.  Belief in the truth was the first belief of what God said to Adam in the Garden ws the first belief that the serpent corrupted.  And the ideology of money has come from corrupting the truth of God's word into the love of money ever since.  The love of money is in the end transformed by the beast into the love of Technique.

And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of humans.
and souls of humans...   
Because there is not limit to amoral greed, in the end everything human and every commodity associated with the physical enhancement of the human being, even every living thing becomes money.. Not just bodies are sold but souls...  All humanity became money in the spiritual prostitution of Babylon, and the nature and condition of humanity became slavery.  So in the rebellion and liberation of humanity in the Beast humanity will become mere  technique. Humanity  will be its own Great Technology in the form of the Beast.  The very nature and mind of humanity will become artificial in the demonic empire of the Beast.

And the fruits that your soul lusted after are departed from you, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from you, and you shall not find them any more at all.
your soul lusted...  
This greed is not a common greed, it is soul lust. And the soul given over to lust is the slave of lust.  This is the slavery of a soul sold to greed, sold to Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Spiritual Greed.  The False Prophet of the Beast will promise liberation from this slavery, claiming that the source of the slavery of spiritual greed through which Mystery Babylon ruled through the ages was the slavery that God designed through which to possess his creations for the amusement of his will.  All who lusted for money as though financial success was Godliness will be deceived by the False Prophet.  Even when they have lost their advantage in the inequity of money, and have lost any possibility of gaining the edge over others through pseudo-righteousness ever again, they will continue to believe that the have everything to gain by creating their own ethics and morality and not being subject to the authority of God.

The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
made rich by her... 
 In Daniel 12:4  the angel foretells that in the end of history knowledge would increase and human movement and transportation would be exponentially multiplied.  The Industrial Revolution and the Information Age both arose out of the dark angelically inspired period of the Enlightenment — which was the crowning achievement of Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Spiritual Prostitution.  This is specifically how it was not simply the love of money that became the root of all evil in the end, but the love of the industry of money. And yet, after she had given birth to all of this through the enticement of her spiritual immorality, after she had fashioned this great delusion, God judged her and exposed her for the great empty lie that she was in one hour.  And those who were her agents and spiritual pimps were terrified.

And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
Alas, alas, that great city...  
Why in truth was the great city civilization of Mystery Babylon great? Why in truth did she clothe herself in fine linen and purple and scarlet, gold and pearls and precious stones? In truth it was because the greatest gem, the gem of God's truth was in her, which was the truth that she twisted into a lie. But the truth of God could never be truly corrupted, could never be truly twisted.  

Only the human understanding of God's truth could be twisted and changed into what it is not in the human mind.  For just as the serpent could not change the truth of what God actually said in the Garden, so Mystery Babylon could not change the truth of salvation, that it is of the Jews, into a lie that allows the human mind to believe that the repair of the world and eternal life comes in some measure from human autonomous action.

Those who loved the Great Spiritual Prostitute loved her most deeply because she enabled them to answer back to the Jews and to the words of deeds of Yehoshua and save some measure of their carnal human pride, saying, "Salvation is not of the Jews! It is the whole human race!"

For in one hour so great riches is come to nothing. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
as many as trade by sea...  
In visionary terms, this is what we call trade and commerce...  An empire and a global civilization based on a false theology about Israel, about the Jewish people.  A simple twisting of the story about Yehoshua and the Jews was used to build, in the end, a great industry of the love of money.  Therefore, the "sea" here can be read in its prophetic meaning of "the peoples of the world," as in Revelation chapter 10.

When the time is come and the Father of the Saviour of Israel, Yehoshua HaMashiach, permits, the false theology about Yehoshua and the Jews will be exposed and corrected for all the world to hear and to know.  The Spirit of God will make the world unable to deny that the prayer of Yehoshua, the prayer of his actions and the prayer of his words, was all for Jerusalem and the Jewish people, that they would not even be charged with sin, but would be justified in all things, for the sake of God's name, for the sake of God's love for his son.

On that day, in that hour, Babylon will fall.  There will be no more greatness in her.  She will no longer have a hold of the truth, to twist it in the mind of children.  Those who profited from her deceptions will then fall back.  They will no longer want to be seen as her associates.  They will be totally at a loss. For they will have no where to turn but to repentance toward God, or else to the Beast.  And in the Beast there will be no truth at all, no Good News of the new cutting of the covenant of the Torah with Israel.  There will be nothing of Yehoshua HaMashiach at all.  And they were somewhat attracted to the God of Israel, and they were drawn to Yehoshua, thinking could come to some arrangement with God, some way to save their pride and appease God at the same time.  But now there was nothing they could grab onto.  Nothing to the left and nothing to the right.  There was only God and the Jews, or else the humanity they had always known and its technology.

They had wanted an apocalypse that humanity could somehow proudly survive, but in one hour it seemed this Apocalypse had become something that only Israel would survive, and those who attached themselves to the Jews.

And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What is like unto this great city!
What is like unto this great city! 
All that Humanity has come to pride itself in is gone... Its rich civilization is gone and with it its arts and intellectual world.  Its pride in human reason is gone. Its pride in tribe and nuclear family is gone. Everything it ever built is gone.

It is left with the nightmare of the military monster world order, demonic science  demonic technique... demonic artificial intelligence... and still it would rather that than repentance and obedience to God.

And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
dust on their heads... 
Even on the mark of the beast which some had already willingly put there...  

Those people who cast dust upon their heads are saying in a symbolic way that they are as good as dead. Here the act takes upon it an association to the demonic digital dust of being linked with the image of the Beast. The realization has come upon the inhabitants of the earth that they have been turned over to having no future but that of the technique of the Dragon fallen from heaven and its beast upon the earth.  That technique is itself a kind of living death.  For it is artificial life. Now that they are left with no human history, the glamour of a future of artificial intelligence and a technological world is beginning to fade for them.  

They were in denial. Just as they thought they could negotiate their future with God, they thought they could negotiate their future with the god of Technique. They watch the queen of human civilization going up in smoke and all their dreams of utopia turning to ashes, and now understand clearly that they have never had any power at all, that since the day Adam sinned they have always been living in the day of their death.  And they cast dust on their heads.  They begin to feel a twinge of regret and remorse for their having embraced their exile from God. For there is yet a hidden work of the Spirit in the soul of humanity, and there will yet be a redemption of humanity, even of the nations which are now preparing to worship the beast.

Rejoice over her, oh heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets; for God has avenged you on her.
God has avenged you...
What crime has been committed against heaven and against the holy apostles and against Moses and all the prophets? For what does their soul desire vengeance?  Is it the harm done to the body? No it is not that.  For they freely suffer all things in the body for the sake of the service of God.  What is it, then, for which their soul seeks vengeance?  It is for that word of Truth spoken from heaven which they spoke, which was twisted in the minds of the innocent and was turned into a lie to weaken the faith of the children of God.

And what vengeance has Hashem brought into the world on their behalf? He has brought the vengeance of strengthening the faith of Israel in Jerusalem by his Two Witnesses, so that All Israel is saved and is come out of Babylon, leaving her to the violence of the jealousy of her lovers.  And they have destroyed her.

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
cast it into the sea...
When the Mystery Roman Babylon is exposed for what it is it will then be recognized to be nothing more than the carnal dream of sinners to rule over the word of God.  In this way, it will be cast into the sea of humanity.  For it will be laid bare and indistinguishable from all other fantastical but entirely vapid inventions of the carnal mind.  As glorious and great it was for so many centuries, it will be seen to have always been no more than a common con.  All the actual works of lasting, redeemable value that were produced through it were the result of the work of the word of God and the Spirit of God which were the gem buried within it, which it sought to exchange for a lie.  Not because of the civilization of Mystery Babylon, but despite it, developments occurred within humanity which God would redeem and rectify according to his purposes in the coming Messianic Era.

And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in you; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft shall be found any more in you; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in you;
sound of a millstone ...
Here the millstone is representative of the category of industry as the specific example of the human skills and trades developed through the centuries under the influence of the rule of Mystery Babylon.  And before this is mentioned the skill categories of social celebration and entertainment.  All of these will still be spoken of, which is to say studied and developed, in the Messianic Era, including industry, but all development will be rectified through Godliness.  No association will be made at all in the development that takes place in the Messianic Era with the development that took place in the era of the Roman Babylon spiritual prostitution of the past.

And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in you: for thy merchants were the great people of the earth; for by your sorceries were all nations deceived.
by your sorceries ...
The Roman Babylonian prostitute built a civilization on a hidden sorcery.  The products of its great merchants were actually products of this hidden sorcery.  What was this sorcery? 

It was a spell cast over a humanity that was under the sentence of death decreed by its Creator.  He decreed this sentence in order that there might ultimately be repentance and redemption in a new creation.  But instead of this truth, this sorcery made people believe that they were free of any Divine judgment and that the world and the future belonged to them, that the earth belonged to humanity to do with as it would.  

This spell first twisted the truth of Divine Judgment into a human horror story, something in the end to be mocked.  Having accomplished this, the spell then  made all who came under it to believe in the end that their own science and industry, and no go, was the source of truth and the hope of all generations to come.  The bride and the bridegroom married and gave birth in this hope.  The burning candle of this faith was that humanity was its own god and there was no other god above it.  If the pains and suffering of ceaseless war and daily sufferings were too hard for the masses to rationalize in their efforts to remain under this spell, then the merchants of this sorcery also have warehouse upon warehouse of lies and compounds to ease the mind.

And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
all that were slain upon the earth...
The Righteous testify that without acceptance of the punishment of death there is no resurrection.  But against this testimony the world rages.  And for their giving this testimony the righteous witnesses to the truth that the soul that sins will die are slain by those under the spell of the Roman Babylon continually.  Yet this day of trial will come to an end. Mystery Babylon will be exposed by the truth of God's Good News being made known to the ends of the earth; and Babylon will be destroyed in one hour.  Then the end will come.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Revelation 17 Interpretive Notes

<— Revelation 16

Revelation 17
And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come here; I will show you the judgment of the great whore that sits upon many waters:

Come here; I will show - The stage is now set for a judgment to be revealed which will prove to be the decisive judgment in the revelation of Yehoshua as the Mashiach of Israel.

There are two questions here for which we seek answers.  We look for G-d given understanding, (1 John 5:20), of both the question and the answer, in each case.  The first question is what is it in the world, exactly, that is represented by the designation, "the great whore that sits upon many waters"? The second question is, what exactly is the judgment of this entity and how exactly will it take place? Much evidence as to the answers to these questions is given in the text itself.  It will help, however, to begin by stating a few observations about the questions in a general way.

The great whore is associated with Babylon, the starting point of the captivity of Israel since the time of the destruction of the first Temple.  However, there is a mysterious aspect to this particular association, which means that it requires clarification.  The four entities described in the Book of Daniel which take and hold Israel captive through the centuries, while they are each nations, are all more than nations.  They are empires.  As such, they have both great earthly and heavenly forces underlying them, (Ephesians 6:12-13).

Each of these empires is composed of two distinctly different kind of elements.  All four of these empires, indeed every empire, has both a religious-ideological side and a military side.  One thing that seems most pronounced in the description of the great whore in the text, (see chapter 18), is the economic aspect.  It seems to be described like a world market, or a world trading-empire.  What underlies each imperial economy its religious-ideological base.  The economy informed by the ideology of any empire, however, could never establish itself were it not for its military power.  So there are these two sides to an empire.  This is the first observation and it leads to a deeper one.

All the nations of this world, and especially the empires, are to be found somewhere on a scale of commitment to building and establishing this world on a basis that denies G-d's rule over the world and judgment of the world. But specifically, the empire of Babylon and its direct offspring empires derive their power from the decree of G-d that they should be the place and power for the captivity and chastisement of Israel.  This is exactly parallel to the way that Egypt received power to become established before them, for the sake of the fulfillment of the covenant that G-d made with Abraham.  So, there are two sides to these empires, but the power came from the outset through the religious-ideological side when it was determined by G-d that Israel should be corrected through captivity among the nations of these empires.  From the worldly side this was always a mystery.  It could only be revealed through faith and by hearing the prophets of Israel. This is the overview.  In studying the text, we must bring even this overview into sharper focus.

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

committed fornication - Since we are not talking about two people and fornication taking place between them but are talking about kingdoms and empires, the fornication being referred to is a spiritual fornication.  It involves religion and ideology.  In order for there to be a spiritual fornication or adultery there must be an espousal or promise of espousal on this corporate human level.  There must be the possibility of a proper, G-d intended, spiritual union of G-d with the human family. The espousal that is understood here is the espousal of G-d and His nation Israel, which G-d promised in His covenant with Abraham.

How might there be some kind of spiritual, or ideological, union between the kings, the kingdoms, of the earth and the empires of Babylon and its three descendent empires?

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast This is now the fourth beast of Daniel's vision, the third offspring of Babylon. While this is not the empire of Babylon, but the final stage of the Roman empire, it still derives its power from the power that G-d granted to the Babylonian empire, that is the captivity of Israel. This is the core reason why there is mystery here, and this will need to be understood completely in order for it to be revealed why the woman is called the great whore, and who, or what, the woman of this vision represents.  

We will see that the two sides of the empire are explicitly divided out from one another in the form of this vision. While the woman who sits upon the beast represents the religious-ideological aspect and the beast itself represents the army and military government aspect of the empire. Although we will see the military aspect of the empire become, in the end, completely severed from the ideological foundation of the empire, we should not think that this leaves the military portion, the beast, simply as a natural military imperial government. This "beast", this final military empire, has through all the centuries, been entirely created through the influence of the "woman", which is the very source of its power. It is through this "great whore" that this Babylonian offspring empire has become a global civilization. We will see that it is G-d who puts it into the heart and mind of the beast to destroy the woman, but by doing this destroy its own source of power.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

abominations and filthiness of her fornication:  By focusing in on the appearance, as a description, of the woman the narrative focuses on the question of who or what the woman is.  Who or what, exactly, does this vision of this woman represent?  We must again fill out the background.

Saying that Israel was taken into captivity to Babylon is to say, in prophetic Biblical history, that Israel's remaining degree of captivity to Egypt was brought to the surface. There was still something that was meant to be accomplished by Israel being given over to captivity to Egypt that remained unaccomplished.  A further captivity of Israel was required.

To say that Israel was taken into captivity to Egypt, in the first place, is to say that Israel was taken into captivity to the rebellious forces of Humankind and satanic forces in rebellion against the rule of the Creator of the universe, through the sin of Adam.  It was this rebellion against the True God that was represented by Egypt. When Israel’s captivity comes to a head in the latter days of its captivity, therefore, the issue of its redemption and exile from this captivity is the issue of human redemption from its own rebellion against God.
There are two sides to the human rebellion against God which correspond to the aspect of susceptibility to God’s influence and the aspect of hard hearted rebellion.  These two aspects are portrayed in the reaction of Pharaoh, when Moses says to him, "Let my people go!" In the vision of the woman riding upon the beast, these two aspects correspond to the woman representing religion and it struggle with the influence of God, on the one side, and the beast as the embodiment of alliance of the military, technology and science, in its outright defiance of God and its determination to build a world over which it is itself the only god.

Thus the picture of the woman riding the beast is the picture of the divided house of human sin and rebellion against the Creator.  That is to say, it is the final division which ultimately results from the original division of tribes, nations, kingdoms and empires all at war with one another to be the one that finally unites all as the army of the rebellion against God. 

When there is no division left but the division within  the global civilization between those who are open to God’s influence, who think they can compromise the Spirit of God, and those who simply believe, as the satan does, that they can directly overcome the Spirit of God, then the internal battle ends up being between these two groups.  From the point of view of the revelation of the King of Israel and the redemption of Israel from the civilization built on Adam's sin, the effort to compromise the Spirit of God is understood as spiritual harlotry. For this reason the woman is dressed as a harlot.

And in the end the group that is willing to come right out and openly worship the satan uses military and technological forces to destroy the other faction. Even though it is the power, the harlotry, of this woman, that is the power that has enabled this global civilization to be built by the combined efforts of the woman and the beast to become established.  We will see later in the chapter, in verses 16 and 17, that this is the core revelation of this chapter.


MOTHER OF HARLOTS — it is written right out in the open on her forehead. She sells herself for money.  Who she is and what she does is right out in the open, yet it is a mystery, as if to say, she and her deeds are hidden in plain sight. But it does not remain a mystery to everyone. On the level of spiritual and moral corruption the influence of this specific force in civilization is felt by many, who follow its example and sell themselves also.

Why is she called Babylon the Great? We will see, as has been indicated, that she is not the political-military side of the original Babylonian empire, but is the spiritual, religious side, and as such that she sells herself to the kings and kingdoms of the earth to make money. It is in making this money, building this global economy, that she ultimately enables the rise of the final political-military power, the empire of the beast, which inherits the global civilization.  

When we talk about globalism and nationalism today, we are talking about the struggle to arrive at this endgame.  In the open, it is always advertised that it is moral values and virtues that build  the world of Babylon the Great and the beast, but, in truth, it is the abominations of immorality and corruption that build that empire.

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Yehoshua: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

drunken with the blood of the saints,  It is not that only abominations and immorality and corruption are involved in building the imperial civilization of this world. On one side principles and values that have been deeply informed by the Bible, which are called liberal and progressive today, such as human rights and freedoms, are set, on the other side, against principles and values which are also deeply informed by the Bible, which are called traditional and conservative.  

It is, in truth, these substantive principles and values that give enduring strength to the imperial civilization of this world.  The violent processes through which these principles and values are built together into the imperial civilization, however, is a process arising from sin and not from the G-d of the Bible. It is the process which steals from the word of G-d and prostitutes its stolen goods through arrangements enforced through military strength and the politics arising from this.  This is the picture of the unnatural monster, the beast, and the great harlot who rides upon its neck.

To make this arrangement successful through the centuries the sanctified people of G-d, saints of G-d, who are the custodians of the word of G-d, its texts and true interpretations, have been suppressed, oppressed, and killed, in order to silence them.  As a result, the mystery woman, the counterfeit of Israel as pictured in chapter 12, has become drunk, permanently drunk in her last days, with the blood of G-d's martyrs.

And the angel said unto me, About what did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carried her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

I will tell you the mystery of the woman  Yochanan, apparently, was impressed, once he saw fully how deceptive the system of the mystery woman and the whole system of the "mystery of iniquity", (2 Thess. 2:7), was.  The angel speaking with Yochanan sees this and says to Yochanan, in effect, it is not that hard to understand how this system works, and how it could be so deceptive.

We will see clearly that the only power that this system of iniquity has, to build itself into a global empire, is stolen power. It is power that it takes and perverts from the power that G-d grants to the empires of Babylon, Persia and Greece to hold Israel in captivity.  If there were no power to take or hold Israel in captivity given by God, 'Mystery Babylon', and therefore the fourth beast, could never have established themselves. Just as when G-d took Israel out of Egypt this led to the downfall of Egypt, so when G-d takes Israel fully out of captivity among the nations the empire built through the mystery of iniquity will fall.

Today, that the State of Israel has been established in the Land of Israel seems in some ways to be finally the complete fulfillment of God's covenant promise to Abraham.  However, we see as time goes on that even this state does not yet represent the full liberation from the captivity to the nations that began with Babylon. We will see how that the mystery of the Babylonian captivity was foreshadowed by the Assyrian captivity of the ten tribes, and then continued with the Persian and Greek power over Israel. Finally was sealed with the Roman diaspora but through the mystery of iniquity, not by the will of God.  This will be further explained.

The true mystery is not how the empires of the nations have built their global civilization through perversion and exploitation of the power that G-d gave them over Israel, and by marketing that stolen power from generation to generation.  That is to say, the true mystery is not the mystery of the prophetic image of the iniquitous woman or of the beast she rides. The true mystery is the mystery of the prophetic image of the virtuous woman of prophecy, who represents Israel, and of the one who comes as her redeemer.

The true mystery is how G-d will bring Israel out of the empire built on the structure of this mystery of iniquity.  How He will bring Israel to the repentance that it must come to in order to no longer require the correction of being subject to captivity among the nations.  It is the mystery of exactly what that repentance is and of how it will be corporately implemented in all Israel.  And then it is the mystery of how G-d will overthrew the empire of the global civilization of this world, as He did Egypt, so that both Israel and all the nations will know that He is the one true G-d, bringing salvation to all the world.

The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.  At the time of the giving of the revelation to Yochanan the beast "is not", because it is in the bottomless pit. This beast once was seen, when it was allowed to raise its head to crush the Temple of the Living God. Then it was consumed and concealed in the bottomless pit. But in the time to come, as revealed in the revelation given to Yochanan, the beast shall ascend out of the bottomless pit. And after this it shall go into perdition.  

What and where is the bottomless pit?  It is in you and me; it is the Godlessness in every human sinner.  If there is an aspect of the bottomless pit that is also elsewhere, it is most centrally in sinful human hearts. It is there that the beast was concealed for a time and it is from there that it will emerge.  It is not so much that the beast will emerge from the bottomless pit as it is that the beast will emerge as the incarnation of the bottomless pit.

To be conscious and not to know God is a bottomless pit.  Unless we overcome the potential that is in us through sin to become the beast, that is, members of the body of the beast, while it is still possible, through receiving the love of the truth, we will in the end be locked into the delusion that there is no God other than ourselves. If we do not repent, the bottomless pit of being unconscious of God, caused by the great delusion of sin, will eternally overtake us.

Today there are people who are proud of being unconscious of God. Often they are not afraid, though they are in a bottomless pit of falling ever further from the knowledge of God. Perhaps they are unafraid of losing all sense of morality, or all sense of meaning, or of losing the blessings of life in any other way. All who remain unconscious of God long enough will loose all sense of morality and meaning.

Already their conscience is seared as with a hot iron concerning the knowledge of God's love and power.  They no longer feel the spiritual pain caused in the soul by sin, the pain of feeling distant from God, of not being able to find again the way back to full consciousness of God and communion with God. They no longer know or believe that they are a bottomless pit.

When the beast emerges, the wound in all who do not repent, the wound caused by their alienation from God, will be cauterized and they will have no spiritual pain at all to warn them that when the beast goes into perdition, the place of being sealed forever in alienation from God, their soul also, being a member of that beast, will go into perdition.  Still, at this time, repentance is possible in all the world. Still at this time it is possible to receive the love of the truth and live.

And here [is] the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.

on which the woman sits.  The purpose of the angel is to explain to Yochanan why he is seeing a vision of the 4th beast from the Book of Daniel with the image of a woman, a woman such as this, riding upon it, as someone might ride a horse.  How did this woman come to be riding this terrible beast which represents the final empire in which Israel is held captive? Once and for all, who, or what, is this woman?

While the city of Rome may be said to sit on seven hills, while this is clearly no coincidence, it is not the ultimate meaning of the seven mountains in this prophetic word of interpretation.  Yochanan already knows, as did any student of the Book of Daniel, that Rome inherited the power of Greece, as Greece inherited the power of Persia, and as Persia inherited the power of Babylon.  

As the fourth beast in the vision in the Book of Daniel inherited the power of the third beast and as the third beast was identified as the Greek empire, there was never any question that Rome was going to be the fourth beast.  The question was what did this mean and how was it going to play out in history.  How was it going to lead to the last days of history?

That in the angelic interpretation of the visions to do with the four beasts in the Book of Daniel, the first three beasts are named as Babylon, Media-Persia and Greece, but the fourth beast is not named, is not just due to the time when these visions were given, when Rome had not yet taken its power over the captivity of Israel.  The fact that there was not yet any name for the fourth beast was emblematic of the mystery that would be involved with the fourth beast.  The unnatural nature and appearance of the fourth beast was also emblematic of this mystery.  We will see that we are to think about Rome, yes in a historical way, but also in an almost supra-historical way.

Ultimately, the mystery surrounding this fourth beast would be interpreted in the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua HaMashiach, through this very image of this woman, called the mother of prostitution, riding upon this beast, as if it were her beast. That this beast is here pictured as having seven heads and the seven heads are said to be seven mountains is stated as a key to unlock the mystery of how this woman came to be seated upon the beast.

We are meant to continue to understand the vision here in the same way as similar visions concerning the beast were explained by the angel to Daniel previously.  If this fourth beast, which in some expansive and expanded sense is Rome, and Rome is a world power, then its seven heads are seven focal points of that world power. To describe these seven heads, (that give rise to this final form, and this final act), of the beast in history as mountains is to say that, historically and spiritually, there are seven peaks in history, like mountains, that the power which keeps Israel captive in the end of days rests upon.

Yochanan has marvelled to see this woman called Babylon the Great and the Mother of Harlots riding, in a vision, the fourth beast of the visions of Daniel.  The angel begins then to explain to Yochanan that we must ask the question of where the power of the Roman beast comes from.  It comes from its seven heads, which are like seven mountains in the history of the fourth beast. In Daniel's vision of the ram and the he-goat we learned that the power of the final, little evil horn comes right out of Alexander's Greek empire.  So, we learn from all these visions that the first three mountains of power underlying the final beast are the first three empires which took and held Israel captive, Babylon, Persia and Greece.

Now we come to the mystery of the transition of power over Israel from Greece to Rome.  Babylon's power was passed almost seamlessly to Persia. And Alexander the Great virtually assimilated that power in order to establish the Greek empire.  But there was a mystery in how the power was passed to and taken by Rome.  To fully understand that mystery is to break the spell of 'Mystery Babylon'.

From a study of all relevant Scripture and from a study of the sages of Israel, we see that this mystery is embedded in the three way relationship between the Hasmonean dynasty and Antiochus Epiphanes, the great antisemite Seuclidean Greek and the Roman, Pompey, representing the end of the Roman Republic, to whom the Greek power over Israel was passed on.  This loci, this bridge between Greece and Rome, is the 5th head on which the fourth beast is built. This mystery of the time of the Maccabees is itself the fourth head.

And it is the nature of this fourth head to almost immediately produce the fifth head, which is the power at the head of the Roman Empire, the power of crushing the hope of Israel, crushing the Temple of God, crushing Jerusalem, and scattering Judah among all the nations.  Titus was a second Antiochus Epiphanes.  And there will yet be another.

The sixth foundation, the sixth mountain, the sixth resource from which the evil power of the beast is derived is the Roman Empire itself, as an empire.  As Pompey and Julias Caesar, Vespasian and Titus were the culmination and ending of the Roman Republic, so they were also represented the foundation, as the inheritors of the captivity of Israel, upon which the Roman Empire was built.  When the angel says to Yochanan in the next verse that there are seven kings, five fallen, one that is present at that time and one not yet come, the one present at that time is any king over the Roman Empire as a mountain, the sixth mountain, underlying the beast.  

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.

when he comes  For the empire was not the first form that the Roman beast took and it would not be the last.  There would be another that was yet to come, the seventh.  This would be what we have come to call Western Civilization, which we might now better call Technological Civilization, as it now covers the globe in that form.  Just as the British Empire began to introduce Western Civilization to the whole world, and just as Western Civilization is Roman, or Greek-Roman, at its root, so we now see the vision of the unnatural, artificial looking beast sprouting ten horns across the globe.   Then there will be the eighth, all those seven compressed, as it were into one.

when he comes, he must continue a short space  We have had the angel focus our attention here on the idea that there could be said to be one king, one ruler, representing each of the seven heads, or historic periods of time, like foundational mountains in history supporting the beast.  The kings to which the angel refers are more the seven, now to be eight, ruling spirits of the human kings than they are the human kings themselves. 

And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition.

he is the eighth  Just as we see with Antiochus Epiphanes and Vespasian/Titus, more than one evil human being can manifest the same evil ruling spirit.  A deep and revealing aspect of the fourth head, or king, of the beast is that it is an embodiment of the eighth king, the evil little horn himself.  He will be allowed to manifest once more, but for the sake of God's chosen people, his time will be very short.

And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

 no kingdom as yet When the little horn, the beast of the end times, does receive a kingdom it will be through the alliance of 10 kings, 10 rulers of end time nations.  We are told here very explicitly how it will happen. We are told in this vision that all the rulers and their peoples throughout the ages will have illicit economic and spiritual relations with the institution of the Great Spiritual Harlot, the mysterious, hidden, power of the ongoing power of the Babylonian captivity of Israel.  All the nations will profit from the diaspora of the Jews. But in the end 10 nations will come together to turn against this Spiritual Harlot.  

The essence of this spiritual harlotry is that the authority granted to Babylon to take Israel captive is turned into a lie. Although Israel returned to the Land of Israel and rebuilt the Temple after 70 years, the glory of the 2nd Temple was not as the first. There was a sense in which Israel still was being chastised by God, still remained under the control of Persia. And this situation remained even through the time of the empire of Greece.  However, it was not God's will that Israel should continue to be chastised after the time of Greece.  

There was a Torah-based mystery as to why Israel would have to go into captivity to Babylon in the fist place.  It had to do with how the children of Israel came into the possession of the Torah and then into the possession of the Land, in accordance with the covenant that God made with Abraham. They did not do so with no blemish to their faith.  The testimony of the entrance into the Land was not perfect, as the testimony of the exodus from Egypt was perfect.  

It was because, by the time of King David and King Solomon that repentance and rectification of this testimony had not been perfected that need for the correction of the testimony through the Babylonian captivity began to be revealed through the prophets. Israel would again be taken outside of the Land, and this time when they came back into the Land they would manifestly do so through a perfect testimony of faith.  This new stage of exile began to be manifested through the division of Israel into two kingdoms, and then of the exile of the northern kingdom by the Assyrians.  After this, Jerusalem itself, with all of Judah, would be exiled to Babylon.  Even so, there was not a complete return in faith after the 70 years.  The true Torah-mystery became vulnerable to an evil found in the nations, vulnerable to a false, anti-Semitic, political-religious interpretation of the captivity of Israel that was to follow.

It was not God's will that Israel should ever be corporately and spiritually in captivity to Rome. That this happened at all was a mystery, because it did not happen as a result of God's will.  It happened because the nations, using the Babylonian authorization of the captivity of Israel as a licence, determined to do evil to Jerusalem and keep the Jewish people in captivity forever.  As it is written, (Zechariah 1:15):

I am very angry with the nations that are at ease; for I was but a little displeased [with Israel], and they helped for evil. JPS Tanakh 1917 adapted

When the ten horns destroy the "city" of this lying system, they will do so like a vulture, destroy her completely, and destroying her, will attempt to take her power and give it to the beast openly and directly. In order to rule the world, the beast will no longer need to submit to being controlled by the restraints of the need to sell the spiritual merchandise of the Babylonian Harlot.  

The beast will come right out into the open and stand up against the God of Israel, the Creator and Judge of the world, and defy Him, saying that the human race, neither Jew nor Gentile, has need to fear or obey the God of Israel. The ten nations, being the ten horns of the beast, will declare that there is no longer any need to give lip-service, through 'Mystery Babylon', to the importance of the Torah or the Bible or the uniqueness of the Jewish people. This will then become the message of the False Prophet, who will declare that the global civilization is, and has been all along, the successful work of the human race itself, without God, in service of the beast, which, as being one with the luciferic dragon, should be worshipped as its true god.

There are several reasons that the ten nations pictured as the ten horns of the beast can be seen to be nations that arise in the last stage of the present world's history. First, they bring about the condition where all the nations of the world worship the beast. They represent a global civilization, something we can understand, as we see it taking form today. But primarily, their primary purpose is to utterly destroy the Great Spiritual Harlot, Mystery Babylon. They could not do so before.  The beast had need of her through all the ages, until finally in the last days his resentment of her because of this turns into hate and rage, because she fails him.  She is of no more use to him.  As much as the merchants and rulers of the earth want to continue to commit spiritual fornication with her, her lie can no longer be believed.  She is exposed by the truth and appears to all as a spiritual corpse.  Therefore the beast hates her and rages against her and his ten horns turn against her like a vulture against a carcass.

What is the truth that has exposed the lie of 'Mystery Babylon', the Mother of Spiritual Harlots?  It is the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah.  God has forgiven Israel, His people.  He has fulfilled His covenant with Abraham, establishing Jerusalem in the Land He promised to Abraham, and has justified life, thereby, for all the world.  This is the testimony of the Two Witnesses in Jerusalem.

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

These have one mind  This mind is the mind of defiance against G-d, the Creator and Redeemer of all things. It is the mind we see now manifest in our day in the amoral technological civilization in which we live, the mind that says that there is no God but only material forces, quantum forces, with our own human consciousness resting like a crown atop of them all.  We speak of the G8 or the G20 nations at the top of the global economy.  Here we have the G10, who want to become the B10, the 10 horns that violently take all their power from the mystery woman who rides the beast and give that power to the beast itself.

Because today the mystery of the prostituting of G-d's authority, of the authorization of the nations to take Israel captive, is still hidden, it is not seen clearly how our global civilization is dead set on defying the word of G-d.  G-d's word says that because of their sin Adam will have an end. The society of their children will not go on for any longer than a certain measure of time that G-d determines in order to lay a foundation for repentance.  

The civilization of this world shakes its fist at the word of G-d and says that it will not be subject to G-d.  Human civilization declares that it will not be stopped, that it will go on and on and cover the face of the earth with its cities, and even go to the stars.  This is the mind, the one mind, of the 10 nations that come in due time to dominate the global economy. They finally say that they no longer have any need to compromise with the authority of the word of G-d through the spiritual harlotry of the heirs of the Babylonian captivity of Israel.  With the same inspiration as Adolf Hitler, they will claim that they can deal with the Jews in any way they want simply on the basis of their own authority. They will deny, with one mind, that it is only G-d, having allowed them to take and keep Israel captive, that has enabled them to build their global civilization.

They will set about to destroy every historic connection that they have to the Bible, every true connection as well as every political and corrupt connection. In verse 16 we will see that these 10 nations will finally act on their resentment and hatred for the spiritual woman of political compromise with the word of G-d.  They will destroy her. From that time forward, in the name of human knowledge and power, they will give allegiance only to the demonic empire of the beast.

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him [are] called, and chosen, and faithful.

the Lamb shall overcome them  Those who make war with G-d, having destroyed all their historical political connection to the word of G-d, will come right out and make it clear to all the world that their number one enemy is the Lamb of G-d who laid down his life as a prayer for the forgiveness and salvation of Israel. And when they come out fully into the open to make war with the Lamb, he will then overcome them.  And all who are with the Lamb will overcome the beast and his 10 horns and all who are with them. For the prayer of the Lamb for his people Israel has been heard.  Jerusalem will be established in her own Land, in the Land that G-d promised for her to Abraham.

And he said unto me, The waters which you saw, where the whore sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

waters ... where the whore sits  The heart of the mystery of why the force of the Babylonian captivity of Israel continues to this day is the mystery of iniquity, (2 Thess 2:1-8). The place where the spiritual harlot sits is not some peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues, but is the place of all peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues. 

The mystery of iniquity is the process through which the spiritual harlotry system that arises out of the Babylonian captivity destroys the conscience of all the world concerning G-d and forms and prepares the whole civilization of the world to worship the beast, to become one world, one mind, as members of the beast.  The nature of the great spiritual harlot is that it is a world-wide system of illegitimately keeping Israel in spiritual captivity, although G-d Himself has provided a corporate atonement for Israel through the Lamb, the Righteous One. 

"Mystery Babylon" brings the strong delusion, (2 Thess. 2:11-12), that the whole world should believe the lie of the False Prophet of the beast, all those who did not receive the love of the truth through the Good News of the Torah of Israel's G-d. The mystery of iniquity is the heart of the mystery of the ongoing nature of the Babylonian captivity, how it carries on into the Roman captivity, to the captivity of the Jewish people among all nations. It goes back to the beginning of the war of the evil inclination against G-d's covenanted promise to Abraham.

The foundation of the mystery of iniquity is Ishmael, that is to say, what Ishmael represents spiritually. The superstructure built on that foundation, its full expression and power, is Esau, that is to say, what Esau represents spiritually.  The mystery built on Ishmael does not only involve the need for the rectification of the giving of the testimony of Abraham and Sarah, whose testimony to the revelation of the One True God temporarily failed when they turned to Hagar to produce Ishmael. This testimony was rectified in the testimony of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  It must likewise be expressed as the rectified testimony of Israel in the last days.  But there is more.

It is not only Ishmael, the spiritual meaning of Ishmael, reliance on our own resources, that must be rectified.  It is also that the testimony that Abraham and Sarah were meant to give, which they lost their original opportunity to give, must still be given.  This is the testimony that the promised seed of Abraham is the seed of Sarah, and not only of Sarah but of her dead womb.  It is Esau who stands in the way of this testimony being given perfectly and clearly in the way that is necessary for the full and final revelation of Israel's God as the Creator and Redeemer of heaven and earth.

When Abraham offered up Isaac on the mountain through an unblemished faith, he began to correct the lacking in his testimony and Sarah's testimony which led to Ishmael coming into the world.  Abraham and Sarah then began to give the testimony that they had been called to give.  They began to testify that due to the corruption of the nature of the first Adam through disobedience to the commandment of G-d in the eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the evil inclination can be fully overcome in body and soul, in the end, only through a corporate justification of life by the promised seed of the woman and by the resurrection of the dead. The final witness to this would be given by Jacob, but Esau would attempt to twist the testimony and steal the blessing.

In the end of days, and in the centuries leading up to them, a world civilization has formed that is built on the foundation of the denial of the world to come.  It is a civilization built on the denial that it is necessary for there to be a corporate atonement for Adam's sin, provided for through the promised seed of Sarah. It is a denial as well of the need for a continual war against the evil inclination and, in the end, an eradication of the evil inclination through a corporate death and resurrection of Adam.

We will see in the study of the next verse of this chapter that it is when the truth of Abraham's testimony to the promised seed of Sarah is given by the Two Witnesses in Jerusalem that the power of the delusion of the great spiritual Harlot of Babylon will be exposed.  And when it is exposed, the children of Sarah will no longer be susceptible to being held captive to the present illegitimate Babylonian, Roman, Global captivity.  As we will read in chapter 18, they will come out of her, will not even touch her any longer, and will not be partakers with her in the judgment and destruction that will come upon her.  Through this judgment, the evil inclination represented corporately by both Ishmael and Esau will be made to serve the good.  For when the testimony is clearly corrected, in the end, all the world shall know Hashem, the God of Israel fully and in truth, as the waters fill the seas.

And the ten horns which thou saw upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

the ten horns ... shall hate the whore,  The time when the ten horns turn on the spiritual harlot can be identified in terms of the progression of the revelation of Yehoshua HaMashiach itself. After the message of the seven thunders is hidden and concealed from the world, by not being written down for the world to have access to, as is the rest of the revelation, the time soon comes for the Two Witnesses to give their testimony in Jerusalem.  Although the world does not have access to what the seven thunders said, the Two Witnesses do, for to them, and to all who are in their fellowship and a part of their testimony, the revelation of the seven thunders passes through the generations, by the Spirit, as an oral 'tradition'.

When the testimony of the Two Witnesses is given the final chastisement of Jerusalem comes as an accompaniment to that testimony.  As a result Jerusalem finally fully repents and receives the testimony of the Two Witnesses.  In receiving that testimony it receives the testimony of the Lamb, the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah.  The delusion of 'Mystery Babylon', the delusion of the present galut being the will of G-d, is once and for all exposed. The spiritual eyes of Jerusalem are uncovered and she sees the truth of Her own beloved, her own Moshe-redeemer, that he has never abandoned her nor forsaken her. Mashiach belongs to Jerusalem.  He is married to her. 

As a result of the  ירא (yara'), awe of Hashem, that the inhabitants of Jerusalem have, those who survive the chastisements at the time of the Two Witnesses, they come back full circle to the place of 'fear' where Israel was on Mt. Sinai, when they said, like the angels of G-d, "We will do and we will hear," which is to say, "We will first obey and through obeying we will learn." (See Revelation 11:13). It is in this place of full repentance and embrace of her Mashiach that Jerusalem also hears the seven thunders of Mashiach's revelation.

And it is as a result of this that 'Mystery Babylon' loses its ability to cast its spell in the world, to confuse the mind of the Jew and deceive the nations. No longer having this ability, she appears weak and powerless and pathetic in the eyes of the beast and its horns attack her and through her off of its neck.  The beast has been able to come to power in on the globe through the lie of the spiritual harlot, the lie which denied the justification of life provided for Jerusalem and for Israel by Her Messiah.  Now, when this lie is no longer believed in the world, the beast will reveal itself in its true nature, the military-political technique, a human civilization built through the power of the blasphemy and defiance of the G-d of Israel, the true Creator and Redeemer of heaven and earth.  Therefore, as we saw above in verse 14, the horns of the beast will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will defeat them.  Therefore, in the progress of the Revelation, after the testimony of the Two Witnesses and the repentance of Jerusalem in chapter 11, we see a vision of true relationship between Israel, Her Messiah and the remainder of Her children. We see, in chapter 12, how the woman and her seed are saved from the beast's hatred of G-d, that hatred that underlies a world civilization that wants to defy the sentence of death, to obey its own mind and not G-d and to establish itself with pride, conquering the planet and the stars; we see how they are saved from the antisemitism of the beast, which feeds this evil inclination of the defiant human civilization.

Then, in chapter 13, we see how, because of Jerusalem's repentance in chapter 11 what is described here in this chapter takes place. The horns of the beast hate the spiritual harlot, who worked for so long to prevent the possibility of Jerusalem's repentance.  And when the "Mystery Babylon" is destroyed we see, in chapter 13, the beast come out exposing itself for what it truly is, an embodiment of the spirit of the dragon.

Therefore, having revealed all of these things, in chapter 18, immediately to follow, the Revelation will make clear that the power of the children of Jerusalem over the beast is their power to "come out of her", out of the system of the spiritual harlot, and to no longer touch the unclean thing.

How are we to come from where we are today to this place of spiritual victory?  We will discuss the answer to that question in notes upon the next verse.

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

until the words of God shall be fulfilled  Adam was created mortal but with the potential for immortality. This potential was based upon their connection to the one who would come as an offspring of Adam and Eve, who would be anointed with the Divine Presence of God, their Creator.  When Adam failed to obey the commandment of God given to them, a different world followed.  It was a world of sin and death, a world of God's curse and a world of redemption. In this world the one who was to come openly anointed by the Divine Presence as a child of Adam and Eve, had they obeyed God's commandment, now had to come under the cloud of of sin and death, under the curse.  He would come to be known as the Mashiach, the Anointed one of Israel.

When we read the phrase here, "until the words of God shall be fulfilled," allusion is being made to the whole plan of God's redemption of the world that the sin of Adam brought into the dominion of death.  The culminating blow that God will strike against the evil forces that worked from within and from without to corrupt Adam is this blow of turning the final empire holding Israel captive against itself.  As Yehoshua stated: "A house divided against itself cannot stand!" (See Matthew 12:22-28).  He said this to argue against his accusers that if he cast out devils and was himself from the house of devils, then he would be overthrowing his own house.  Here we see that this is exactly what his victory over the condemnation of devils against his people Israel, the Jewish people, forces the house of devils to do in the end. It forces that house to divide against itself.

How are we to come from where we are today to this place of spiritual victory? Only one thing is required.  All that is required for us to come from where we are today, subject to spiritual captivity to the civilization of nations that are in revolt against God, to the place of Yehoshua HaMashiach's eternal victory over the condemnation of the Jews, is that we open our hearts to his victory, open our eyes to his victory, learn to fully comprehend his victory and open our mouths to the confession of his victory.  For his life, which he freely laid down as the Lamb of God, was one complete prayer for the forgiveness of Jerusalem and of Israel and for the justification of Her life.  And his prayer was heard.  His prayer for the Jews was received and accordingly he was raised from the dead on the third day.  This is the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah.  It is the only eternal good news for Adam and for the whole world, for apart from this good news there is no redemption and no salvation.

By this self-sacrificial prayer of Yehoshua, Jerusalem has been espoused to him forever as his bride and Israel has been made the kingdom of God in a new and eternally righteous creation. When this good news of the kingdom is declared unto all the ends of the earth and confessed among all nations of the earth through word and deed, according to the commandments of God, then the end will come, (Matthew 24:14). 

And the woman which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.
that great city  That great civilization. That there are certain key global cities that are most representative of the mystery Babylonian system that keeps Israel in its spiritual captivity, where it is unable to live according to the promises of the Torah in the Land is indisputable.  However, historically, it is also indisputable that all these cities are inseparable.  It may be that when the ten horns destroy this mystery system it will be because one economic greed capital city or more than one are destroyed.  However, when the mystery system is exposed to all the ends of the earth — as holding Israel captive without the authorization of God, since the time of Yehoshua HaMashiach — it will be the whole foundation of that false civilization that is destroyed.

The Latin words behind the English "civil" and "city" are directly related.  The original difference between the Latin words behind "urban" and "city" was that the Latin word, "civis" placed more emphasis on the citizens of the city. Traditionally the idea of civilization emphasizes the civility of society. Today, the thought of human civilization most often brings to mind its science and technology. 

The apocalyptic harlot, who Yochanan (John) saw, rode the nations to the place where they were transformed into members of the anti-Messianic beast.  She did this by creating a civilization based on compromising morality and faith, counterfeiting religion and spirituality, turning these into a system, a pure technique, of greed.  In this way she ruled over the kings of the earth.  God allowed this.  For in the end she would be exposed and once exposed, the amoral, monstrous beast civilization, which she unnaturally gave birth to, would turn against her and hate her, due to her then having become useless, and, because she would still try to retain her power, would destroy her.  That monstrous  unnatural offspring, the beast, would then be left standing openly in rebellion against the Judge of all the earth with no cover and no defence, waiting to being defeated, taken captive and thrown into the Lake of Deconstruction.

In the following chapter, we will see that the joy of all the heavens comes when, as in the time when God took Israel out of Egypt, God calls His people the Jews, and all who are attached to them, out of the civilization of 'Mystery Babylon'.

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