Monday, July 27, 2009

V'etchanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) 2009/5769

The following is from my Seven Thunder Notes on this parsha:

Israel-Karmiel - Man with TorahImage by Stellas mom via Flickr

The message of the Seven Thunders in the time of the last judgment upon the present world order is the message of why God chose Israel. It is the message that God can be known by rebellious Adam only through a word that has never been heard before. This is the message of the Torah itself saying this, that God can only be known by rebellious Adam through this word that is new to Creation, that makes Creation new. The Torah has always said this. When the Torah was first given to Abraham by promise it said this. Only a word from God to come, a separate word, a word that the nations have not heard, because Adam did not hear it, nor was it spoken to him, only such a word as promised to Abraham could bring sinners into a perfect and true knowledge of God. And when the Torah was given to all Israel this is the message that it continued to give in a deeper and fuller way. Repentance was and is only possible, the Torah said to Israel, through the authorization of the commandment of God in the hope of the world to come, the new Creation. For the Torah is not given as a contradiction to the word spoken by God to Adam in the garden, the word saying, In the day you eat thereof you will certainly die. The Torah is given only as a revelation of the hope of the resurrection from the dead.

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