Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hearing Seven Thunders In Psalms 29

Psalms Chapter 29 
א מִזְמוֹר, לְדָוִד: הָבוּ לַיהוָה, בְּנֵי אֵלִים; הָבוּ לַיהוָה, כָּבוֹד וָעֹז.

Poetic Reading
The heart of David in song. Confess the the truth of the One, the Only One, Israel’s God, all you the mighty children of the Mighty God!. Confess the truth that He alone is glorious and strong.

1 A Psalm of David. Ascribe unto 'The Name', O you children of might, ascribe unto 'The Name' glory and strength.

Poetic Commentary
Angels of the Revelation, Let us join with you to acknowledge the God of Israel. Let us join together to acknowledge Him as the God of all glory and strength! 

ב הָבוּ לַיהוָה, כְּבוֹד שְׁמוֹ; הִשְׁתַּחֲווּ לַיהוָה, בְּהַדְרַת-קֹדֶשׁ.

Poetic Reading
Give your testimony on the witness stand, for creation is on trial. Will the creature steal the glory of his Creator? Let Israel give her testimony for her God! Let her rejoice in the glory of His name! Let her teach the nations the true worship of the One.

2 Ascribe unto 'The Name' the glory due unto His name; worship 'The Name' in the beauty of holiness.

Poetic Commentary 
With you, angels of the Revelation of the Messiah of Israel, Let us honor The Great Name. Let us join as one to ascribe to the Name of the God of Israel His due. And let us go on to attain our maturity, to acknowledge the One Holy Name by arranging ourselves according to the pattern of the beauty of holiness.


"When he had cried like a roaring lion, seven thunders uttered their voices."

The Voice of the First Day of Creation

ג קוֹל יְהוָה, עַל-הַמָּיִם:
אֵל-הַכָּבוֹד הִרְעִים; יְהוָה, עַל-מַיִם רַבִּים.

Poetic Reading

The thunderous voice of Israel’s God commands the tumultuous waves; He thunders over the roar of all the nations, commanding them to be still, to be mute and come to rest. The Glorious Power thunders! Israel’s God thunders, subduing the many waters of ice and fire.  The revelation of Israel's God subdues the chaos of hatred, the enmity toward Israel in the heart of the nations.


 The First of The Seven Thunders

Hashem Calling "Israel" Over The Waters 
Over The Waters of The Chaos 
The Chaos of The Nations

3 The voice of 'The Name' is upon the waters;
the God of glory thunders, even 'The Name' upon many waters.

Poetic Commentary

Go forth angel upon the white horse, ride upon the waters! Let your shofar blast and part the nations like waters! Announce the coming of the God of the Great Shabbat, the God of Israel! Go forth, let your white horse’s hooves pound upon the many waters! The chariot of the God of the Torah comes, with his glory in his voice, his voice like the waves of Heaven's thunder pounding upon the waters.


"When he had cried like a roaring lion, seven thunders uttered their voices."

The Voice of the Second Day of Creation

ד קוֹל-יְהוָה בַּכֹּחַ; קוֹל יְהוָה, בֶּהָדָר.

Poetic Reading

The thunderous voice of Israel’s God moves worlds like winds of dust. The thunderous voice of Israel’s God turns light into darkness and darkness into light. 

The Voice of the Third Day of Creation

The thunderous voice of Israel’s God hews down the world’s pillars; yes, Israel’s God hews down the pillars of His Temple.

 The Second of The Seven Thunders

Hashem Dividing The Waters
The Waters Above From The Waters Below
Making Israel The Rule

4a The voice of 'The Name' is powerful; 4b the voice of 'The Name' is full of majesty.

Poetic Commentary

4a The voice of Israel’s God thunders with great power, killing and making alive. Ride, you messengers! Angel upon the red horse, ride! Take away the world’s false peace as you ride! Take away false peace with the shofar blast of truth. With the truth spoken in the voice of God's love for Israel take from the nations, the children of violence, their false plan of peace.

 The Third of The Seven Thunders

Hashem Planting the Heavens and Earth
Making Them Fertile
with The Seed Potential of Israel

4b Every human heart aches, every human dream breaks, as the angel on a black horse passes through all lands. Let us join with her who opened the door to death but who was made the Mother of All Living through the grace of God's Great Revelation! She passes by to measure what the limits of poverty are that the human spirit can endure. Be true, oh black horse rider, to that judgment and mercy for the atonement that composes the majesty of the God of Israel!

"When he had cried like a roaring lion, seven thunders uttered their voices."

The Voice of the Fourth Day of Creation 




ה קוֹל יְהוָה, שֹׁבֵר אֲרָזִים; וַיְשַׁבֵּר יְהוָה, אֶת-אַרְזֵי הַלְּבָנוֹן.


Poetic Reading

He makes their pillars to fly like a young angel. At the sound of His thundering voice both the Temple and its rulers fly like fledglings, like newborn angels of God.

 The Fourth of The Seven Thunders

Hashem Turning The Soil of The Universe
Overturning The Nations
Cultivating The Seed of Israel

5 The voice of 'The Name' breaks the cedars; yea, The Name breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.

Poetic Commentary

God breathes His name softly and the cedars of Lebanon break. Eber shakes, Assyria falls. God proclaims: “I am the God of Israel,” and the tall cedars break off from the root; the the nations break and fall toward hell… Death, like a vulture approaches the worlds, an angel riding on a pale horse. The head of Humanity is cut off and Israel’s king is anointed to reign over Adam, the Messiah of Israel enthroned on high! When the angel of Death approaches the Throne on an ash coloured horse, the angels themselves melt like gold and like silver, and are moulded anew. Let us all be broken and mended with Israel!

ו וַיַּרְקִידֵם כְּמוֹ-עֵגֶל; לְבָנוֹן וְשִׂרְיֹן, כְּמוֹ בֶן-רְאֵמִים.

Poetic Reading

Indeed, he makes the pillars to fly like a young angel. At the sound of His thundering voice both the Temple builders and its rulers fly like fledglings, like newborn angels of God.

6 He makes them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild-ox.

Poetic Commentary

On the day that the ashen horse passes through the nations, all lands will shift to and fro and move from their places. Lebanon and its high mountain will skip over a chasm that is open into hell. Like young calves they will skip in pursuit of one who is a Jew, and they will say to him, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you!” On the day that the ash coloured horse passes through a great mixed multitude will chase after the children of Israel.

"When he had cried like a roaring lion, seven thunders uttered their voices."

The Voice of the Fifth Day of Creation 

ז קוֹל-יְהוָה חֹצֵב; לַהֲבוֹת אֵשׁ.

Poetic Reading

The thunderous voice of Israel’s God engraves ten words of nothingness, shooting them like a flame of lightning fire, into His emptied place, sending them to form His creation.


 The Fifth of The Seven Thunders

Hashem Gardening The Universe
Pruning Back Fruitless Pride
Governing All By The Rule of Israel

7 The voice of 'The Name' hews out flames of fire.

Poetic Commentary

The voice of the God of Israel is a chariot of amber lightening. No sight can penetrate its love or comprehend its glory. Its arms are letters, the letters of God’s Torah. In a moment the letters of God's thunderous voice shall surgically strike the earth. The arms of the chariot of the God of Israel shall strike through the sun and make it bow down at the feet of Israel. So shall God's shofar reply to the shofar prayers of Israel.

 "When he had cried like a roaring lion, seven thunders uttered their voices."


The Voice of the Sixth Day of Creation 



ח קוֹל יְהוָה, יָחִיל מִדְבָּר; יָחִיל יְהוָה, מִדְבַּר קָדֵשׁ.

Poetic Reading 

The thunderous voice of Israel’s God trembles; creation hears and is shaken, a shaken wilderness. The thunderous voice of Israel’s God trembles and creation is shaken until it is no more, and until it is again, a gate of hope and holiness. 


 The Sixth of The Seven Thunders

Hashem Regenerating The Universe
Creating All Things New
Re-birthing all Nations With Israel

8 The voice of 'The Name' shakes the wilderness; The Name shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.

Poetic Commentary

The thunderous voice of the God of Israel rolls across the wilderness of the nations, the lonely place of death where Israel wanders. The continents quake and tremble. The planet is shattered like glass and holds its breath in fear. All its forests begin to wilt. The earth has no pulse. Then the twelve tribes of Israel ride upon the chariot of God’s voice, amidst the falling stars, beneath the black sun and the blood moon. Israel’s final testimony to the truth of her God begins. The breath of the trees is stirred, the world's heart begins again to beat.

"When he had cried like a roaring lion, seven thunders uttered their voices."

The Voice of the Seventh Day of Creation 




ט קוֹל יְהוָה, יְחוֹלֵל אַיָּלוֹת-- וַיֶּחֱשֹׂף יְעָרוֹת:
וּבְהֵיכָלוֹ-- כֻּלּוֹ, אֹמֵר כָּבוֹד.

Poetic Reading

The thunderous voice of Israel’s God makes all the heavens and earth give new birth. Old things are passed away, See, all things are made new! And in His Eternal Temple all voices are the echo of His awesome glory.


 The Seventh of The Seven Thunders

Hashem Resurrecting Heaven and Earth
Revealing The Righteous One On His Throne
Redeeming All Things With Israel

9 The voice of 'The Name' makes the deer to calve, and strips the forests bare; and in His temple all say: "Glory".

Poetic Commentary

Adam named the animals, then he sinned against their Maker and his violent hand came down upon them. The doe gave birth to the dying fawn. The shofar of the God of Israel rings with the wavering echoes of His voice, the sound of judgment and of great compassion throughout all the worlds, liberating all things from the curse of the sin of Adam. It is the moment for the birthing, the birthing of new heavens and a new earth. All worlds shall be planted within the forests of God. The doe shall give birth to her eternal fawns. Jerusalem roars with the voices of joy above and below, in the praises of the God of Israel!

י יְהוָה, לַמַּבּוּל יָשָׁב; וַיֵּשֶׁב יְהוָה, מֶלֶךְ לְעוֹלָם.

Poetic Reading

The God of Israel sat as a King and waited at the time of the flood for the worlds above, the officers of His court, to execute His word. The God of Israel sits as the King over all eternity. 

10 'The Name' sat enthroned at the flood; yes, 'The Name' sits as King for ever.

Poetic Commentary

Elijah came in the Spirit to Noah. The spirit of Elijah in the ark, opening a window that we might look out and see the God of Israel sitting upon the Flood. The God of Israel sits from before the beginning of the waters to beyond the end of the waters, King forever, driving back the waves with His great shofar voice, that Israel might cross over.

"Prepare yourselves for Hashem..." Rashi, Malbim

יא יְהוָה--עֹז, לְעַמּוֹ יִתֵּן; יְהוָה, יְבָרֵךְ אֶת-עַמּוֹ בַשָּׁלוֹם.

Poetic Reading

The God of Israel will give His strength of kindness to His people; the God of Israel will give the power of His blessing to His people so that they shall heal many and be healed with peace.

11 'The Name' will give strength unto His people; 'The Name' will bless his people with peace.

Poetic Commentary

Israel’s God will receive the testimony of his people. She shall confess that her father was Adam, but now her father is Avraham, for she died in her Messiah, and is risen in the Son of Adam, and Avraham now is her blood. For she worshipped idols and died but has been created again, yes, it is Israel who lives a second time, through the mystery of God, because God loved the seed of Avraham with a love for an only begotten son and would not let him go.

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Announcement!  I have been building a new site for this work on Google Sites, entitled,   Hearing Yehoshua's Seven Thunders I have also ...