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Rev. 10:4 Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, "Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them."
In Psalm 119:11 we read:
Your word have I hid in my heart,That I might not sin against You.
To hide the word of G-d in his heart was more for David than only the act of recording it there by memory. It was a prophetic act. It was the very act of eating the Word of God. Indeed, eating the Little Scroll will be the means by which Yochanan comes to seal up what is written in the scroll, instead of writing it down. This does not mean that the word that was written by all the prophets, from Moshe on, was not also "eaten" by them. Rather, the understanding is that all the Word of God is eaten by all the prophets, but that which is written down is also available to be read by those who do not, necessarily, eat it. We see here that there is that which is revealed to the prophets which is to be eaten by them but is not to be written for those to read who do not eat it. This is the deep root, the taproot, of the principle of Oral Torah, of the tradition of the faithful, of the elders and the righteous.
To read the written word from God and not to eat it means not to receive it into one's spirit, not to receive the Holy Spirit with the word and not to ingest the word into and with the Holy Spirit dwelling within. We learn from here and from the letters to the seven assemblies in Asia in this Book, and from other places in Holy Scripture, that is is possible to eat some of the words of God but fail to eat all. There are many who have eaten the words written in the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua HaMashiach who have not yet eaten the words given in the same revelation that were not written down, but were sealed up here.
It is possible to eat those words with Yochanan, if the door is opened by Mashiach for you to do so. Only beginning with the understanding of the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah will this understanding be opened to you. I am writing here — for anyone to read — the way in which it is possible to hear the voices of the seven thunders. First understand that these voices and what they say are as much a part of the revelation of Yehoshua the Messiah of Israel as anything else that was shown to Yochanan, even though what they said was not written down. Anyone who receives the whole of the revelation will hear and receive this part of the revelation as well as every other part. To use a common expression, it is 'written' between the lines.
The Key
As I have already indicated in previous posts in this series, the key is to understand that this revelation is a revelation of the redemption of Israel out of the nations by Mashiach in a way that parallels the redemption of Israel out of Egypt through Moshe and Aaron. The plagues or judgments in this revelation parallel the plagues or judgments in the story of the Exodus. As those judgments had two sides, one seen in the affliction of Egypt and the other in the redemption of Israel, so these judgments have the same two sides. In this revelation we see that "Egypt" is the old Adamic nature of the children of Israel as well as the corporate and personal nature of the seventy nations. Israel, as redefined by the Creator of heaven and earth in the calling of Abraham and his seed, must be redeemed from captivity to this old nature and its evil inclination. The power of that redemption is in the sacrifice of the Lamb.
Each of the voices of the seven thunders will be heard, by those who have ears to hear, to correspond to the seven judgments that come upon the old Adamic world. First the realm of food is judged, the river of provision to Egypt is turned to blood. In the Land of Israel provision will come by faith. Redeemed Adam will not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of G-d. Those who hear these seven thunders, one after the other, are those who, (like Israel in Egypt, who heard and understood the reason for the judgments), will be kept by the word of G-d hidden in their hearts, through the great trial that will come upon all the earth.
When we read in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah >
Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter into your chambers, and shut your doors around you: hide yourself for a little moment, until the indignation has past. 21 For, behold, Hashem comes forth out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
And when we read in the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Messiah >
Rev. 7:1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that no wind should blow on the earth, or on the sea, or upon any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascend from the sunrising, having the seal of the living G-d: and he cried with a great voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, 3 saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we shall have sealed the servants of our G-d on their foreheads.
— we are reading of this same reality — the concealment of G-d's people in the concealment of the Word of G-d, the concealment of the purpose of the judgments from Egypt, the concealment of what the voices of the seven thunders said from the nations who may read the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Messiah. This is the concealment of faith wherein those who believe are concealed in faith itself, as Israel believed in the words of Moshe in Egypt in the days of the judgments which came upon the land of Egypt. These judgments were a trial also for the Israelites. For when the Nile River was turned to blood, this was a trial for the Israelites as well as for the Egyptians, for the Israelites also had depended upon the Nile River to provide their food and sustenance. However, when these judgments came upon Egypt, those who believed Moshe were sealed with the word of G-d in their faith. All that was judgment upon this world became unto Israel redemption. Through redemption Israel comes to the time and the place of Torah, wherein she is enabled to serve G-d.
Rev. 7:1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that no wind should blow on the earth, or on the sea, or upon any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascend from the sunrising, having the seal of the living G-d: and he cried with a great voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, 3 saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we shall have sealed the servants of our G-d on their foreheads.
— we are reading of this same reality — the concealment of G-d's people in the concealment of the Word of G-d, the concealment of the purpose of the judgments from Egypt, the concealment of what the voices of the seven thunders said from the nations who may read the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Messiah. This is the concealment of faith wherein those who believe are concealed in faith itself, as Israel believed in the words of Moshe in Egypt in the days of the judgments which came upon the land of Egypt. These judgments were a trial also for the Israelites. For when the Nile River was turned to blood, this was a trial for the Israelites as well as for the Egyptians, for the Israelites also had depended upon the Nile River to provide their food and sustenance. However, when these judgments came upon Egypt, those who believed Moshe were sealed with the word of G-d in their faith. All that was judgment upon this world became unto Israel redemption. Through redemption Israel comes to the time and the place of Torah, wherein she is enabled to serve G-d.