Friday, February 25, 2011

The One Eternal Covenant

What is the one eternal covenant of God?  Is there only one covenant of God, or are there many?  What is a covenant, anyway?

Read this post:

The One Eternal Covenant in Psalms 20

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Mystery of God Series #1

John the Baptist - Yochanan the Immerser - was of the spirit of Elijah/Eliyahu.  He had only begun his ministry of preparing the way for Messiah/Mashiach by challenging the inauthenticity of the Edomite-like mindset that had established itself in power to rule over Israel.  Herod was, in fact, an Edomite.  King Ahab, an actual Israelite king, in the days of Elijah/Eliyahu, however, had just as fully an Edomite-like mindset as did Herod.  In both cases the mindset was to take the kingdom by force, not to rule as David ruled, by God's grace, according to the plan of the revelation of redemption, which God revealed as his plan for Israel's existence through Moshe and the prophets.

In fact it was through Abraham that God first revealed his purpose for Israel. This purpose is the mystery of God spoken of in the 10th chapter of the Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach of Israel.  Because of this plan, this mystery of God, Abraham, Moses, Elijah and all the prophets desired to see the day of Yehoshua.

The following is from my site, Kabbalah, Bereshith and Messiah

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Notes on the Lily > Zohar

Adam and Abraham

When Abraham heard the call to go out unto a land that God would show unto him the soul of Adam was invited to be in attendance as a witness.

When Abraham walked the boundaries of the Land of Israel the soul of Adam was attached to his soul.

When Abraham viewed the stars of heaven with God from below and from above the soul of Adam was with his soul, marvelling with Abraham at the perspective that was given to him.

When Abraham went in unto Hagar and conceived Ishmael the soul of Adam was with him, but the soul of Eve remained with Sarah.

When Abraham placed Isaac upon the altar the soul of Adam was present and when the ram was sacrificed the soul of Adam rejoiced with the soul of Abraham and the soul of Adam followed Isaac down from the mountain.


Updates on April 15, 2024

Announcement!  I have been building a new site for this work on Google Sites, entitled,   Hearing Yehoshua's Seven Thunders I have also ...