Friday, March 5, 2021

Revelation 22 Commentary Notes

  < Revelation 21

Revelation 22  

22:1 (Text ESV)

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb

...the throne... Since the beginning of the revelation in heaven in chapters 4 and 5, the throne has been the centre and the source of the revelation. Even before, in the revelation on earth, when Yochanan is still on the island of Patmos, in the messages to the seven assemblies, we hear of the promise of the throne:

To the one who overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Rev. 3:21

We have learned that the throne is the eternal Messianic Throne. It is the throne of God and of the Lamb. It is at the centre of the Revelation. In the new and eternal creation where will the throne of God be found? In the final vision of the Revelation, the flow of the river of life, comes down the central avenue of the New Jerusalem from the throne. This tells us where the throne of God is to be found in the New Creation.  We know that it is to be found at the head of the central avenue of the New Jerusalem. It is the source of the river of life that flows down the middle of that avenue. God and the Lamb not only dwell with Adam, with Israel, in the Temple City of the New Jerusalem. And their throne is the very centre and source of all things in this new, redeemed world of Adam.

There is something more of great importance to be noticed here. Unlike how the vision pictures most everything else that it speaks of, the verse does not picture the throne or where it is. The great prophets of Israel saw the throne in their visions. Here in the vision of the New Jerusalem, the vision of the Eternal World, it is as if the throne was already so clearly within Yochanan’s sight that a vision of it did not have to appear. There was no need for it to appear. We have in this, as it were a fulfillment of that prophetic word of King David:

I shall envision Your Face in [the world of] righteousness. When I awake [from the dead] I shall find myself in your likeness and be satisfied.

And this is according to the word of Yochanan in his 1st letter:

We know that when Mashiach shall appear that we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.

We see that the throne and the one who sits upon the throne is the centre of the New Jerusalem and of all things in the eternal creation, but, unlike the case of the visions of the prophets, we do not see a vision of the throne itself, nor the one who sits upon it. Yochanan and the angel who guides him, however, sees all, even while the Revelation itself conceals it.

There is an aspect of revelation in which those who are born of God can stand before the throne of God and envision the face of God and live, for they are not subject to the second death. While, at the same time, there remains an aspect of concealment within the revelation from the worldly reader. It is a concealment of the throne of glory.  There is something to be seen here only in the Spirit,  only through hearing what the Spirit says to the assemblies, as in Revelation 3:21.

The throne itself is not new to Yochanan's sight here. What is new to Yochanan’s sight here is where the throne is eternally located at the centre of the New Jerusalem come down from heaven to earth. What he has also not seen in his visions before, is how the river of both water and Torah that came out from the Temple during the final millennium, (Joel 3:18; Ezekiel 47:1), signified this river of life pouring out of the throne of God and the Lamb at the centre of the eternal New Jerusalem. He knows it’s water is the water of life. The judgment of God from the throne, the justice of God and mercy of God, is that the life of the Lamb should pour out as water from the throne. Yochanan, saw the river flowing like a water of clear liquid crystals. It was emitting light as it flowed. He  understood the meaning of this well.

Indeed, when the New Jerusalem came down from the new heaven to the new earth, judgment from the throne had already been rendered. This is why the water of life coming from the throne is pure. Its contains only life.  The judgment of God has been passed and His Sentence has created all things new. There is nothing unclean, nothing corrupt or corruptible found in the new creation. The eternal Torah, the express will and instruction of God to Adam is received only as blessing, only as light, only as the water of life, only as the word of God's sentence of justice and mercy toward Adam embodied in the Lamb of Israel. For eternity every commandment of God's Torah shall be preformed as a unique testimony to the goodness of the work of Mashiach.

...angel showed me... From chapter one of the Revelation, from the very first words of the Revelation, it is this angel, the angel of the Lord, as introduced  in the first verse, who has been showing Yochanan the Revelation of Yehoshua HaMashiach. The angel has finally come to this place of showing Yochanan, on the behalf of all the servants of Mashiach, this window into the eternal world, this close up picture of the city of the New Jerusalem, beginning with the river of life coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb within the heart of the city. This river, itself, will be seen, therefore, as the innermost aspect of the Revelation. In the vision of this river is the summary of all that reveals Yehoshua HaMashiach.

...river of life... First, what can be said about the spring of the water of life in  21:6 can be said about the river of life here. There we read:

And he said to me, It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give as a free gift from the spring of the water of life. 

There is no condition but that one is thirsty for this water. As we have said, it is recorded in two places that he said, "It is done. It is finished." Here and when he was on the cross.  When he was on the cross he also said, "I am thirsty." They gave him vinegar and water on a sponge with a pole. But it was not that for which he was thirsty. As recorded in Yochanan chapter 4, he spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well of a water that when a person drinks of it they will never thirst again. It is in dying in hope for this water, as was Yehoshua on the cross, that one is thirsting for it.

From what is said here, the spring of the water of life, as the source of the river of life, must arise from the throne of God and of the Lamb itself, as we have said. This spring is the judgment of God, arising from the throne of God. And what is this judgment of God that becomes a river of life?  It is the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah, which is the judgment whereby God, through the Lamb slaughtered for Israel's redemption, turns the death of the old creation into the life of the new creation. The river of life is the outgoing flow of the water of this spring of truth and revelation, which is the Spirit of Mashiach, which sustains the existence and the life of all things eternally. First, it sustains Jerusalem and Israel, then also all the nations who enter through her gates. 

This is true today, for those who hear His Voice. and it is made known in this revelation and shall be revealed fully and made manifest in all creation in the world to come. However, those whose prayers do not enter through the twelve gates of the Jerusalem Above cannot perceive, nor receive the water of life that flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb. For the Lamb came to his own and made atonement for his own who did not receive him.  And all born of Rebecca who hope in the promise of Mashiach given in Isaac have received of the water of life in that hope, even those whose eyes have been blinded by the greatness of the light of the river of life. 

The people of the twelve tribes of Israel were given to Mashiach by his Father, those who were counted by Him alone, and Mashiach has prayed for them, and none of them will be lost, (Yochanan 17). Among them also will be all those families of the earth who bless themselves in the atonement made for Jerusalem and for Israel, those whose prayers enter through the twelve gates of the tribes of Israel. And all shall walk together with Yochanan in that day along the banks of the river of life.


through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 

...middle of the street... We will learn to understand that the water of life flowing from the Throne of God and of the Lamb flows as the judgment of God from God’s Throne. And we will learn to understand that this judgment becomes the life in the fruit of the tree of life growing as twelve trees along that river of life. 

First we learn that from the throne of God and of the Lamb comes the water of the word of judgment and truth. This water is taken up by the roots of the Tree of Life. Concerning this tree, we must look back to the beginning, to the Garden of Eden. The whole Garden of Eden was planted as the Garden of the Tree of Life. and this Tree of Life was rooted in the ten sayings of the six days of creation, which themselves issued forth from the waters that arose out of the first saying, the imperative statement that, "In the beginning God created the [elements of] the heavens and the [elements of] the earth." Concerning the river that issues forth from the Millennial Temple we read in Ezekiel 47:12:

All kinds of trees for food will grow up on both banks of the stream. Their leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail; they will yield new fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the Temple. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.”

The Tree of Life is tied backward to the origin of the first creation and forward to the redemption of that creation in the new creation.

With the water of that word of eternal justice and mercy comes a light, saving us from the existential darkness of uncertainty and falsehood. This light is the blessing upon the food, the energy, the fruit of the Tree of Life that sustains us. Then we see and truly understand that the judgment of God is mercy toward Adam. It is the water of the Spirit of the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah for the world. The office and position of corporate head has been removed from the first Adam in judgment and has been given to the last Adam, the Mashiach of Torah Israel in mercy. Mashiach is the Lamb, through whose sacrifice for Torah Israel all has been accomplished. Jerusalem, in whom all Torah Israel is comprehended, is his Bride. This word, this spirit, this water is the lifeblood, giving life to all who walk in witness upon the main street of the New Jerusalem. It is the lifeblood also, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, of the tree of life, on either side of the river, with its produce going out to all the nations and to all creation.

...each month... There are twelve kinds of fruit of the tree of life, one for each of the twelve months of the Torah calendar, for its lessons are eternal. And the leaves of the tree of life are for the healing of the nations, for month by month, lesson by lesson, the nations also will be healed from their ignorance of the God of Torah Israel.  Just as the twelve crops of fruit for the twelve months mean twelve kinds of Torah lessons in accordance with the Torah character of each month, so, with the corresponding leadership of the twelve tribes, Humanity learns and eternally grows in lessons of praise and thankfulness for its redemption and new creation. 


No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. 

No longer... anything accursed - No curse and therefore no accursed. The blessing and the curse were to themselves aspects of the nature of the first creation, that is to say, the first ordering of creation. For the new creation is the same creation with a completely new nature, rebuilt with new laws and principles of physics and a new order of spirituality in which all is blessing. There is no curse, as there is no further need for correction or perfecting.

No longer need for such chastisement. The Throne being in the city itself, not above it.  

the throne of God and of the Lamb - God and His victorious servant by whom He rules all things... the Lamb’s whom and through whom God is the God of Israel and, therefore, known to all Adam... in truth and by all Adam corporately and so also individually. 

The throne is the city core. The city is the Temple. Israel is God’s Temple in the Eternal World, (See notes on 21:3). 

"Believe Me, woman," Yehoshua replied, "a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem." John 4:21

That is, not in Jerusalem in the first creation but in Jerusalem in the new creation. For...

...a time is coming and is now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. John 4:23

What the Father seeks He accomplishes in The New Jerusalem and its eternal world. 

Yehoshua knew that The New Jerusalem was contained in his heart and soul. He knew that he would give rise to it through his death, that Jerusalem must die with him and through his resurrection live again. The joy set before him, (Hebrews 12:2), was to see Jerusalem begin to arise from the dead in his own person and know she would, at the appointed time, arise out of the judgment bringing the complete ending of time — as the heart and soul of the new eternal creation. For the worshipping of God, the holy love that He desires, that was prophetically foreshadowed through the Torah and fully manifested in the work of Mashiach in Jerusalem, will be performed by all Adam and all God's angels in The New Jerusalem in the eternal world to come.


They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads

on their foreheads - this is in their tefilin. The Lamb will be their eternal Master of Prayer. As the eternal tefilin forms the prayer of their minds, so it forms the prayer of their hearts. 

They will see his face -  because His name will be on and in their foreheads. These are not separate elements. No eye in this world of death sees his face and lives. But there is an eye in the world of life which will see his face and live. The eye with which they will see his face and live is his name, which forms a means of seeing that is written in their foreheads. For just as the Son of God sees the Father and lives, so will the members of the New Jerusalem, his bride and body. They will see the Father and live. For as the Father is a spirit, so is the eye that is formed by his name an eye that is given to the resurrected body. For they are recreated from the dead in the second life by the power of his name, which transformed their minds and animates their hearts.


And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.

night... no more... no sun - Will the sun and stars be redeemed? Not for the purpose of sight. For Adam’s eyes will see with the light of God. Redeemed as Israel, under the headship of the Mashiach of Israel, Adam will fulfill the purpose of their creation, seeing all things according to their nature and purpose and elevating all things to be worthy of the glory of God, to the joy of God.

night will be no more - This is the fundamental marker of the transformation from the first order of creation to the new order of creation. That there will be no more night means that all things will be conformed to the resurrection of the body of Yehoshua the Mashiach. The whole of the new creation will be as a creation resurrected from the dead. This in accordance with the resurrection of the last Adam. For Adam was created in order to preform the service of bringing all creation out of the darkness and night of its unworthiness of it Creator freely into the light of intimacy with his word, when he spoke in the beginning and said, “Let there be light!”

The sun and the moon and the stars were set in the night sky to create the daytime and the nighttime for the meantime. And for their service they will not be forgotten in that Eternal Day. Like the human body itself, the stars, planets and moons will be made spiritual bodies with gravity subject only to the designs of the Torah of God.


And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.”

These words are trustworthy and true - These words are the vessels of faith. 

the Lord, the God  - HaShem the God of the spirits of the prophets of the Revelation of the Israel of the covenant fathers and the covenant Mashiach has sent these words to the children whose vessels need to be vessels of faith. 

soon take place - All is immediate. Yehoshua HaMashiach is come in the flesh. (For more on this, see below.)


“And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

And behold, I - The one who reveals and is revealed says...

Soon - There is a mystery to this word. We know that no one but the Father knows the day or the hour.  All those who try to calculate the time fail. Here, the word "soon" points not so much to the objective time but to the subjective time, the waiting. It means his presence and power can be known to the members of his body, to those who are one mind with his purpose. An artist who is immersed in her creation does not have her mind set anxiously upon the time of the end but filled with joy in every moment and stage crafting the creation toward its goal, which can only be revealed in its time. 


 I, John, (Yochanan), am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed them to me,

I, Yochanan - His testimony... There is a great matter alluded to here concerning the coming of Yochanan's testimony in the last days, that is foretold at the end of chapter 10 and his relationship, or the relationship of his testimony to the Two Witnesses and to their testimony.  I will discuss this in another place.

I, Yochanan - He takes responsibility...  for every yod and every stroke of every letter, that all is complete. He knows the burden of the weight of the carrying forward of the Revelation. Therefore he is in awe at the work that the Angel has done in bringing all the Revelation to him. He concludes that Angel is come in the body of the new creation, as the Angel of the Lord having been made fully one with the body of the Lord. Therefore he concludes that he is standing in the presence of the Lord himself, as conveyed to him by his Angel. Concerning this conclusion the Angel corrects him, saying to him that he is not himself an aspect of the Revelation. He is only himself and is not conveying to Yochanan the Divine Presence. 


but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”

 I am a fellow servant - ..the relationship of the Lord and the Angel of the Lord... see the previous note on this subject.

Worship God - Let us worship God together and praise Him for the glory of this Revelation of Yehoshua HaMashiach, the slain Lamb of God and of Israel, and for having made us vessels in the service of this, his Revelation.


And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near." 

Do not seal - as Daniel was commanded at the end of the book of Daniel. We see the parallel drawn to the end of book here, indicating to us that both revelations are one. Daniel’s prayer for revelation was for the sake of Jerusalem. So here. But what was not revealed to Jerusalem then because Mashiach had not yet come, should be revealed to her now!


Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.”

Exodus 10:1

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may show these signs of mine among them,

This is a conclusion drawn from the fact that the time is near. The final command to repent is given. No other will come. God will demonstrate, for the sake of the conversion of the world, that He is God and there is no other, that the idolatrous imaginations of a self-creating and self-sustaining universe are foolishness. God will speak to the heart and mind of corporate Adam, which is the heart and mind in the seed of all Adam. The collective opinion of sinful human beings shall be struck silent with awe! For as God began to reveal Himself in the redemption of Israel from Egypt, so He will complete His act and finish His purpose in time by His redemption of Israel from among all nations. The hearts of all peoples and nations shall be hardened against HaShem and against His Mashiach and against His redemption of Israel in Jerusalem, but the end shall come upon them and Humanity will be saved only in Jerusalem. Through this, corporate Adam shall be converted and shall return to obedience to the commandment of God.


“Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done." 

 soon - See 22:7 and notes there.

 I am coming soon - The first in reference, in 22:7, was stated in reference to those who are his. In that case, "coming to them soon" means that while he is already with them in many ways, he will soon be with them in every way. "I am coming soon" is repeated here in relation to the nations who do not repent.  When God appeared to Moses in the burning bush it meant Moses was coming soon to bring judgments upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt. Only after that would Israel be immersed into Moses and into The cloud of the Divine Presence. In the final phase of redemption with Mashiach, all who are his, concluding with Jerusalem herself at the conclusion of the testimony of the Two Witnesses, will be fully immersed into Mashiach before he comes to bring an end to the rule of the rebellious nations.


I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” 

Alpha and the Omega - In Genesis 1:1 we read that in the beginning God created the aleph-tav of the heavens and the aleph-tav of the earth. Alpha and omega are a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew aleph and tav, which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  Because these letters used together in Hebrew for the particle, "et",  serves a unique grammatical function in the language as a direct-object marker, (similar to a punctuation mark), we might be justified in thinking that this word formed by these letters has no actual meaning in Genesis 1:1. We might think that it was just a coincidence that Yehoshua identifies himself as being the first and the last letter of the alphabet. We might read his statement as being a figure of speech. Such is the normal conclusion of scholars. The conclusion of faith, however, is, I believe, quite different.

Having said all, the one whose word is revelation is now identifying himself and proclaiming his authority to bring this word of revelation. He is the one who is the author of the first creation and of the author of the last creation. He is the author and finisher of our faith. From this, we are being given to understand that on a level of meaning rising out of, but higher than, that meaning residing in the formal grammatical structure, in Genesis 1:1 was concealed the revelation of the creation of the eternal heavens and earth, together with the revelation of the temporal heavens and earth. The one who brings us the revelation that the eternal world and the temporal world were created together as one in the beginning, now assures our faith that he is coming soon to transform the temporal into the eternal.


Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates. 

wash their robes - This is an allusion to immersion in the crossing through the River Jordan of All Israel with Yehoshua HaMashiach, which is accomplished through the blood of the Passover Lamb.   It is the washing of the priestly garments. It is the washing of the garments of witness to God, that is to say, cleansing of the testimony itself. One's testimony must be made clean from all self-reference in its confession of redemption faith. This means all the replacement theology from among the nations must be removed by this immersion. Otherwise their witness will not prove true when cross examined.  This is the message of what the Spirit says to the seven assemblies.  See there.

12 gates - The confession of faith in the corporate good news of Israel and Her Messiah is a confession of prayer that can only enter the city through its proper gate. This is the mystery of the 12 gates and the 12 tribes, about which we will learn more later.

Song of Adam

The Good News of Israel

And Her Messiah

To the Jew first 

and also to the Greek

The first will be last 

And the last will be first

Then we will all stand

Before the judgment seat

While He who owns my name 

The name He will give to me

Will defend me

The Judge will not sentence me

Until His Radiance comes for me

To stand and then to rest

To sit at the Illuminant Judge’s right hand

He is the Good News of Israel

He is Her Anointed Lover

For Her sake

He will give me a white garment

That I might be caught up

In the glory of Her love

For Her most Beloved

And for the Father of Her Beloved

The Father of Lovingkindness

Who gives birth to a universe of mercy

In this my sin will be forgiven

And I will walk hand in hand

With the children of Israel

Whose life the Holy One has justified

Whose corporate prayer

On that day

will sit incarnate

at the right hand of the Father of us all 


Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Outside - outside this hope.  Outside this hope to which we give witness in garments of a cleansed testimony... outside of this there is only false witness, only the testimony of sinners. 


“I, Yehoshua, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the gathered assemblies. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”

gathered assemblies - The seven gathered assemblies of chapters 2-3 are they to whom the whole of this book is addressed.  This brings us back to the beginning.  It has been confirmed to us here at the end that this book is not addressed openly to the world but to the members of the seven gathered assemblies.  The end introduces the beginning.  All is tied together by these words as one message for all the branches of the one tree, the one menorah. It will be revealed to us and we will learn who the seven gathered assemblies are.

Morning star - The light of the first day now the light of the planet above in the world to come, which is a resurrected planet, as all things in the world to come are made new and resurrected in the body of Mashiach. This is promised with the promise of ruling the nations — creation. 


The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.

The Spirit and the Bride - Knesset Israel: the now engaged Bride, being indwelt by the Shechinah, says come. 

Come! - The marriage of the Lamb is for the sake of every soul and every spirit of creation. 

let the one who hears say, “Come.”-  The great commission of the new, the redeemed, the eternal declared into the old, the corruptible, the temporal...


I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 

I warn everyone - Those subject to the plagues are those who pervert the words of God here given.  Essentially, this was already said in verse 7. It is here spelled for the sake of the courtroom judgment that is about to come.

the words - Matthew 5:18 - The World English Bible translates the passage as:

“For most certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter or one tiny pen stroke shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished”
All things, every yod and every stroke of every letter of the Torah and of all the Scriptures, indeed, of this revelation, will complete the work it is given to accomplish, to build the creation of redemption of Jerusalem, as the soul of an Eternal World. 


and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book

his share in the tree of life - There is no soul in life but the soul in God’s word. The fruit of the tree of life is the lifeblood of the Holy City, and the Holy City is the lifeblood and soul given to Mashiach as God’s gift to the Eternal World which God created through him, through the labour of his suffering in love. There is only one way to take away from the words of the book of this prophecy. That is to interpret them falsely. In actuality, no words, no truths, can be taken away from the revelation in this book. But from one's own soul, which is given subsistence by the word of God, falsely interpreting the words of the book of this prophecy life can be removed. The words of the book of this prophecy reveal the Good News of Yehoshua, the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah. A false interpretation of any of the words of this book, of this prophecy, obscures that good news and conceals it from one's soul.


He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

I am coming - Yehoshua is with Israel (1 John 4:1-4)

Amen - Yehoshua is with Israel. 

soon - Yehoshua HaMashiach is come in the flesh... to the body of Knesset Israel, his espoused bride. Come quickly! — to fully unite with Knesset Israel.  When he appears we shall appear with him. 

We are also concealed. He in heaven, with those who have gone on before us. And we are concealed here on earth. For we appear to be from this time before the resurrection. And we wait here in this time. But though who we were before was from this time, who we are in him is not, for in him we are from the time beyond time. And so it shall be revealed when he comes.  

Colossians 3:3 NIV adapted 
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Mashiach in God. 

1 Thessalonians 4:14 CJB adapted
Since we believe that Yehoshua died and rose again, we also believe that in the same way God, through Yehoshua, will bring with him those who have died.

1John 3:2 NIV adapted 
“Dear ones, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Mashiach appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.”

Revelation 21 Commentary Notes

 < Revelation 20

Revelation 21  INTRODUCTION 

Is. 65:17    “For behold, I create new heavens
and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered
or come into mind.

Is. 66:22    “For as the new heavens and the new earth
that I make shall remain before me, says the LORD,
so shall your [Israel's] offspring and your name remain.

2Pet. 3:13 But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

The summary of the work of the redemption of Mashiach's redemption of the Kingdom of Israel can be found in 1Cor. 15. A vision of the reign of Mashiach in the last era of this creation has been given in Scripture elsewhere. Mashiach is the source and the beginning of the new creation, and in him is the resurrection of the dead. Yet, nowhere in the Holy Scriptures has an actual vision of the New Creation, the Eternal Creation, been given before. In the final two chapters of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach a vision of the beginning of Eternity is given. 

 However, the old nature cannot perceive the new nature. The fact that the new creation involves the redemption of the old creation does not mean that there is any continuation of the old nature in the new. There is no attainment of the new by the old. Just the opposite. This redemption is through the blood of the Lamb. There is a progression in the old from sin to repentance but that repentance is not itself what eradicates sin, or corruptibility. The repentance that can take place in the old nature is only the preparation that is accomplished by the work of the Spirit, which conditions the conscience and brings it into that state where it can be redeemed through death and resurrection and regenerated into eternal faith and repentance. For if this regeneration were not to take place the repentance evoked in the natural heart and mind could be again corrupted by sin.

It is by clearly seeing the vision of the literal New Jerusalem in the opening of the new, eternal form of creation, that we can best recognize how it is that creation that has entered into us now, according to which we are to live. It is the eternal faith and eternal repentance of thanksgiving of the New Jerusalem which now saves us. 

By further way of introduction, it is essential to remember most clearly that the truth of the Good News is the good news of the eternal embrace of Israel by her Messiah, both in his death and in his resurrection.  G-d did not send His son into the world, to establish His kingdom of Israel in freedom from the nations and from the evil inclination by their reception of him in his generation. The Son of G-d did not set out to seek to be anointed by the tribes of Israel in his generation but then, when he found that they all rejected him, cry out to G-d his Father to alter His plans and to have him become a sacrifice for the world, or even for Israel. G-d sent His son into the world to be the incarnation of Moshe’s prayer for the nation of Israel, that he himself would be sacrificed and not the nation, but that the nation would be forgiven for its sin.  It was never that G-d was as if surprised by Israel’s rejection of his Mashiach.  As high as Israel might ascend, in the end there had never been anything else but this rejection in Israel, nor could there be, nor had there ever been, nor could there be anything else but this rejection in all of humanity. G-d sent His son into the world in order to make this rejection powerless in Israel and thereby overcome this rejection in all the world. It is in this way that He establishes His kingdom of Israel in the resurrection of the dead. And it is in this way that He saves the whole world.  At the conclusion of the notes on chapter 22 we will return to this point.

Revelation 21:1 (Text ESV)

Then I saw ya new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.

...the first heaven and the first earth had passed away... Time and space no longer exist as they did, but event and place exist, as space and time are now redeemed. more sea... The sea as it was is not needed for the life of fish which are like angels. And so their sea also, having been the focus of the first waters of creation, is now become an aspect of the new heavens and the new earth, that intersection wherein the material realm is made one with the spiritual realm by the power of the Mashiach's resurrection from the dead.

This is The Eternal World To Come. After the Millennium, after the Final Judgment of God, when Nature itself is changed completely — through the death and resurrection of the Mashiach of Israel. All is absolutely new! But not through condemnation of the old heaven and earth but rather through salvation of the old. No longer are there painful consequences, as was the way of the old, for eternity all is new and experienced as new and good. And for all eternity all the new and all the good declare the glory of God’s redemption of creation. All discovery involves discovery of a new thankfulness for that redemption.   


And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Jerusalem... The great event and place in Eternity is The New Jerusalem. There is a new heaven and earth in the eternal state. The distinction remains. But the relationship changes. With the descending of redeemed Jerusalem to earth the Creator’s dwelling place is now with Adam. See verse 3. 

That Jerusalem descends from heaven in the New Creation means that in the redemption and re-creation of all things Jerusalem, unlike everything else that was of the earth in the first creation, is, at the outset of the new creation, heavenly. This is a result of her unique status as the bride of Mashiach. 

At the point, All Israel is seen as being encompassed in Jerusalem, as in the days of the 3 festivals. 


And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with Humanity. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.

...with Humanity... Israel, corporately represented in Jerusalem, is God’s Temple in the Eternal World. All Humanity, coming from all the families of the earth, will be given its eternal corporate identity through the redemption of Israel, the branch of Adam which God chose in which to fulfill His judgment of death and resurrection.

This was the goal of God from the beginning of the call of Abraham. 

When the New Jerusalem descends from heaven to earth she descends to a place, her place, her mountain in the Land of Israel. That she descends to the mountain, the mountain of the Land of Israel, the mountain that is the glory of the earth, results in the mountain itself singing praise to HasShem for the salvation of all things since the beginning, since God's utterance of the letter, "beyt," the first letter of the Bible, the beginning of the Torah. 

Jerusalem is the Land and the Land is her, the place of HaShem's dwelling with Adam. This is the new creation and this is the resurrection of the dead, all things new and all old things made new. The wall of the open gates of the city is therefore eternal. For the whole Land of Jerusalem is full of a thankful memory that is eternally unique, different from the rest of the earth and the heavens, and yet it is eternally one with the entire new creation. No longer, as in the old creation are those things in earth or in the heavens which are different from one another ever at odds with one another. For this eternal harmony was the goal of the justification of life.


He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

...every tear... He will have wiped every tear from their eye in the transition from old to new, wherein Jerusalem finds herself to no longer be on earth but in heaven and to be All Israel. 

Eternity will not provide a narrow view of God’s providence. All will be understood by all and by each at their level, with the level of all ever growing higher. 

Isaiah 65:16-19


And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

...Write this down... Opposite to chapter 10 “Do not write it down!”

...these words... The Torah learning now is learning how God has made and is ever making all things new. 


And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. 

... It is done... He was on the cross when he said this. 

...To the thirsty... The spring of the water of life is the source of the Tree of life.

...I will give... The promise here is coming back from Eternity to the present to invite faith in the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah. 


The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son. 

...conquers... Conquers the evil inclination.

  • As given in previous verse, this is through faith in the finished work of Mashiach through which repentance and obedience in all things are made perfect. my son... my child. The Daughter of God and of Adam, Mashiach’s Bride; the Torah being the marriage contract. The Daughter and the Son are one body and one soul through Divine union.


    But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

    ...their portion... Again, the message comes back from Eternity to be heard now. Apart from repentance, the soul that sins is facing the second death. Fire and sulfur represents the condition of destruction when all that can end does end, when the space and time of the old creation passes away and everything sinful and all possibility of sin with it. The new creation is alive with God and nothing that clings to sin can exist there. We are being told this truth in order that we will repent. We are not here being told about God's judgment of souls and spirits, which is to come. Rather, we are being told by a voice coming to us from that new creation which is eternally with God that the portion of all sinners is now and will be forever the separation from God which is at the heart of sin, unless they repent.


    Then came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues and spoke to me, saying, “Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.”

    ...the seven angels... The seven judgments brought through the seven angels helped with the overthrow of the great Babylon. Therefore it should be the angels who are rewarded by being able to introduce The New Jerusalem. .

    ..the wife of the Lamb...  To speak of the Wife of the Lamb is to speak of a corporate body. To speak of the Groom, the Husband of this Wife, as the Lamb is to speak of him as her redeemer, the redeemer of the corporate body. The language speaks of Mashiach as being the redeemer of what we are, the redeemer of the corporate body of Adam, of corporate Humanity, as claimed and chosen by God. This is corporate representative of Adam chosen by God, claimed as his own, is Israel, ultimately assembled to meet with him in Jerusalem. It was God's choice to remove the first Adam from the headship of Humanity in the new creation and to make the Lamb, the Messiah of Israel, the eternal head of corporate Humanity.  This is the judgment of God and this is the mercy of God, by which all creation is saved.


    And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God,

    ...a great, high mountain... There is a vantage point from which to see the city of The Eternal Heaven coming down to The Eternal Earth. 

    The high vantage point is required in order to answer the question, why should the city of the Eternal Cosmos need to come down to earth?

    The answer is that the New Creation is a re- creation, a creation by redemption. Those on earth are redeemed from sin. The heavenly realm also is redeemed through the redemption of the earth. Therefore the place of the highest authority in the Eternal World comes down to the earth, to the place of the redeemed of the earth, the place of learning God’s Torah and Salvation by revelation and by experience.


    having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.

    ...its radiance... Its brilliance, though created and redeemed, is the brilliance of Divinity, for "they two shall be one flesh".

  • As in Noah’s ark and the Temple, so here, there is a light that radiates out into all creation. It is like the spiritual light that radiates into our hearts from God. This is Mashiach Yehoshua. 


    It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed —

    ...the twelve tribes... The wall is the wall of the city but is specifically of the radiant gemstone; the wall radiates with the light of Mashiach.  Also each of the twelve gates radiate with the light of Mashiach. Indeed, it is the twelve tribes themselves which now radiate, each with their own facet, together as one, with the light of Mashiach.

  • Not only did the cosmic city come down to earth but it has a wall and twelve gates. The world is inside and outside the cosmic city. The New Jerusalem could be the whole of the World To Come itself, but it comes down to earth. It has also walls and gates. These attributes speak to the testimony of redemption and the way of knowing God that is Eternal Life. Live in this world is a way of knowing. Eternal life in the world to come is another way of knowing. Eternal life is the way of God’s grace, of knowing His mercy at the foundation of the world,  His mercy glorifying His strict justice, giving existence to creation forever. 

    A Special Window Looking Forward

    The twelve angels of the twelve tribes and the seven angels of the seven assemblies

    The factors of 12: 2, 2, 3. The added factors: 2,2,3 = 7. In order to begin to understand how the 7 angels of the 7 assemblies are also the 12 angels guarding the 12 gates with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel in the wall of the Eternal City of Jerusalem, we can say that the 7 assemblies, about which we read in chapters 1-3 of the Revelation, are factors of the 12 tribes of Israel. 2x2x3 =12.

    There are different levels upon which the letters to the seven assemblies can be read and understood. Here, I will speak of one of those levels. Most often, the messages are read in contrast to one another. Altogether, however, there is one Menorah and one Assembly. As the assembly in Ephesus is the first of the seven, this assembly representing the whole seven as one, in seven different aspects. As we will see when we come to study it, Ephesus is seen as being held to be perfect in its original form, but having fallen from this state and being in need of repentance, there will be certain steps to be taken to return to its original perfection. 

    We will find that this is the structure: 1+1 repeated + 1+1 repeated x 1+1+1. These are the 7 aspects or the 7 factors of 12. We will see that these are the steps of repentance required for the assembly of the 12 tribes in order for them to return to the service of God in the time of the great trial of the nations.

    When the one nation was twelve it was perfect. The seven assemblies represent the 12 tribes of Israel in exile, in captivity in the Mystery Babylon. When the 12 tribes were one nation they were dwelling safely in the Land. When they became divided they fell and went into exile. 

    This is the story, on this level of understanding, represented by the assembly of Ephesus. The assembly of Smyrna represents 1+1. In Smyrna we see the story represented by Ephesus now repeated under the conditions of the exile. The story of Smyrna is that an anti-Jewish replacement spirit is being tolerated. This anti-Jewish replacement spirit is the beginning of Mystery Babylon. Chastisement is already coming upon them. Ephesus is the story of the fact of the galut. Smyrna is the revelation of the nature of the galut. Together they form the first factor of the 12 tribes. This first factor, Ephesus and (Ephesus and) Smyrna, is the first "1+1," the first 2 in 2x2x3. It is the factor, or aspect, of the fact and nature of the galut. 

    The next 2 is composed of (Ephesus and) Pergamum and then (Ephesus and) Thyratira. Pergamum is the assembly where not only the spirit, the seed, of replacement theology is tolerated but its seed is allowed to bear fruit through immorality of assimilation to the doctrine of gentile supercessionism with its antinomianism. This 2 is galut and antinomianism, or in other words, assimilation. This is the combination: galut and replacement theology and galut and assimilation. This combination will be repeated in two other forms, completing the accounts of the first 4 assemblies. Then the 4 will be multiplied 3 times as represented in the last 3 assemblies. These are the factors of the 12 tribes when all of these factors have been processed the 12 tribes will be revealed as 1 again.  

    God willing, these matters will be clarified soon, when I begin again with these commentary notes on The Book of The Revelation of Yehoshua HaMashiach, which will begin with chapter 1.  At this point, I have attempted to write enough on this in order to show the relationship of the twelve tribes and the seven assemblies and the revelation given through them.


    on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates.

    ...east, north, south, west... The 4 camps of Israel in the Return to the Land...


    And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

    ...twelve foundations... The foundation of the wall is The Good News. Redemption is through mercy founded on the divide of justice.  This divide is between the twelve tribes of Israel and the seventy nations. The divide is built into a wall of eternal life through the testimony in the twelve tribes and from the twelve tribes of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.


    And the one who spoke with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city and its gates and walls.

    Both the the city itself and its gates and wall have a foundation. The city is to be measured. The foundation stones of the city are to be measured. And the wall is to be measured. All with one rod. What rod is this? This measuring rod is the measure of an angel, the same angel who swore to the certainty of the time of the end in chapter 10, the Angel of the Lord.  In accordance with all the elements of the Revelation that were required to bring about the conclusion of the judgment of the nations and the redemption of Jerusalem, as announced through the angel, in accordance with those elements the city and its gates and walls have been built.


  • The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its width. And he measured the city with his rod, 12,000 stadia.  Its length and width and height are equal.

  •  Why the cube?  

    Is it that this is the shoe of the Holy of Holies?

    ...foursquare... This another form of allusion to 144,000? {4x12,000 = 48,000 x3 = 144,000} {4 sides = 4 camps x 3 tribes in each camp}  = ESV note 12,000 stadia = About 1,380 miles; a stadion was about 607 feet or 185 meters


    He also measured its wall, 144 cubits by human measurement, which is also an angel’s measurement.

    Why 144 here? The 144,000, 12,000 from each of Israel's tribes is the Tikkun of the 12 tribes. God willing, I will return to this.

    ...which is also an angel's measurement... Not only in every part the city is measured according to the revelation that has been brought through the Angel of the Lord, but also in its whole. The wall is the demarcation of the whole of the city. It is the eternal standing testimony of the Good News — that it was through the redemption of Israel in Jerusalem, from captivity to the fallen Adamic nature as expressed by the four empires of the nations, that the earth was overturned and re-created and the heavens were made new.


    The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, like clear glass.

    ... like glass... The new creation is material but what material is this? Not of this creation! This is a jasper that is eternal, more incorruptible than the gold of this creation. This is a city that is made of a gold that is eternal, so pure it is translucent, radiating outward to the nations the light of God and of the Lamb that is within her.


    The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald,

    ...adorned... As if the city had become the High Priest. Just as in the beginning of the Torah in this creation the Highest of the Levitical Priests was adorned with precious jewels, so in the creation remade, the eternal creation, the foundations of the wall of Jerusalem herself are adorned like the High Priest. Indeed it was her whom the High Priest foreshadowed, even as she is the glory of the Lamb.  And as each tribe of Israel was represented according to its attributes on the breastplate of the ephod of the High Priest, so they are each represented in the testimony of the Good News in the wall of Jerusalem.


    the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.

    ...the fifth...the twelfth... All of these gemstones now,  as being eternal, are in their chemistry transformed and able to magnify light according to their material attributes, according to the letters of their names, which are the spiritual attributes of those tribes of Israel whose testimony to HaShem and to the Lamb sustain their existence.


    And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.

  • ...a single pearl... We are not told what is the exact size gates? We are told that this gate of pearl, twelve times over, is not built from a composite of pearls but is built of a single pearl. And this we are told with the knowledge that a pearl is a stone created by an oyster. What size is this oyster? Indeed, is this an oyster of this order of creation? It is not. It is an oyster of an altogether new creation, a new earth wherein there is no sea. In truth, the creator of this pearl is also the creator of resurrected 144,000 virgins of the twelve tribes. Again, God willing, we will return to this in the future, when we come again to this chapter.

    ...the street.. The city has a main street. We will see that it is the street upon which is found both the river and the tree of life. The street is made of the same material as the outside wall. This is the material that most transmits the light of the testimony of HaShem and of the Lamb.

  • 21:22

    And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. 

    ...temple in the city... Can God be His own Temple? The meaning is not that there is no temple but that there is no temple within the city of the New Jerusalem because the New Jerusalem is now itself within the Eternal Temple.  HaShem the One and only Power and the Lamb and his revelation are the Eternal Temple. The Temple in this world was the place of seeking unification with God,  the place of the mystery of existence and therefore the central place of the history of our coming to know God as the redeemer of Israel. Its true nature is the place of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach. This “place” is the Temple of worship and prayer for eternity. 


    And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.

    ...sun or moon... In the eternal creation, all things are transformed in accordance with the resurrected bodies of the children of God. Spiritual light becomes, as it were, the physical light. 


    By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it, 

    ...By its light... The salvation of God is one for Israel and the nations, but the distinction is eternal with the testimony of praise. This, as we have begun to see, is the meaning of the wall that surrounds The New Jerusalem and the meaning of the gates of the wall. The eternal testimony of praise of Israel is one, and the eternal praise of the nations is another. In the Lamb they are melody and harmony.


    and its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there. 

    ...never shut... As above. The distinction is eternal but the gates are always open. Those whose testimony is harmony to the city's melody will never be hindered from coming into the city.


    They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations.

    ...they will bring... The grandeur of the nations is its gospel testimony to Israel’s salvation, which saves all creation. As they were in this world given grace that they might bring the children of Israel back to the Land of Their Inheritance, in accordance with the covenant of HaShem, so in the eternal world to come the will bring into the city the testimony of the grace that was given to them.


    But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

    ...nothing unclean...  We hear again the voice from eternity coming back to us to speak to our concern at this time in this present world. It is only because of our limited faith that there is a concern that there could be something unclean that might enter into the eternal city. Indeed, there might be in us the fear that something unclean might even remain in us, ourselves, and we might hope that nevertheless we could find our way into that city. We are told that we have nothing to fear, nor do we need to allow ourselves any false hope. All true hope will be fully purified. In the New Jerusalem, in the eternal creation, all that was unclean is gone. 

    As the New Jerusalem shall be only pure, so the way there from this world is made by God to be only pure. How do we know this? How do we understand this? As it is written:

    Only those written in the book of life are there.  Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. 

    Isaiah 34:7 And the dry place shall become a pool, and the thirsty place [shall become] springs of water; in the habitat of jackals, a resting place, a grassy place for reeds and rushes.

    Rashi: And the dry place shall become a pool: He who longs for salvation shall be saved. 

    Isaiah 34:8 And there shall be a highway and a road, and it shall be called the holy way; no unclean one shall traverse it, and it shall be for them; the traveler, even fools shall not go astray therein.

    Rashi: and it shall be for them: And that is the road of those blind, deaf, lame, and mute mentioned above. They shall travel on this road, and even if they are fools, they shall not go astray, for I will straighten it for them.

    Isaiah 34:9 No lion shall be there, nor shall a profligate beast ascend thereon, it shall not be found there; and the redeemed ones shall go.

    Rashi: a profligate beast: The boar out of the forest (80:14). There is none as profligate among the beasts as the boar, and also “the lions from his thicket” (Jer. 4:7), i.e., Nebuchadnezzar, shall not be found there.

    nor shall: ascend thereon: On that it is written (Ex. 18:20): “The way upon which they shall walk.” (Lit., on her.)  Comp. (Deut. 28:7) “In one road they shall come out to you.” 

    it shall not be found: any wild beast there.

    Isaiah 34:10 And the redeemed of Zion shall return, and they shall come to Zion with song, with joy of days of yore shall be upon their heads; they shall achieve gladness and joy, and sadness and sighing shall flee.

    Rashi: with joy of days of yore: (joy that is from days of yore, which they already experienced on the way of their Exodus from Egypt, “and the Lord was going before them by day” (Ex. 13:21).

    ..shall flee: The sadness and the sighing shall flee from them.

     By this we know from the testimony of the Holy Scriptures that as the eternal New Jerusalem is pure, so by the power of the grace of God the way from here to there is also made pure.

  • Revelation 22 >

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