These are the words.
May a Jew write the book
of the seven trees of life
in any language at all?
Is truth a scandal?
Secrets of the roots of the earth,
say the wise,
may be written in passing languages,
but the secrets of the heart and mind of Abraham
are the secrets of the roots of heaven
and may be written
only in the language of the Holy Blessed One.
Rabbi Gamaliel says:
even secrets of the roots of earth,
besides in the divine language,
may be written only in Greek,
to honor the one who was weak
but whose conscience was meek
in the days after Noah's flood.
Fluency is a Torah tongue,
as when the world will become young,
and on the banks of the river shall grow,
on this side of the crystal river and on that,
in the Garden of God's Throne,
the Seven Healing Trees,
with twelve different fruits.
They shall purify the lip of the nations.
They shall sooth the stammering tongue.
Their leaves shall be like honey
for the little children
and like milk to the aged.
For the Seven Healing Trees
shall not know the sun,
for they are lit from within
by the seven spirits of God.
And the forms of their leaves
are the forms of the letters
of the language of God.
And the fragrances of their twelve fruits
are the fragrances of the twelve gates
of the Temple of God.
All eternal souls come from their roots.
Prophecy is their only feeling.
Meekly they receive their healing.
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Copyright ©2010 Max Carl Kirk
From my site: The Poems of Max Carl Kirk