Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Meaning of Twelve and The Blessings for the Tribes No. 5

The Sealing of The Tribe of Dan and The Mystery of The Chariot

An Emblem of the Tribe of Dan
In the spirit of Ramban's comments (see previous posts) about the impossibility that Moshe would not bless the tribe of Simeon we can state that it is likewise impossible that Dan would not be sealed with the name of Hashem along with the other tribes.  There is a question as to what the sealing of the tribes actually means, and we will return to that question.  First we will look at the question of why Dan is not named here as one of the tribes.

Following the observations of Ramban we can begin by saying that it is necessary that there is always twelve tribes listed and this is followed everywhere in the Bible.  The first thing we must ask, then, is not why Dan is missing from the list given here but why Levi is included.

The list that is given here directly reflects the arrangement of the camp of the tribes of Israel in the wilderness, where we see now the full prophetic picture of the camp of Israel revealed.  It is not only a picture of a camp of twelve tribes, with three tribes in each of the four directions, it is a picture of the whole with the measure of complete communication within itself.  That is to say, the twelve tribes times the twelve channels of communication between all the tribes.  This is the measurement which forms the basis for the living city of Jerusalem to come, and is the reason for the names of the tribes and of the twelve messianic emissaries to the twelve tribes being associated with the foundation of the living Temple.

The four directions of spatial limitation mark the distinction between the Creator, who has no limitation, and the Creation.  The arrangement of the camp of Israel marks the nature of the relationship of the Creator with His Creation.  For when the Presence of the Creator moves the camp moves with the Presence.  When Israel walks in the Spirit it does not follow the evil inclination.  When the Presence of the Creator rests the camp of Israel rests.  In order to complete this calling of being, as it were, the chariot of the Presence of God, the tribes of Israel must be in perfect unity.

At the centre of each camp, East, South, West and North, there is one tribe and to the right and to the left of this tribe there is another tribe.  The tribe that is to the south of East is in dialogue with the tribe which is to the east of South, etc.  All tribes must be in perfect communication and unity with all the other tribes, as well as possessing internal unity themselves in order for Israel to follow or "carry" the Presence of God on the journey through the wilderness, moving in perfect order and resting in perfect order.  "Carrying" the Presence of God through all of time and history the degree of communication and unity must be on a much higher level.  This is the level indicated in Revelation chapter 7 by the number 12x12.  Every individual has a role and a position of walking in the Spirit, of following the Shekinah, not for themselves as an individual, but for the complete body of Israel.  Every possible position in relation to the four directions is covered and every possible line of communication between every possible position is covered, all in perfection of unity.

But in the wilderness Levi was not positioned in one of these four directions but was encamped in the very centre.  In this sense, it was Levi who was invisible in the arrangement.  Joseph had been made two tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh, for this purpose, in order that Israel might remain twelve when Levi became invisible in the centre.  Why did this occur?  Because Jacob saw that in the future the position of the firstborn in Israel would be lost and Levi would come to fill in for the firstborn.  Here now, in the   Book of the Revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach of Israel we see that Levi has come, in this picture of the chariot of the Presence of God, to be listed with all the other tribes.

This means that atonement has been made for the sin of the firstborn of Israel and the position at the centre can now be once again taken by the camp of the firstborn.  Still here in Revelation chapter 7 the full revelation of Mashiach to the world and the complete return of the Shekinah to Israel in the New Jerusalem has not yet come about, therefore, the final and eternal atonement that has been made for the firstborn in Israel is made known only to those who receive the seal of the name of the God of Israel in their forehead.  However, this atonement is indicated even to the world as a whole by Levi taking a position in marking the measure of the four directions along with the other tribes.  Where then is Dan?

By the same testimony it is indicated that all of the tribes have been made equally holy and have been all equally forgiven before God, so that they might, in the heavenly assembly, take by rotation the same position that Levi took in Levi's faithful witness to the promise of the atonement to come, at the centre of the tribes, where they are invisible to the count of the twelve tribes.  This, here, in revelation, is where the tribe of Dan is to be found.  The tribe at the centre must be sealed in their foreheads with the name of the God of Israel no less than the other tribes, but cannot be seen to be so by John because John is being shown the dimensions of the chariot of the Presence of the God of Israel moving through time to the closing of history.  Ephraim and Manasseh remain represented because the final stage of the revelation of the Mashiach is not yet come.  Ephraim is called Joseph because within this chariot of God which is the completely unified tribes of Israel the Mashiach is fully revealed.  At that time when he reigns upon the earth when the chariot is to be shown and seen from the angle of the history of redemption the tribes will openly rotate to the centre as they do in this measure of 12x12, and when the chariot is to be shown and seen from the angel of the future of the new creation Ephraim and Manasseh will both be measured together as Joseph and Mashiach will be seen to stand alone with the Shekinah at the centre of the camp of Israel.

Having begun to unfold this chapter and the sealing of the servants of God, it will now be possible for us to go on (to where we left off in previous posts) to the study of the relationship of the judgements in Egypt and the judgements upon all nations as given here in the Revelation of the Yehoshua the Mashiach of Israel.

<> } This completes the essential background studies.  One extended background study is linked below.

Proceed Directly To the first post in the primary series on Exodus-Revelation by linking here:  The First Seven Judgements In Exodus

This has been the final post in the sub-series on the sealing of the Tribe of Dan.  In this sub-series the concept has been introduced in another way that the redemption of Israel is the true theme of the revelation of Yehoshua the Mashiach and of the book by that name. Specifically, this redemption is the redemption of the firstborn and the right of the firstborn.

Adam was legally considered the firstborn of G-d by virtue of being first in creation.  See for example the genealogy of Yehoshua in the Book of Luke.  It is in the redemption of the firstborn in Israel that the sin of Adam is corporately rectified.  G-d willing, I will unfold this teaching from the book of Hebrews and from here in the Book of Revelation more extensively as we go along.

This sub-series has been written in support of the primary series on the relationship of the judgements in Exodus and the judgements in Revelation because the key to that study is the unfolding of the redemption of the firstborn in both books - and how the one book is the key to the other.

If you have been reading through these posts systematically and have already read the first two posts in the major Exodus-Revelation series, you will want to proceed from here to the next post in that series, the 3rd, here:  G-d Marks The Difference Between Two Firstborn

However, if you haven't read it, you may want to read this important interlude post first as an extended background study which I have provided for this series:  New Post on Mashiach Our soul.  (You will be able to link back to this series from there.)

Or you may not have read these studies in a systematic way and want to go to the beginning of the series and work your way back here by reading all the studies in order, following the links provided.  You may do that by linking from here:  Redemption Judgments

Updates on April 15, 2024

Announcement!  I have been building a new site for this work on Google Sites, entitled,   Hearing Yehoshua's Seven Thunders I have also ...