R' Avdimi from Chaifah said: From the day that the (first) Temple was destroyed, prophecy was taken from the prophets and given to sages. BT Bava Basra 12a
R' Yochanan said: From the day that the Holy Temple was destroyed, prophecy was taken from the prophets an given to deranged people and to children. BT Bava Basra 12b
Mar bar Rav Ashi heard a deranged person in the market saying that the head of the academy who was now being appointed in the city of Mechasya signed his name, Tavyumi, (Good Days). Although Mar bar Rav Ashi was not in position to be appointed head of the academy, he said to himself, "I sign my name, Tavymi, (Good Days)! From hearing this prophecy from the lips of a deranged person in the market Mar bar Rav Ashi then took confidence to initiate steps that did indeed lead to his becoming the head of the academy in the city of Mechasya at that time. (Ibid. See full account of this incident there.)
"At that time Yehoshua answered and said, I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hid these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them unto children." Matthew 11:25
Since the wisdom of G-d is hidden from the rebel world and must be revealed by prophecy to begin with, it is evident that it is not truly a step backwards for prophecy to cease and wisdom to be revealed only at the extremes of society, either to the most esoteric tzaddikim or to the deranged and to children. For once the wisdom of G-d is revealed to the rebel world by prophecy, when it is then removed it becomes clearly evident that it is the nature of wisdom in the rebel world to be concealed. And if prophetic insight only remains available to those at the extremes of society, to each extreme end according to its nature, then it is all the more evident that wisdom is by nature concealed from the normal rebel society of the world.
This is a step forward for the world in general and for the world receiving understanding and for the reconciliation of the world, specifically. For if wisdom is concealed from the world but this fact is utterly concealed itself, how great is that concealment? But if wisdom is concealed from the world and this fact itself begins to be revealed, then hope has come into the world.