HAGI — Human Artificial Global Intelligence
14 They [the ten rulers who give their allegiance to the beast] will make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those accompanying the Lamb are the called, chosen, and faithful.”
16 The ten horns that you saw, and the beast—these will hate the prostitute and make her desolate and naked. They will consume her flesh and burn her up with fire.
There is an apparent conflict between these two verses. At first it is stated that the ten rulers, who give their allegiance to the beast in order to form one world government, have the single objective of making war with the Lamb, that is to say, with Yehoshua the Messiah of Israel. But then it almost immediately follows that they, instead it seems, turn against the Great Spiritual Prostitute who has saddled the beast and been its rider. The Great Spiritual Prostitute would seem to be their ally. Why would they hate her and destroy her? The answer is given in the verse that immediately follows.
17 For God has put into their minds [the same ten rulers] to carry out his purpose by making a decision to give their royal power t the beast until the words of God are fulfilled.
What are the words of God to be fulfilled that are being referred to? These are those words referred to in Revelation 10:7.
But in the days when the seventh angel is about to blow his trumpet, the mystery of God is completed, just as he has proclaimed to his servants the prophets.
The Great Spiritual Prostitute has been able to ride on the back of the neck of the fourth empire, even from the time of the finished work of Mashiach, because of the concealment of the revelation of God's mystery. But at the time of the seventh shofar's sounding that mystery is revealed. The Great Spiritual Prostitute is then no longer able to deceive the nations with her spiritual seductions of pride and prosperity philosophies through many false prophets and false Christs. She will then be useless to the adversaries of the Lamb and for this reason they will despise her and turn against her to destroy her, having turned their allegiance from her as their ruler to the head of the beast himself.
When the ten rulers chose to do this, rather than repenting for having tried to erase the Jewish nation, they will have already defeated themselves. For the Jewish nation will then have been corrected for having any desire to touch the filthy wealth of this world of enmity with Hashem, the unclean thing, and will desire only the wealth of Hashem himself, his blessing, which is manna and not mammon. Therefore they will not worship the image of the beast. They will not unite their Jewish intelligence with the rest of the human intelligence which joins itself with the artificial intelligence of the image of the beast, (human artificial global intelligence). Accordingly, because the worship of this world's economy, the root of all evil, will have been fully irradicated from his people, Hashem will have no more use for the four empires of the beast, which he set up in power only to correct his people. Hashem having no more use for the beast, Mashiach will destroy it with a word at his coming.
Therefore let all those who love the redemption of Jerusalem rejoice when they see the destruction of the Great Spiritual Prostitute, when they see her exposed and then dismounted from the back of the neck of the beast. For when she is made to stand alone on her own two feet all her powers of seduction will vanish and all the powers of the enemies of the people of God will be made nothing.
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