Where is the advance of human empire and technique in the earth all coming too? Is there no final meeting place with God, where it will be determined who will ultimately rule over the world, God or the human race?
The human race as a whole does not acknowledge the God of the Bible or obey Him. A large percentage of the human race has submitted itself to the idea of God that is portrayed by the Koran. An even larger percentage has committed itself to the agnosticism of modern science. Many others have come to agnosticism or spiritualism through other notions.
There is a very large percentage that gives verbal acknowledgment to the God of the Bible through Christendom, but how many of the people that make up this large percentage are prepared to be martyrs, witnesses unto death in the service of the Creator's conflict with His world?
If God would allow the world to simply go on forever as it is, overturning nature, conquering even the moon and the stars, would not the human race continue forever to say that there is no God? Would they not continue forever to obey their own evil inclination, serving above all the principles of force and power and the consolidation of wealth, and not submitting to the righteousness of the rule of love?
There is a time and a place wherein God has drawn the line, and this shall be revealed in the world at just the right time. The God of the Bible shall take a stand before His children, all the children of the earth, as the God of Israel, and they shall not pass. They shall face Him and find no way around Him.
The human race as a whole does not acknowledge the God of the Bible or obey Him. A large percentage of the human race has submitted itself to the idea of God that is portrayed by the Koran. An even larger percentage has committed itself to the agnosticism of modern science. Many others have come to agnosticism or spiritualism through other notions.
There is a very large percentage that gives verbal acknowledgment to the God of the Bible through Christendom, but how many of the people that make up this large percentage are prepared to be martyrs, witnesses unto death in the service of the Creator's conflict with His world?
If God would allow the world to simply go on forever as it is, overturning nature, conquering even the moon and the stars, would not the human race continue forever to say that there is no God? Would they not continue forever to obey their own evil inclination, serving above all the principles of force and power and the consolidation of wealth, and not submitting to the righteousness of the rule of love?
There is a time and a place wherein God has drawn the line, and this shall be revealed in the world at just the right time. The God of the Bible shall take a stand before His children, all the children of the earth, as the God of Israel, and they shall not pass. They shall face Him and find no way around Him.