There is only one final way for the adamic mind to be freed from idolatrous concepts - belief in the redemption of the nation of Israel by Yehoshua HaMashiach. Every attempt to imagine this redemption with the natural adamic mind fails. God alone defines this redemption and defines Himself for His Creation for all eternity through this redemption. This is the very message of Yehoshua HaMashiach - the Messiah of Israel - the very message of his person and of his work.
Thus belief, or faith, in every human idea of the divine is hereby destroyed for the sake of its salvation through its redemption by the word of God in which He addresses that idea, whatever it may be. Belief in ideas, ideas of atonement, ideas of salvation, ideas of God as a means of salvation has been rightly criticised as being "easy believism," but belief in the act of God, the act of the eternal redemption of Israel, by which God Himself alone defines corporate Israel, is impossible without the empowerment of God's own Spirit. Therefore in the realm of truth there is no easy believism.
True Biblical belief is not merely a belief in something, in the sense of an idea, but belief in someone. It is impossible to listen to someone in truth without an open heart, a spirit of believing in them and of willingness to believe them. Yet, in order to listen to someone with an open willingness to believe them one must employ one's own experiences to form understandings to listen with. If one leans more to one's own understanding, ideas and knowledge when listening to someone else then one's belief is not as much in the speaker as in one's self.
As a result idolatry finally comes down to whether one believes more in one's own experiences of life when trying to listen to God or believes more in God's Self-Revelation. If one's heart believes more in God as the Speaker, then God's words ultimately interpret all of one's life experiences in ways that make it possible to fully understand what God says. If one believes more in one's own experience and what one knows already, then what one understands while listening is not truly submitted to God as the Speaker to use in revealing Himself. And therefore He is never fully revealed to someone who does not listen to Him with a heart that is open to believe in Him more than in itself.
This is why Israel is highly commended for responding to hearing God speak the Ten Words at Mount Sinai by saying, "We will do and we will hear!" In other words, by seeking to obey and follow these words from God we will learn fully how to hear them. We will let God's word interpret our lives rather than interpret God's word by what we think we know from our lives. We will not lean to our own understanding but we will acknowledge Him in all our ways and trust Him to direct our paths. And this is why Paul said, "If you acknowledge the Lord Yehoshua and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
In the final battle in the human heart with idolatry, which is a battle over which way we are going to lean, we are not going to lean toward believing more in God as the Speaker than toward our own selves and our own understanding as the listeners unless God lays claim to our very experience of life and existence itself, just as He laid claim to the experience of Israel in Egypt. This was God's good news which He declared for all time on Mount Sinai, the good news that He had laid claim to Israel's experience of life and existence in redeeming the nation from Egypt.
And this is God's good news that He declares in the Messiah for all eternity, that He has made Israel's redemption from the nations to transcend even death. And this is the good news for us to hear and be freed from leaning to our own understanding, that God has accomplished His work of corporate judgment upon Adam and has shown Adam mercy in redeeming a branch of Adam, even Israel, in order that all nations and all creatures may be saved from sin and death.
Even now the world is beginning to hear the good news of Israel's eternal redemption through Yehoshua her Messiah and be freed from the mind of idolatry. In the day when the seventh angel's blast upon his shofar has finished ringing in our ears the final sentence of the judge of all the earth will be spoken. Adam will tremble upon the earth but all fear comes from the sin of idolatry and the final idol within us, at that time, will be smashed, and we will listen and we will hear only the Word of God and as one world we will know the Good News.