Saturday, July 21, 2012

Revelation's Little Book | series post #5

BNEI BRAK, ISRAEL - APRIL 18:  Ultra-Orthodox ...
BNEI BRAK, ISRAEL - APRIL 18: Ultra-Orthodox Jews burn leavened items in a final preparation before the start at sundown of the Jewish Passover holiday on April 18, 2011 in Bnei Brak, Israel. All leavened food, such as bread, is forbidden to Jews during the week-long holiday, which commemorates the Israelites' hasty departure from Egypt. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
Mosaic of the 12 Tribes of Israel. From Givat ...
Mosaic of the 12 Tribes of Israel. From Givat Mordechai synagogue wall in Jerusalem. Top row, right to left: Reuben, Judah, Dan, Asher Middle: Simeon, Issachar, Naphtali, Joseph Bottom: Levi, Zebulun, Gad, Benjamin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Rev. 10:5   And the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven (6) and swore by him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it, that there would be no more delay, (7) but that in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.


The Concealment 

At The Core of The Revelation

<>>>> MCK notes:  That this event in the Revelation occurred where the Revelation itself was concealed and not written down for the world at large to read — and that we are told about this event occurring, this, for us, is the essence of the mystery.  Those who are able to hear the voice of the seven thunders will understand this.  Once again, the key to hearing the voice of the seven thunders and what they said, which was already written in the little scroll in the angel's hand, is to become attached to the prophetic calling of the Revelation of Israel's Mashiach.  It is to eat the little scroll.  In doing this, if you are someone who is called and commanded to eat the word of G-d, as in Yochanan 6, you will know that, as the reason for those judgments that came upon Egypt through Moshe was to deliver Israel from captivity, so these judgments which come through Yehoshua HaMashiach are to deliver Israel from captivity.  Knowing this, you will be able to begin to learn and understand the hidden side to each of the seven judgments.  Just as those who were attached to Moshe and Aaron were able to know the hidden side of the judgments in Egypt, from the side of Israel, so you will be able to hear and know what Yochanan was told not to write down.

As to what Yochanan did write down, we have a certainty that it will happen, because it is written.  What of this element of the Revelation that is not written down?  What certainty do we have that it will happen?  We have this certainty that is given here, that is written, the oath of the angel who delivered the Revelation of Yehoshua HaMashiach to Yochanan and to us.  In the days of the trumpet sound to be given by the seventh angel the mystery of G-d will be made fully known, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.

In Egypt, the mystery or secret of G-d had first to do with the hour of the redemption and with the identity of the redeemer.  Here also, in the final redemption the exact hour is kept secret and while it has already been given to Israel and to the world to know that the redeemer is Yehoshua, even so, it is too hard for Israel to believe this and too hard for the world not to misunderstand how this is so.  As a result, even though it is known it is not fully believed.  At the hour of the sounding of the seventh trumpet it will be fully believed as well as fully known — by all those who eat the word of G-d.  To this fact, the angel of the Revelation has sworn.

It is at this hour, of the sounding of the seventh trumpet, when it is made manifest, as it was made manifest at the time of the plague of Fire Hail in Egypt, that the G-d of Israel, in order to save Israel, could have easily annihilated all the nations with a plague, just as he did the livestock in Egypt.  But for the purpose of revealing the glory of his Name in all the world, through the redemption of Israel through his Anointed One, he preserved the nations alive in order to show them his judgments, his justice and his mercy.  When the trumpet begins to sound, this will be fully known and understood by all who eat the word of G-d.  The beginning of the revealing of the mystery of G-d will have begun in the world and will be irreversible.   By the time it has finished sounding the final seven bowls of judgment will have been poured out upon the earth, the mystery city of Babylon, through which Israel has been kept captive among the nations, as she was once kept captive in Egypt, will have been destroyed, and the fullness of the knowledge of her G-d will be made known in all the earth, through her Mashiach.

The Meaning of The Time of The Sounding of The Seventh Trumpet 

When the time came of the seventh judgment in Egypt, the time of the Fire Hail, the lines (which has already been established) between Goshen, where the children of Israel lived, and the rest of the land of Egypt was clearly drawn.  In this, it was made indisputably clear that the G-d who was bringing judgments upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt was the G-d of Israel.  Only by blessing Israel could Egypt be blessed.  The G-d of Israel would no longer tolerate Egypt trying to steal the blessing, as Laban before them had tried to steal the blessing, by keeping Israel captive.

During the time of the great woes the lines will again be clearly drawn between 'Goshen' and 'Egypt,' that is to say, between those people who eat the word of G-d on the one side and the seventy nations of the world who eat the word of the serpent and do not repent of blasphemy and idolatry through modern sorcery, murder, promiscuity, theft and injustice on the other hand, Rev. 9:20-21.  The children of Israel, of all the twelve tribes of Israel will have eaten the word of G-d and will be sealed in their foreheads with the Name of the G-d of Israel, so that they will not be harmed by the final judgments that come upon those whose life is corrupted by union with the demons of death.  This is the secret of the Name of G-d which he has whispered in the ear of Israel alone.

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Updates on April 15, 2024

Announcement!  I have been building a new site for this work on Google Sites, entitled,   Hearing Yehoshua's Seven Thunders I have also ...