This message is for the emissary, the apostolic priest, of the gathering called together at Pergamum. You are that star whom I hold in my right hand together with the others, to light the golden menorahs* among which I walk. These are my words to you, which come like a sharp two-edged sword. Receive this message and use it to strengthen the light of your menorah.
You live in the very place where the adversary tries to claim for himself. I know this place well. You have not allowed this to lessen your faith or your courage. You have stood firm in your confession of my name and of my faith in my Father. You were the ones who took action to testify to my faith, when one of yours, Antipas, was martyred because he spoke for you on my behalf.
Still, there is something that remains undone. You did not eradicate all of those who were found among you, who you, together with Antipas, stood up against, those who spoke cunningly like Balaam did, when he taught Balak, to attempt to compromise the children of Israel by becoming false, carnal converts, to lead them into idolatry and immorality. This is the teaching that seeks to corrupt and distort the identity of Israel.
This Balaamite advice from the adversary to those who live roundabout, that they should create false, carnal converts to join themselves to the Messianic gathering of the exiles of Israel, is aligned with the teaching of the Nicolaitans, which is that individuals should strive to become spiritual elites and that such elites should be the masters of those who have not reached their heights. You have failed to remove all such Nicolaitans from among you, as well.
Do not give up! Turn yourselves around and reapply yourselves to finish your testimony. Prepare for the bright and shining witness to which you have been called and which you can give! If you do not do this, if you do not finish this work yourself, I will come and do this for you. The sword of my mouth will become a weapon against them who tell lies on your left and on your right. This work will be done. It will be easier for you if you are the ones to do it.
You who hear this message from the Spirit know who you are. Listen carefully to what the Spirit says to each of the assemblies. Not everyone who counts themselves a member of an assembly, or does works in my name, hears and believes what the Spirit says. The one who overcomes their unbelief and obeys what the Spirit says will eat with me of the hidden manna that remains in heaven. And when they eat with me of that manna, I will give them a white stone with a name inscribed upon it that is shared only between them and me.
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