Sunday, May 31, 2009

Who We Are

Blue MarbleImage by acbo via Flickr

"I have not come to bring the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Yehoshua

Neither pride nor fear of condemnation cultivate repentance. We are the homeless, those who are spiritually disabled by sin, who do not condemn ourselves but hope for the Hand of Heaven to reach us and empower us with strength to enable us, with His Divine assistance, to restore our souls, to repair all damages and to build a holy character.

Why should we who have proven ourselves to be failures and have nothing in ourselves to justify pride have confidence to seek the path of repentance and righteousness instead of simply condemning ourselves as we rightly deserve? It is because the Most High is kind toward His unthankful and evil children and corrects with love those who are undeserving of love and who have left His home and have refused to be called His children.

What shall we say then? Shall we protest because we are they who have stolen their planet from its Maker and are rejected for dishonoring our Creator, who have destroyed the eternal potential of our lives and have made the earth itself homeless? No, we shall utter no protest. For us, the path of repentance can only be one of treating all people with the utter grace, the same grace as we desperately hope for ourselves. If we have enemies because we have abused ourselves and have become so irresponsible for our own souls that others feel burdened just to see us, or if we have enemies because we do not conceal the pitifulness of our case, then we, in following the path of repentance and correction can do only one thing.

We can only love and honor our enemies, for though their disdain for us would block us from the path of repentance if we allowed it to, our own self-defense against that disdain would only re-spark the dying embers of pride within us, which would also block us from the path of repentance. When adversity comes upon us we can only pray that it serves as a remedy to the affliction of our own evil inclination. Therefore we do not judge those who judge us but desire the same mercy that is shown to us will be shown to them. And because our path is too narrow for us to walk in and too steep for us to ascend upon, while we may have many teachers who are taught of God to help us, we can have only one shepherd to lead us, the one who came only for our sakes, only to lead sinners to repentance.

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